Cleansing & Banishing Week 3 : The Subtle Sorcerer

Female Jinn,
by Cjb1981
This was drawn on 9/11, 2023 of all dates.
Perhaps it’s fitting

Here we are. The final stage of the account helping that idiotic family. I really wanted to smack all of them in the face. And I swear if that moronic husband in the family kept opening his mouth, he was going to lose his teeth. So let’s finish this chapter of me working for morons again.

If you want to see the chronological decent into my case with this family, the first account is here. And the second account is here. This is the third and final account.

Spiritual War

Angels Vs Jinn,
during the Jinn War

If you read the first two accounts, you know that this was a pain in the ass. It’s a pain in the ass even to write this. I still mentally and emotionally tired recalling this and writing it down. The spirits helping me had succeeded in driving out the last of the fallen bastions in the house. Mr. Hippie is I call him, helped me ward everything.

He had a really strange experience in the house that initially made him question his sanity. He had seen a doppelgänger of the father of the family. Walk right in front of him out of no where. And vanish into the bathroom. He really did believe it was that man.

Only when he walked after him to ask him if the rest of the family was okay, did he realize no one was there.

So whatever skepticism he may have had of me before, was gone now. Now he believed. He ran down to me shaking like a leaf. At this point I just got tired of the bullshit. So I called on the Angels.

In fact I should have done that from the very beginning. I went to a spiritually clean place. And I did my own version of a burnt offering. With a bonfire made by the hippie and a roasted animal. We burned the animal for Adonai.

Again, this creature was already dead. We asked the butcher for the most recent animal. One who still had all the blood.

Adonai likes blood with his offerings. I felt a presence come down like a ball of lighting. I knew it was Adonai sending his Holy Spirit through the fire and smoke to eat. Then I did a Bibliomancy and asked if my sacrifice was accepted. The Archangel Metatron said it was.

And I asked if they would send down Angels on our behalf. Metatron responded,

“No sooner have you asked this, than the Lord of Hosts shall send down his luminaries to bind the Jinn with fetters. And drag them into the dark abyss. But this family will need more,”

I asked him out loud.

“What do I do?”

“Speak to the child,”

I already knew what he was talking about. The girl who I suspected was behind this whole mess. The one the family seemed to not want to discuss. I felt the ball lighting depart once the flames had finally died down. We took the remains of the animal offerings to a cemetery.

And we left it there with proper offerings. Specifically I had Mr. Hippie dig a hole under a tree that was tipped over. Apparently when the hurricane winds came here last time, it partially ripped this tree from it’s roots. The animal was buried underneath. And the tree was forced back on top of the grave.

To act as a marker. It was was hard to do. Even small trees can weigh a ton. But finally we got it done. In the Torah, remains of offerings had to be taken to graveyards or wastelands.

I blessed the animal ghost in the name of Asherah, or God the Mother. And by the time we got back to the house, things were better. We walked around the house. But I couldn’t feel anything. Even he said it felt like someone had used bleach to clean the home.

I did a divination with the Bible but Metatron stopped me. He told me what I already knew. His troops had swept the home clean as promised. I technically didn’t have to cleanse the house. Because his angelic flame burned everything out.

But just in case, I did a cleansing with lavender oil. I blessed the house. And then I used an ancient Sumerian barrier. Christians aren’t the only ones who use sealing prayers. And due to these beings being middle eastern, I used the oldest sealing I could find.

“Talisman, talisman,
boundary that cannot be taken away,
boundary that the Gods cannot pass,
barrier immovable,
which is opposed to malevolence!
Whether it be a wicked Utuq,
a wicked Alal,
a wicked Gigim,
a wicked God,
a wicked Maskim,
a phantom, a spectre,
a vampire,
an incubus,
a succubus,
a nightmare,
may the barrier of the God Ea stop him!”

Incantation against Demons,” from Book of Shadows

For this, I used incense to create the etheric barrier. Since the Sumerians believed some evil spirits, traveled by wind. Wind is both corporeal and incorporeal at the same time. I used the incense stick as a wand to command the directions in the name of Ea. I also asked that once here, anyone living here be they animal, human, or even animistic spirit, be protected and shielded.

That way nothing could enter the Dream world either. We cleansed and washed up. The Dumb ass husband called to see how much longer this would take. Apparently moving to the hotel didn’t work all the way. They slept better.

But were still being harassed. I took the phone away from the hippie and said,

“You can come in today if you like. Just finished erecting the last barrier for your home,”

The condescending dipshit laughed, and asked who talks like that.

“Anyone with an ounce of education. That’s why I don’t fit in with most people in Florida. You clearly don’t have that problem,”

He started to curse over the phone until his wife took it away. And I gave her the good news. She was ecstatic. So were the others. I could hear this moron whining and complaining at the other end of the room.

And his eldest told him to be quiet that at least I got the job done. I kind of chuckled to myself. This guy isn’t even respected by his own kids. He’s that much of a douche. I wanted to leave and go home.

But they wanted me to stay for one more night just in case. Even El Douche wanted that. He tried to pretend to be calm. But I could tell he was still shitting bricks being in his own home. So I agreed and slept on the couch.

And this time, the family dog did stay with me. That made them all smile. And a look of relief washed over the husband. As they walked around the house, they seemed to expect something to jump out at them. But were always relieved when nothing did.

They said it also felt quieter. That they heard noises similar to foot steps before. But they thought it was the house settling. Now they didn’t even hear that. Lord Metatron had done his work at the command of Adonai.

Now it was time for the uncomfortable part. I asked the family to sit down. And I said,

“Before I say anything. I need all of you to be honest with me and tell me what the hell was done by her,”

I pointed at the girl.

“I know you know, that this started with her. And I sensed it by myself. And then it was told to me by the spirit who cleaned your house today. So please tell me what it is. There’s no point in lying or doing cover ups,”

The husband fixed his wife a nasty look. Not because of me. It was more of an I told you so look. So I thought, it was your idea to hide this from me, not your husband. Now I understood why he was so aggressive and stressed all the time.

It wasn’t me. It was his misplaced anger towards his own wife. Still, he kept his words to himself. Instead he waited for her to speak.

“We didn’t think it was necessary to say out loud,”

(I tried to keep my mouth shut but)

“Lady, are you fucking shitting me? Imagine someone telling General McArthur they needed him to fight a force of invaders. But didn’t specify who they were. Or telling a doctor you’re sick, but not saying what the symptoms are. You had me chasing my own ass this whole time when you could have simply told me what was going on. And you!”

I pointed to the Hippie.

“You knew this whole freaking time what was happening didn’t you? And you didn’t see fit to tell me,”

He looked away from me.

“Now stop evading the question and answer please,”

Now the husband had this big shit eating grin on his face. It’s as if he wanted to say all those things before but couldn’t. Now he felt validated. I could tell, he was going to hold that one over her for a very long time. Good luck trying to win an argument with him now.

Despite the tension in the room, it felt good to know I was going to get the truth. So finally she explained. And man what a doozy this one was.

A Ghost Hunt Gone Wrong

From the article,
Protecting Florida’s Historic Cemeteries,”
The Florida Trust

Florida has an epidemic. One the whole country is suffering. Disrespect to our old cemeteries. To our graveyards. To our tombs and places of rest.

There’s a whole number of cemeteries in Florida that have been abandoned. And our local government is shit. They don’t even care about the living, much less the dead. It’s the price we pay for so called “freedom” under our mini Republican oligarchy. They didn’t mention the name of this cemetery.

Although I could probably guess which one they went to. It’s a historic black cemetery. Sacred especially to the Haitian community. It isn’t just famous because of how old it is. It’s famous because it’s falling apart. Graves are cracked wide open.

Exposing the bones of the dead. And to make it worse, there’s people who take advantage of this to perform rituals in the cemetery. Haitian Vodou. I practice American Voodoo (religion) and Hoodoo (magic). But I also make sure I respect all the spirits. And people shoving magical spells into open graves is not respectful.

I doubt they even leave proper offerings at these sites. I’m just an amateur necromancer. There’s still so much I have to learn and have not done. So I am not an authority on anything. But I view Necromancy as a divine obligation to the ancestors.

To protect them. To aid and help them. That’s why I am studying death midwifery. And working with ancestral spirits. I can’t fathom using people, even if they’re dead, like they don’t matter.

And doing so in a way that hurts their living families too. And sadly, that’s where I have to say that education begins at home. Because that was how this whole mess got started. This girl and her friends wanted to do a ghost hunt at this particular cemetery. They knew no one would be there.

And decided to go in the late afternoon. From 4pm till sunset. They figured they had less chance of bumping into someone that way. And they didn’t want to be caught out there at night. Now cemeteries are naturally liminal places.

But being there in the waning hours of light is pretty stupid. There are times of the day and the night that are Liminal. Where the whole world experiences a break with normal reality. And things can pass from place to place seamlessly. In Santeria, from sunset until dawn, these are the hours of the dead.

That’s why rituals and magic are forbidden at night time. Unless you’re trying to curse someone. There are some magics that are okay to do. But the Yoruba people in Nigeria, see it as a time when you cannot be involved in such things. Because it isn’t just the dead who roam the night.

But the spirits of evil. And your magic could attract, or become perverted by such spirits. So imagine being at a cemetery, a crossroads, or even the woods at night. You’re right at the gates of the spiritual world as they are opening up. And to make it worse, she was actively communicating with the dead.

Without protection. Without special prayers and rituals to act as a filter. Just bare bones naked in the spirit world. She might as well have been wearing neon lights and carried a sign announcing her presence. It was near sunset.

When they freaked out at a voice. They didn’t think it was a ghost. They thought it was a living person in the cemetery. That voice was loud. They said the voice and manner of speech sounded like a southern African American woman.

She and her two friends hid behind a tomb stone. And waited for whoever it was to go. It was then that they noticed there was something off about that voice. They couldn’t actually understand what she was saying. They said it sounded like a “vocal intonation”.

But they didn’t know where it was coming from. Or what was being said. Only that it was unsettling. They moved out of that cemetery slowly. But they heard something behind them.

Like someone was crushing a piece of tombstone under their foot. When they looked behind them there was nothing there. Finally they said they heard movement all around them. And they made a break for it. And when they turned around for the second time, they saw a dark shadowy silhouette of a woman.

Soon after that, things started happening to all three of them. Little things at first. Things accidentally falling and breaking. Arguments with friends. And horrible nightmares the three seemed to share.

Her friends ignored her out of the blue.

And she also saw and dreamt of this woman as well. The rotted woman as I have come to call her. The Ghul. I had asked if there was anything else that needed to be said. She said no, that was everything.

I needed rest. So I decided to do that. But also to explain the situation as I had seen it. I told them everything you have already read about in my other posts. They looked to the hippie for confirmation. He told them all he had witnessed as well.

I had mentioned how she tried to trick me into letting her in through the door. The hippie freaked. I forgot I never told him about that. He now knew he wasn’t being paranoid that night. That something really had been trying to get inside the house.

He confirmed to them that he had felt that. And stayed on guard all night. He looked at me nasty.

“Ah I see, the only who isn’t allowed to hide pertinent information is me,”

He fucked off after that. So now, the husband was finally convinced I wasn’t full of shit. Too many things I knew. And none of them had told me a single thing. The girl was silent.

And looked very humiliated. She was expecting a yelling. Instead, I told her we all needed some sleep. We’ll find out the truth in the morning.


How to make a scrutiny mirror,”
from Sacred Wicca

Next day, as soon as the Hippie cooked for us all, I got my ass out of there. They kept trying to guilt trip me that I wasn’t done yet. I informed them that to finish my investigation, I needed to be in a more controlled environment. So I left.

I rested for most, if not all the day. Ate light, food that would be considered sacred. Watched tv. Got my mind off of everything. The Terminalia had come. And all the really serious magic work was over.

I needed to wait for the night to come. Once I was well aligned, I took out my scrying mirror. To find out what the fuck was going on. And eventually I came to several conclusions. Chief among them, the spirits in the mirror reminded me that West African Vodoun, is often mixed with Islam.

The mystical variants of it like Sufi Islam. Fuck me. The woman was a Ghul as I had suspected. And the dark spirits the tree protected me from last time, were Ifrit. Those are a type of Jinn who live in the underworld.

There seem to be two different kinds of Ifrit. One version, are the original fallen jinn of Iblis. They have charred black skin due to the fires of Hell when they fell. But some humans who are murdered, come back from the dead as Ifrit. The exact process isn’t fully detailed.

But it’s mostly believed that the Ifrit sense the deaths of people. They know who is murdered. And they go to the bodies of the murdered dead. And attempt to curse their souls. So that they will become Ifrit.

Another interesting thing. The spirits in the mirror told me that Beelzebulb is the lord of the Ifrit. I did some independent research. There is nothing in books that confirm he is in charge of them all. But indeed, Islamic Demonology states that he is an Ifrit himself.

I remembered the black demonic flies on the first night who attacked me in my dreams. I remembered what his name means, “lord of the flies”. And I have been told before by spirits that Beelzebulb rules the dead. That he is a necromantic demon. Almost nothing online supports that.

I only found once source that confirmed it. And now I can’t remember where it is. But the spirits have never lied to me. And it all fits. Especially if Islam says he’s an Ifrit.

It stands to reason that he’s not just a demon of plagues and diseases. He really does rule the dead. After all, what transmits infectious disease faster than a rotting corpse? So far it all fit. I think someone left a cursed item in that cemetery. Or God forbid actually cursed the entire grounds.

Maybe offered up those souls to the demon. Combine that with an amateur ghost hunter. A broken down and possibly hexed cemetery. And all this happened around sunset. The time when the dead start to rise. Something kept echoing in my mind.

I heard a word, Māntrik. The word was familiar. It took me a while to realize I had read about it before. It took me forever to find the article. Because I kept spelling Mantrik without the ā.

But finally I found it. Here’s the best article on them. From the spiritual research foundation.

“The subtle-sorcerers (māntriks) are the topmost echelon in the hierarchy of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). They are forever working towards their goal of establishing their supremacy, (i.e. an order of unrighteousness) in all the subtle-regions as well as on the Earth region (Bhūlok). To achieve this, they are engaged in subtle-battle with the highest evolved beings from all the positive regions, including Satyalok. They work through the medium of other types of ghosts whom they use as slaves. They have an excellent subtle communication infrastructure in place wherein all the various types of ghosts are interconnected.

The moment any (evil) ghost is in need of spiritual black energy, it is automatically provided by the next order of ghost and so on. It is only towards the end, if the highest slave ghost is at the losing end, that a subtle-sorcerer would come into the picture. And that too only a lower level one and only in the capacity of providing more black energy. As subtle-sorcerers are an elite class of (evil) ghosts, they do not bother affecting average human beings on Earth region. Subtle-sorcerers reside in the regions of Hell from the 2nd region onwards.

Subtle-sorcerers are very cunning and highly skilled in scheming. They can get any activity done just by concentrating on the relevant thought during meditation. They strive constantly to establish total control on people in places that are conducive for furthering their objectives. Knowledgeable in illusory (māyāvi) science : They generate their illusory forms through meditation.

  • Subtle-sorcerers can acquire any form depending on what they are trying to achieve and how much they plan to expose themselves. They can also manifest in the physical form and take human or animal form.
  • Due to their immense spiritual energy they radiate an aura about them that is similar (equal) to that of a Saint,”
Subtle-sorcerer,” from the Spiritual Research Foundation in India
The description of what some of them look like, based on psychic descriptions

So I went back to the mirror and asked,

“You’re saying the Ghul is also a subtle sorcerer?”

“Yes” the spirits whispered.

Now the high level haunting made sense. This wasn’t your typical spirit. They picked up a damn Māntrik at that cemetery. It’s a place that such creatures would use as a base of operations. And they spend all this time engaged in spiritual warfare.

In Hindu demonology, like the demonologies of many religions, human souls can become demons. And Jinnis in Islam can be either of human or non human origin. So the Ghul was once a human. And in death it also achieved the status of a Māntrik. These may seem like contradictions.

Because these are two different religions, but spirits in the region can belong to several faiths. They’re indigenous spirits after all. But why would something so high, be involved with regular humans? I asked that question. And I saw an image of dark shadows that were trapped in vessels of some sort. I couldn’t tell what they were right away.

But I had one thought.

“Did they take something from that place?”

I heard them say yes. I checked the time, and I had been staring into the mirror for two hours. It was time to stop. It’s very dangerous to do this for too long. I dismissed the spirits.

Cleansed the mirror with an infusion of holy water and mugwort. As two of my former masters had taught me. I smudged the house clean. And did aspersions of holy water everywhere. I grounded and cleansed myself.

Then did a final cleansing with a uncrossing bath. When I got out, I felt like a thousand pounds had left me. I took copious notes on the whole thing so I wouldn’t forget. Then I headed for bed. The hippie texted me,

“Yo! You haven’t been in touch all day,”

“That’s been on purpose. I needed to relax and regenerate,”

He took a while to text back. I was about to turn the lights off when he did.

“We need to know that you finished,”

“No I haven’t. And I need them to stop riding me. Don’t you think I’ve done enough already?”

Now he was quiet. And let me sleep.

New Day

Yeshua or Isa (Jesus) driving out the Demonic Legion from the possessed man in the graveyard. It sort of looks like an Ifrit. Image is from Liberty Cygnus

Next day I woke up at 12pm. They woke me up. Being annoying as hell. I ordered breakfast. And took out my dog.

They called again.

“You people really have never heard of email or text have you?”

“Look we know you’re stressed but they just want closure,”

“You got time to listen?”

“Uh sure,”

“Are they there with you?”

“Yes” said the mother out loud. So I was on speaker. This family really annoys me. So they wanted closure, I gave it to them alright. After I got done explaining everything, I could hear a pin drop on the other side.

“So my breakfast is here, and I need to eat. Talk to you later,”

I clicked that phone hard. And turned my phone off. Basically forced them to have to email. And I took my sweet ass time doing it. Finally, around 4pm I emailed back.

Asked them if they had found whatever it was the children brought back with them from that cemetery. That was what the dark spirits were using. They kept trying to get me on the phone or even back there. Hard pass. They kept saying they took nothing.

I did a minor divination with simpler tools. And asked simple questions. Namely I asked,

“Did they take objects with them?”

The divination didn’t make sense. They kept saying that they had taken spirits with them. But without an object, how would they have taken a spirit? They weren’t witches. Or psychics. They were mayo as hell.

Then a thought entered my mind. Probably from the spirit I was asking,

“Are you saying they captured entities using a recording device?”

The divination then said,

“Devices” and “many”. Fuck. So this time I called the hippie from someone else’s phone. And I told him not to put me on speaker or tell them shit. Then I told him to ask the girl and her friends whether they used recording devices.

Without asking, he informed me that they did. And one of them had a picture of the strange silhouette that they saw before they left.

“Destroy the machines,”

“But their phones,,”

“They got money, they can afford it. They need to do a binding ritual with a preacher from a church. He has to bind the entities inside the objects so they can’t escape. Then destroy them. Smash them with hammers.

And state that as the cursed objects are smashed, they cannot return. Their tether to this world is broken,”

“How will their pastor do that?”

“If he’s any kind of religious authority, he will more or less have a prayer or some training in spiritual warfare. He’s got to bind the objects first. It’s the same thing they do when destroying any cursed object. Send the remains to be melted down somewhere afterwards.”

“Where are we going to find someone to do that?”

” That’s your problem. I’ve told you what you need to do. All of you then get blessed by the priest. And go to church for a while. You should be fine.”

That was the last day I had spoken with them. I recently got a message from them. They said it all went away as soon as the pastor (who did know the rituals) had bound the objects. In many cultures, spirits can be captured on film. As in literally.

It’s why many people don’t allow pictures of themselves to be taken. In really old cultures, the dead and other things could be trapped on film. Or even in audio recordings. One kid did a ghost box session with an app on his phone.

The girl didn’t know that one until she finally contacted them. The other one had been snapping weird images on her camera. And she herself had recorded everything on her phone. With the voice captured. I warned her against saving any of this shit for evidence.

So three phones were smashed to hell. But it all stopped. It’s not enough to destroy a spirit vessel. You have to bind the spirits so they don’t seek revenge once it’s done. The spirits were released and banished.

And the family got blessed. The Pastor had gone to their homes and done another blessing on top of mine. No biggie. That’s always good. They nailed wooden crosses on all corners of the house.

And added holy oil to the doors and windows. And it was done. Nothing came back to bother them. The Pastor was kind of annoyed they came to me for help. But I think even he knows he wouldn’t have been able to pull this off without help.

None of us have seen the rotted woman ever again. And now I’m trying not to help anyone ever again. I don’t know how I allowed myself to get wrapped in someone else’s bullshit. Again. I just don’t fucking learn.

Oh well, the Hippie paid some of my debts for me. And he said he was no longer skeptical. That now he would learn to protect himself. So all in all, not bad all the way. At least something good came of all of this.


– M

Cleansing & Banishing Week 2 : The Rotted Woman

Her eyes, if she had any, were dark like the empty void of space,”

I apologize for not having written this sooner. But I’m still in deep recovery from what was going on in that house. Not since my very first haunted house (that I lived in) have I ever uncovered activity this bad before. So we last left off with me encountering a nasty force in the client’s home. What we discovered was that it seemed to be an entity that was connected to plagues and death.

It took the form of flies in my dreams. I thought that would be the worst of the infestation. I was wrong.

The Spirit Guide

Tree Spirit” by Pauline Moss

I entered the world of dreams again. This time I went a little farther. I felt I still wasn’t getting to the heart of the matter. I entered the dream realm by actual sleep. But I only entered at the surface level.

I felt like I had reached the limit I could go by myself. There was some kind of fire wall in there keeping me out. I had to go deeper if I was to confront and remove whatever this was. I decided to lower my protections. To lower the barrier between my mind and the astral realm.

Let something come attack me. My spirits weren’t too happy about that. But they know me only too well. So instead they advised me on how better to prepare for the situation. And for that, I needed a guide.

So there’s a sort of mini forrest nearby. It’s not a forrest by our standards. It’s a park. With a lot of foliage. But there’s a tunnel like grove of trees there.

“There, that park. Find a parking spot and let’s go,”

My new hippie friend was acting as my chauffeur. This was the closest location to the house.

“Bro, no offense, but don’t you witchy types find spirit guides in the glades? This is kinda low rent don’t you think?”

“There’s energy everywhere friend,” I said. “But if we go all the way to the Everglades, we’re not likely to find a guide who is well versed with this area. What we need is someone from here,”

He shook his head. But I wasn’t sure if he understood. Or if he was still skeptical. We walked into the small grove shaded by the trees. Some lady looked at him (looking like he walked out of an Ali Baba and the 40 thieves movie).

For all of you readers, that comment is going to be so ironic and so telling of the future.

And me just randomly carrying a big ass bag with me. And him a huge water container. She probably thought I was his dealer or something. She would be more scandalized if she knew what we had actually come there to do. I took a water bottle and dropped a libation of pure, clean, water.

I asked the grass to guide me to the right tree. The hippie looked at me like I had lost my shit. Which made me chuckle.

“Bare with me,”

From :
Napi Remeny

I kept hearing the voices of the grass. Leading me all the way to one specific tree. It looked different than the other trees. In fact I could tell that this must be the last of the trees that must have grown here naturally. The others were a newer and non native species.

“We’re here,”

The hippie didn’t like the tree. I kind of understood, because there was something odd about it. It was all withered and alive somehow. Alive almost the way a human can be. I can’t really explain it.

This is what the tree sort of looked like,

An ancient oak tree in Safety Harbor Florida, it’s been here since before European colonization of the land

In Yoruba religion, we’re taught that some trees like the Iroko tree have human or non human spirits in them. Spirits that are separate from the trees themselves or even a part of them. Even Gods could live inside of them. Or Gods that are them. Imagine a tree that was also a God.

I mean it makes sense doesn’t it? The Abrahamic God has appeared as a burning Bush. Or a fire in the sky. Or a voice or even a dove coming down as the holy spirit. Gods can be anyone. Be anything.

Iroko was killed by Iku, the Orisha (God) of death. And Iku cast a spell on him, that brought him back to life. As the first Iroko tree. Our Yoruba tree of life. And a brand new Orisha.

That’s why no one in Nigeria goes near that tree or tries to chop it down. It’s spooky. They say you can hear his voice if you get close enough to the tree. And the Iroko Man will come out of the tree and drive you crazy or kill you. This tree did feel odd.

And the truth was, I couldn’t tell if it was alive or dead by looking at it. I just knew that it exuded a kind of power. So I sat with my spine against the trunk and grounded. And then did the meditation my medicine woman taught me. I entered the spirit world.

Gradually the world around me vanished. And I saw a whole grove full of trees that looked just like this one. Only they were younger. More beautiful. I saw the day the city destroyed the grove.

I felt the sadness of this tree. I was in it’s mind. Experiencing its memories. And then heard it speak.

“How dare you enter the spirit with me? You are unworthy just like all your species,”

I felt anger and grief inside this poor tree. So I replied,

“I can’t debate you on that. Because you’re right. Humanity is unworthy. Except maybe those who try to live differently. I’m not here to grovel. I have come to ask you what kind of offerings you like,”

He/she/it seemed confused. As if it was expecting me to try and hurt it or exploit it.

“It’s true that I have come to ask for help. But I am not here to use you against your will. If you don’t want to help me, simply tell me what you like as an offering. And I will give it to you. And then take my leave,”

I felt an odd vibration. Which I assume means the tree was meditating on it. Then I saw images of what I had brought with me for the tree. The tree was looking into my mind. Seeing what I had brought.

It really wanted a drink. So before it could finish, I asked my hippie friend to feed it water. Till I told him to stop.

“Damn this shit is heavy,” he said. “Was it necessary to bring a damn water cooler?”

(I chuckled at that)

“Yes”, I could hear the tree, “It is,”

I could feel the tree illuminate. I had blessed the water before hand. Infused it with energy and holiness. So that not only would the cool water feed the tree. But also it’s spirit.

And in doing so feed the spirits of the trees and soil there. I performed a serious dedication ritual over the water. Stating that whatever was watered with it, would be dedicated to the Gods and their spirits. And also the original indigenous spirits of the land as well. When all was said and done, I could feel the tree spiritually regenerate.

As if burned flesh were being renewed before my eyes.

Stop,” it said this word with force. With such authority. There was gravity to his command now. It choose the voice of a man to speak this time. Before it was just a myriad of voices. Or perhaps I was hearing it’s guardian spirit.

“Go and feed the others,”

I said to my companion. Though I can’t tell you if that was really me talking or the tree through me. Or some weird hybrid of both. I think I was beginning to annoy the hippie. Not that I blame him. That water cooler was heavy.

He fed all of the trees. I could tell the tree wanted to ask me for the other offerings. But he was kind of embarrassed. He didn’t need to. I had not come to be a leach.

“Brother, I know I annoy you. But do you think you could put the pebbles on every tree. Including this one?”

He said nothing. Just did as I had asked. The pebbles you could get in any dollar store. They’re small bags. Raw stones that people polish down into pebbles.

It’s better than stealing rocks from other places.

I individually cleansed and blessed each bag for a week. And then prayed over them. Asking that whatever God or spirit the trees or places serve, use the stones as avatars. We helped make a tree sanctuary. They would have been happy with the stones themselves. Trees like to be decorated and fussed over.

But this was better. It would allow the spirits and the Gods to transmit whatever help or blessings these trees needed. By acting as the antenna for the divine. As talismans and amulets for them to act. I wanted to bring red mulch as well but I could tell my companion wasn’t in the mood for that.

When it was done, I could feel the divine powers descending from their world. And entering those stones. And simply by being there, the native spirits and the heavenly spirits began to emerge. Meanwhile I prayed outloud. Declaring that as these stones were laid down, this place was now a sanctuary to the Gods.

I could feel the peace there. Though my friend didn’t seem to notice a change. I think he was just tired. I bet he never expected spirituality to be so active lol. I was about to leave the tree behind after saying my goodbyes.

But the tree stopped me.

“You came here to ask for help, tell me what you need,”

Piercing the Veil

He entered my mind. And I felt myself get dizzy. I felt as if he had entered my skull. Going under the scalp itself. Burrowing deeper and deeper into my psyche.

It was a tree root. One massive spiritual tree root. It touched my entire nervous system. Hippie asked me if I was okay. I told him not to pay any attention, just to let me do this.

I felt myself almost falling asleep. But I remained in that level between sleep and waking. Then he stopped abruptly.

“I don’t know why you decided to enter this place. But I will grant you safe passage. Tonight as you rest you will enter the spirit. But you must beware. This won’t work all the way. You need to be on your guard,”

I felt my head bow down in rest and I said,

“Thank you,” and woke up.

“Who were you talking to?” Hippie asked.

“The spirit guide,”

I was tired. That was good. I needed to be tired to enter an exhaust trance. And get to work. I didn’t tell him the spirit guide was the tree.

I wasn’t going to bother telling him that everything is a spirit. We went home and I bathed and cleansed. He made sandwiches for us both. When I finished the cleansing bath, I showered afterwards.

The Rotted Woman

I ate lightly. Then slept on the bed again. Wrapped in a comforter I had brought. I was so tired. I said all of my protective prayers ahead of time.

And put some charms on. I asked my spirits silently in prayer to shield my body while I entered the other side. The hippie came in the room with me.

“What made you change your mind?”

“I think I can handle Casper,”

(Dumbass 🤦‍♂️)

I think he was skeptical of me after today. After all he witnessed me listening to grass and talking to a tree. Must have thought I was a burnout or something. And that nothing would manifest because it was all in my head. Big mistake.

“At least use some spiritual protection,”

He took out a cross from around his neck. I tried not to smile. Okay brother, if you think that’s enough, then enjoy. “Let’s get go to sleep then,” And kick over a bee’s nest while we’re at it. I thought.

The void of dreams

I can’t remember when I fell asleep. Only the vague sensation of leaving my body. The spirits protected my physical form. I took flight into the other world. And I saw the tree.

Actually it was weirder than that.

It looked like a barn inside of the tree. Jesus I thought. This is what the spirit guide really looks like on the other side. This is how big it really is. How much more powerful it is.

It was beyond my power. Beyond my comprehension. We see something on Earth. And we judge it by its size here. By what it can or can’t do in our reality.

Completely unaware of its true power. Of what it truly is. Or what it can do. Compared to this being, I was as insignificant as the minerals in the soil. Probably less than that.

From :

It was night. And I was being ushered into the tree barn. By a man and a woman. They screamed at me “hurry!”. And I flew into the window.

They sealed the window as fast as they could. Though the window was heavier on the inside. Like iron, so they had trouble forcing it down. They were afraid. And after I looked behind me, I could see why they were so scared.

Shadows. That’s the only thing I could think of.

These things were right behind me. And I couldn’t hear them much less see them or sense them. And somehow they hadn’t reached me either. I had no idea who these two people in my dreams were. If they were spirits, or other dreamers like night workers.

But whoever they were, they protected me. And sealed the window shut. I could hear and feel the pounding on the window. But the iron remained unmoved. Then I felt the tree move.

Not physically but some other way. Almost like it teleported. Or perhaps phased out of existence. And the pounding stopped. I knew that we had departed.

Gone elsewhere else. Looking back now, I think the tree sent these people to me. They kept me shielded. I also think, that this wall of shadow people, was what blocked me from entering the spirit world. They must be the soldiers for whatever the master spirit is.

I remember thinking in the dream. The main theme of these spirits seem to always be plagues and dead things. All of this keeps coming up. The same themes. Decay.

Death. Desolation. How did such a white bread family end up with this? The husband is as spicy as mayo. And the rest of the family was so (seemingly) normal it was painful. Then I remembered how shady the family was.

They clearly hadn’t told me everything.

I remember speaking to several spirits inside the barn. The barn looked like an opera house on the inside. And there were lots of people I spoke to. But I couldn’t remember what it was they had told me. What I knew is that the place was a bunker.

Nothing could get inside. When I finally left, I was teleported out. Or rather it was the tree who left me behind. It felt like it teleported without me. I was somewhere familiar.

Little Havana here in Miami. I saw a tall woman, legs so long that I thought they were stilts at first. Until I saw that she wasn’t falling or losing balance. There was something really weird about them. Disturbing, like the legs were only half created.

Leaning Woman Ghost

She looked like Yemaya. But I was dead wrong. This abomination in front of me was not the Orisha Yemaya. That was just a trick to deceive me. And I fell for it.

This thing was able to send spirits to attack me. The attacks lasted days after this encounter. Later I realized from one of my masters that a portal had been opened. One similar to a Quija board. I had a “dream gate” that allowed things to come to me.

It wasn’t inside of me but outside of my body. I had to be put into a meditative state and allow my friends to cleanse me from the inside out. Close the doorway and banish what was there. I was so pissed. But not as pissed off as this thing was.

Once it tried to come back. And found the door was closed. It took me a few days to finally figure out what had deceived me. But I finally got it. It was a Si’lat.

A female ghul. One of the Shayateen. Jinnis who are demonic. Ghuls are snatchers, spirits who lead you into a trap and then take you. After I broke her connection, she tried to come at me again.

The Hippie had some bad nightmares in that room with me for days. And finally went back to the couch. He couldn’t handle the worst of the attack. I’m surprised he resisted as long as he did. I’m not sure I could have without my backup.

This monster forced me into a nightmare she could control.

In Islam demons are not fallen angels. They’re fallen jinn. Islam teaches that angels don’t have free will. So they can never rebel against God. The Jinn were created from a substance called vril (smokeless fire).

And like humans, they can rebel. Their civilization on Earth was misled by Iblis (Satan). Who was the first evil Jinn. He caused a civil war on Earth when God created humanity and declared Adam a superior creation. So he commanded his other creations to bow before Adam.

As a sign of respect towards his new creation. But neither Iblis nor any of the other jinn were happy with this. They felt betrayed by their maker. Furthermore, Iblis scoffed at the idea that Adam was superior. Stating that Adam was made from clay, and thus inferior.

Iblis also known as Shaytan

He claimed their powers alone made them superior to humanity. And so he led a rebellion. He was named Shaytan which comes from Ha-Satan (the adversary) or enemy of God. His followers called themselves the Shayateen (the Satans) in his honor. So he called himself Iblis (The Satan).

The original adversary against God. They led an armed assault against God’s armies. But mighty as they were, they still fell. Angels are naturally stronger than jinn. So they defeated them easily.

Now, not all jinn were Shayateen. But because most of them hadn’t tried to stop Iblis either, God destroyed their civilization. Regular jinn were forced into exile in an alternate earth. The ones who stayed behind, were forced to live in ruins. And other desolate, abandoned places.

Some even live in cemeteries or broken down houses. But the Prophet Muhammad came to the jinn many years later. And preached the Koran to them. So those jinn who were not evil, were given a second chance to enter paradise like humans. And so there are the faithful or good Jinn loyal to God.

The Shayateen

And then there are the infidels that serve Iblis. Among the Shayateen, there are a type of demons called Ghuls. The original ghouls actually predate Islam by thousands of years. They were Sumerian, called Gallu, and were all male demons. Lustful.

Jinn are beings of smokeless fire, they’re master shape shifters, they can appear as humans, human animal hybrids, or in some cases they can mutate their forms like this. The image comes from Harold Davis on his Digital Field Guide website. Titled Spirits of the Night, this is disturbingly close to how some Jinnis have appeared to me. Primarily, demonic jinn

Constantly wanting to mate with human women. But in Islam, some ghuls are female. I’ve heard some people claim they’re the spirits of dead sex workers. And others who say that they are completely non human in origin.

In the original hadiths, ghuls were not human at all. They were a species of jinn called marids. Who were burned when trying to enter Heaven. They became deformed and insane. And their skins were charred black.

The many forms of the Jinn

Other people claim that the Jinn can recruit from among humanity.

So the idea they might be dead women may actually be accurate. Some became vampire-like creatures in death. Many being similar to succubi though not always. And while they are sent to feed on the dead, they can and do feed on the living. The Si’la are referred to as “Hags”.

Which also means they’re witch-like demons. Evil witches. Not good witches. And some are so human like that they can pass themselves off as living people. Even marry and bare children.

Obviously, these female demons are very alluring. They’re said to be children of Lilith. When they feed on living people, it’s usually soldiers dying on the battle field. Or refugees crossing borders. Lots of food for them.

And no one the wiser. They have other ways of luring prey. Often exuding a supernatural pheromone. Which only the most righteous people are immune to. This is how they lead men and women to their deaths.

But like all spirits, and especially Lilith’s children, they have great psychic powers. And they can distort perceptions of reality. Jinn good and bad are specialists in this case. So she must have probed my mind. And saw that I’m a Santero.

Another example of the forms they take

And took Yemaya’s form to fool me. My Niiji friend who practiced magic, was the one who figured her out. He said she was a strange entity similar to La Llorona or the wailing woman. An entity that died in a river somewhere. And then rose from the dead as this thing.

From the Islamic perspective, she could be both types of creatures at once. As for Muslims, all Supernatural creatures could be considered jinn. And a Llorona could fall into the jinn archetype just fine. Ghuls aren’t mentioned in the Koran. But in the hadiths which are the folkloric tales of Islam.

She paid me a visit. And she wasn’t happy with me.

Do you know what a Yurei looks like? It’s a Japanese vengeance ghost. They look like the girl from the ring. I saw something similar to that. Only she wasn’t Japanese. Right from the start the dream was off.

It was in black and white. I dreamed that I was with the whole family and the neighbor. Even the dog was there. I was sleeping on the couch when the family woke me up. There was a radio broadcast warning people to seal their doors and windows.

And not to let anyone in their homes. Because a strange woman and other people were coming. They were knocking on doors trying to get people to let them in. And I think there was mention of hypnotic powers. They used this to sucker people into opening the doors to let them all in.

And that’s when I heard the knock at the door. No one made a sound. Not even the dog. Everyone was petrified inside. Including me.

They were all freaked. But the 15 year old more than anyone. I tried to bury my feelings and not show I was scared. Though I’m sure I didn’t do a good job of it. I walked gently to the door.

I looked through the peephole. And I saw the shadowy silhouette of a woman.

A brunette. Or at least I think she was a brunette. The truth is her hair could have been any color. But it was so pitch black out there I wouldn’t have been able to know for sure. And I couldn’t tell at first if she were a demon or a ghost or something in between.

She was a half rotting corpse of a woman.

This is actually an image of the Goddess Hela I found online, but it was the closest depiction I could find to what this woman in my dreams looked like. Of course the “real” world version of her is more terrifying than a mere picture could depict.

She was beautiful in life. That was obvious from the part that wasn’t rotting. Her lower jaw was either missing or covered in so much blood I couldn’t see it. Couldn’t tell. Or maybe it was the shadow that cloaked her.

Her eyes, if she had any, were as dark and empty as the void of space. She kept talking in this creepy voice trying to get me to let her in. But I wouldn’t. I was able to look through the peephole without putting my feet on the mat. Because somehow she could look inside through the cracks on the door.

And like an idiot I accidentally looked into her eyes. It was as if she were willing me to do it. By planting a suggestion in my head. That I was curious and wanted to see if she could control me. Thoughts I would never think.

My spirit guides spoke in my mind and said 

“She can’t enter because of the hearth cross you placed in the kitchen window,”

It’s true. For this family, I made a hearthe cross. I wasn’t sure why I did it. Basically, in Gemma Gary’s book The Black Toad, I learned that the English witches made crosses from whatever was in their kitchen. They would create and bless a special cross to protect against black magic.

Because the hearthe is the center of the home. So if you ward the hearthe, the home is likewise protected. The one I created is stronger. I put the St. Benedict exorcism prayer on it. Even her hypnotism seemed to be weakened to the point of being nullified.

All she could do was make me look into her eyes. But apart from that, she could t force me to open the door. I suddenly woke up. It was pitch black. But otherwise, I was fine.

Now I had to work. I had the strongest feeling that this “woman” or thing, whatever she was, was at the door that night.

My Hippie chaperone said that he was paranoid that night. He covered all the windows and made sure the doors were locked. He had the odd sensation that someone was watching him. And he was afraid of a burglary. I didn’t tell him of the night’s events right away. He clearly thought it was just regular paranoia.


My Catholic confirmation Bible. This has been my faithful friend for years. As the pages have fallen off, I use the Bible paper for all manner of spells.

I won’t bore you with the details. I’m sure I do that already. Bibliomancy is a form of divination that uses books to know answers. Specifically, Bibliomancy is the use of sacred books or spell books. Or books on a spiritual subject matter.

So I did a Hebrew-Catholic ritual. Cleansed and uncrossed myself. And asked for divine revelations. I asked what this abomination was that came to me in my dreams. What I got was this,

When I read that, I got all sorts of strange feelings and visions. Concerning the Succubi. Daughters of Lilith. I asked if I was right concerning that this thing is a Si’lat and not just a normal demon. And I got Isaiah 34.

I won’t quote the whole thing. But long story short, it mentions Adonai being angry with nations. And unleashing his wrath upon them for rebelling against them. Which led me to believe someone in this family had done something bad. But then it talks about how he leaves civilizations in total desolations.

Like cemeteries. What really caught my attention was this part.

It’s said that this part of the Bible (according to Hebrew scholars ) isn’t talking about animals. But demons. The main belief is that when Adonai (or any God or Goddess really) abandons someone, they become forsaken. And evil spirits can haunt them. And in the Bible, demons and even angels can sometimes appear as animals or animal headed humanoids.

Which is a common theme in a lot of middle eastern civilizations. A small note from the Hebrew scholars concerning this text.

The “screech owl” is another name for Lilith herself. Because in ancient Sumer, and even Palestine owls are sacred to her. And she frequently takes this form when she hunts for human blood. I got my confirmation that she’s a ghul from that text. But more importantly, I believe this whole thing was alluding to someone pissing God off.

That someone had purposely invited something dark into the house. And that is why I have been having such a hard time driving this shit away. As I continued the Bibliomancy, they began to give me more details. I’m certain the 15 year girl is responsible somehow. She did something.

Spirit of the Night
Fine Art America

Concerning the ghul and the dream I had, spirits told me that she projected herself into the front door and tried to enter. But couldn’t because of the hearthe cross. That’s when she tried to get my “permission” in the dreams to enter the home. Because if I allowed her entry there, the barrier would have fallen. But my spirits were with me.

I did a targeted banishing with help from some friends. Including a friend who is a dark mage. Well, calling him a “friend” is an overstatement. We’re allies when it’s convenient. He takes cursed objects off my hands.

He likes to use them for his temple. In this case he helped me extract this thing. He wanted to use it as his demonic familiar. His servitor. He astral projected and hunted her down with his animal guide.

Meanwhile I performed a closing ritual. And I reversed whatever was done to bring this shit in. The hippie kept getting his ass kicked for a week. They kept making him break stuff. At first he said it was just coincidence.

But little by little random occurrences stopped being random. At one point he went outside. And the wire fence started to fall apart. Now you probably think oh well it was probably old and not kept in good condition. You’d be wrong.

The husband in the family is a freak about home repair and decor. And this fence like everything, was kept in good condition. And relatively new. And it only broke in the places where this guy was walking. Imagine that he walked from point A all the way down to Z, and as he walked along the fence, it started to unravel.

Finally, the entire thing fell down. I told him not to walk so close to it. Because whatever was on him was tearing shit apart. And he just told me to stop being superstitious. Then his phone screen broke inside his pocket.

And his hand was bloodied from the glass. He hadn’t felt or heard anything pop. That was enough for him to admit something was off. He finally agreed to do a banishing ritual with me. I smudged again, and cleansed with aspersions of holy water.

We also did a physical cleaning of the house. He managed to repair the fence. And after looking at it, admitted there was no reason for it to fall apart like that. I burned the sage on the abalone shell and prayed,

“In the name of the Great Spirit you are hereby forced to leave this man. Leave his body. Leave his soul. Leave his mind. Do not enter his dreams anymore. I command you to depart, go to the foot of the Great Spirit, who is Lord over all,”

It took a while longer for the evil spirit to leave. But when it did, he said he felt a thousand pounds lighter. And the surroundings also felt lighter. He was so tired he didn’t want to take a shower.

“You should, cause bad spirits love it when people and places are dirty,”

That’s all it took. I gave him some lavender oil to bathe in before showering. And when he came out he was in better shape. His personality went back to being nice and chill. He stopped acting like an ass.

Looking back on it, we both agreed he was being influenced. The banishing was fine. So was the reversal. Now we just needed to do an intervention with this family and see what else was needed. And here I end this chapter of the account.

It was long just to write this. Even longer to try and edit it. I apologize for the typos. But just reliving this in my writings is tiring as hell. I’ll come back with the final chapter another day. Take care,

– M

Cleansing & Banishing Week 1 : The Triumph of Death

Plague art depicting the dead during the Black Plague via CVLT Nation

I don’t even know where to begin. But I did this for the benefit of everyone who reads my blog. Instead of making one giant monstrosity of a post, I will brake it down into parts. So now I am left with figuring out how to write this. So where do I begin?

Week 1 : Weird Ass Shit

I hate this thing, no this isn’t an actual picture of the clock. I wouldn’t post that anywhere online.

So this family asked if I could stay at their house for a week or two. It ended up being slightly longer than that. In fact I celebrated the entire Parentalia over there. Figuring I could tap into the power of the ancestors to help out. And banish what was there.

That also means I spent Valentine’s with one of the most dysfunctional families ever. A lot of weird shit happened. I am not allowed to say how I was contacted. I am not allowed to even make up names for the family members. Yes they’re that paranoid.

But I let them know I write of my experiences. And while the husband was upset (more on him later) I let him know I don’t give a fuck. He was lucky I was even there to put up with them. That is the least they could do. So he can kiss my ass.

I get the feeling that maybe they have a reason to be so paranoid after all. That family is shady as fuck. I wasn’t comfortable being there at all. They weren’t delinquents or anything like that. I wasn’t afraid of being stabbed.

But it’s hard to focus on paranormal activity, when you’re surrounded by people who aren’t truthful. So I show up at around noon. I asked where most of the spirit activity was manifesting. And when. They said at night and all over the house. So I choose to sleep on the couch even though they had a guest room.

This is the center for energy, the common ground for everyone living there. And there I made my stand. The family dog liked me. But would not stay with me. They said that was strange.

Fly swarm, via YouTube

When I asked them to elaborate they wouldn’t tell me shit. Because they were testing me to see if I was for real or not. Just fyi. If you want someone to help you, don’t bullshit them. Or beat around the bush.

I have seen skeptics who need help do this to the mediums and others they hire. To “test them”. You can test my balls on a hot day in Hell. Don’t waste my fucking time. I damn near almost left.

And even now I still get the weird feeling they didn’t tell me everything. Normally I’d tell them to go fuck themselves. But they have kids ages 6 to 17. And a sweet pooch who was afraid all of the time. What could I do?

But here’s one of the ways in which not telling me the info I needed caused this to be such a lengthy fucking problem. The activity started in the master bedroom. It would have been nice to know that instead of wasting my time playing psychic catch-up. The Mom didn’t say anything to me. Hell she hadn’t said anything to anyone.

Because she assumed that it was her imagination. And didn’t want to worry anyone. But for a week before the incident I am about to talk about, she felt goosebumps in the bathroom. So did the husband.

(A testosterone filled skeptic douche bag, who felt the need to mock my faith)

The 15 yr sister was was in the bathroom making a video of her trying a dress on. It was for her friend. And explaining fashion stuff like she was an influencer. When she entered the bathroom and recorded the video, this weird black shadow that looked almost like a person crossed right in front of her. It happened on video while she was recording it live.

It wasn’t a case of looking back at video evidence and seeing it afterwards. Then the same shadow was right back in the same spot it was before. And it kept walking across her screen repeatedly over and over until the video went white and shut down. I saw the video myself. But that isn’t the strangest part.

Via Etsy

She sent the video to her friend. But her friend showed us the video. The whole thing was in slow motion and silent. You couldn’t hear a thing this girl was saying. And it never got to the shadow in the bathroom.

It looked like some weird found footage shit. It was strange. I told them both to delete the damn video. She wanted to send it to me for paranormal proof. I said fuck the proof.

I don’t care if anyone thinks I’m nuts or lying. I know what I know and that’s it. At the moment they asked me to do a smoke bowl (smudging) ceremony. The problem is I suspected one or all members of the family were behind the activity. Not faking it, but were feeding it somehow.

So while I did do it, and things did calm down, I couldn’t do it properly unless they all left. I explained in detail why that was. And El Douche, the husband, tried to accuse me of wanting to steal. or doing “weird things” which he wouldn’t elaborate what those things would be. I kinda wanted to be sarcastic.

But I kept my mouth shut. The girls and mother realized I was losing patience. And they politely told him to fuck off. Which he didn’t like. But he had no choice.

I started wondering if it was all coming from him. But I was told no right away by my guides.

“He’s too insignificant,” they told me. “He’s not the one behind this,”

So moving on.

They left me with a friend of the family they trusted. And he helped me do the ritual. I liked the guy. He was like a modern day hippy. And he was chill.

He also turned out to be the perfect attendant for my rituals. Very respectful and could be serious when he needed to be. I performed the smudging. And also used holy water and my rosary. Plus I did an exorcism in Latin. Well my own butchered Latin.

I speak Spanish so I pronounced the words as best as I could. The intent and the divine powers is what’s important. Plus knowing the meaning behind the words and having faith. I also did the Buddhist Atanatiya Protection ritual as well. Normally I do that and it goes away.

Even a normal smudging gets rid of what’s in a house. But that didn’t happen here. It was weakened. And irritated. But it did not leave.

So I told the mother on the phone that I needed to dig deeper into the activity. She asked me to sleep in the master bedroom. That it could be on the floor if I wasn’t comfortable sleeping on a stranger’s bed. But to take advantage of their absence to see things. So I made a make shift bed on the floor.

The guy asked me if I wanted his company. And I said,

” It depends. Your friend might want you to keep an eye on me. But in truth, I’m going to confront this thing. And they like to attack while you sleep. So I leave it to you. But you need to know what you’re getting into beforehand,”

He decided not to. Can’t say I blame him. It took me two hours before I finally fell asleep. But it was hard. There was an air of dread in that house.

I have walked cemeteries in the dead of night. And felt fine. The dead are my friends. And I never walk alone. Besides my guides, I ask the Gods and special spirits of the area to walk with me.

But this place had me jumpy. I hadn’t seen anything yet in the first few days. But I could feel that something was off. You know when you have that feeling of dread like something really bad is about to happen? It was weird. This entity made me feel like a child. It made me feel like it was scolding me.

Like I was going to get in trouble with my parents if I didn’t leave. I had to catch myself a few times. And realize I’m an adult. And this thing was messing with me. I’ve done nothing wrong to feel guilty or afraid.

But something was strange about those feelings. Is it possible one of the girls did something wrong? And one or more of the spirits were seeking vengeance? I filed that away in my notes. And the worst part was that fucking clock.

It was an old antique clock that they kept. And you could feel the arms of the clock make sharp movements. Loud movements. Something’s wrong with that thing, I thought. I made notes of that too.

Placed it under the heading of possible cursed or haunted object. Wasn’t sure what it was yet. And when I finally did fall asleep, it was some weird trippy shit. This third night that I was there, I dreamed I was in a garbage dump? Or maybe a Potter’s field. You know, one of those public graveyards for people that got abandoned.

Or who were too poor to afford a proper burial. There was this mass of flies. They were altogether and seemed to be one mass. And then I had the strange thought that they were. One entity with many bodies controlled by a singular intelligence.

I looked at it and said something weird like,

“Do you serve him?”

Remember this is the Dream world. I was trained by my medicine woman to have have some control. But there are things I know when I am asleep that I don’t know when I’m awake. And it replied no almost like a shriek. What I do remember, is that I had enough control in my dream to banish it.

I said,

” Spirit of darkness, in the name of the mystic, (can’t remember what I said ) I command thee to leave now and return to (can’t remember), “

The thing shrieked and flew away. And when I woke up, it was morning. The neighbor had made pancakes and bacon for us both.

“Dude I had the weirdest, trippiest dream,” he said, ” There were giant cockroaches from Hell flying in and out of the house,”

A lot of evil spirits take the form of vermin. That was my first experience in the first week. And I spent almost everyday banishing these fuckers in dreams and in waking life. I will explain the next week tomorow. If I have the energy.

These last few weeks have drained me. I slept the whole day when I got home. And then half a day, the day after that.

– M

Random Links of the Day : Halloween & Friday the 13th Edition

“Hello there, are you being served?”

I have another post full of random stuff for all of you! I never got to make this post on Friday the 13th. So I’m making up for lost time.

13 Unlucky Places to avoid on Friday the 13th

(☝️ From a “killing stone” to a town too cursed to speak its name, superstition surrounds these places)

The Jewish Werewolves of London

Vampires, Estries, Aluka, and Lilith the Dark Mother

Samhain Explained: The Celtic Origins of All Your Favorite Halloween Traditions (Video)

A Weird Space Cloud that looks like the Millennium Falcon

A wind Phone to talk to the Dead?

Walt Disney’s Haunted Lamp

The Chernobyl Ghost Town of Pripyat

Stone Age Bone Rituals and Cannibalism

Cults, Religion, and Food

A Tale of Murder and Mutiny

A Sarcophagus in Italy with three testicles as part of the family seal

Abandoned Places Around the United States

Honoring the Thousands of Forgotten Souls Buried Beneath San Francisco

(Experts estimate some 50,000 people are buried beneath the sprawling metropolis).

A nifty guide to the Egyptian Afterlife

The Changeling Murder of Bridget Cleary

The Dying Man of Barre, Vermont

10 Locations from Horror Films of the 70’s and 80’s

The Best Halloween articles on Atlast Obscura

The Ghosts of the Marx Brothers at the Haunted Cobb Estate

The “Devil’s Tower” Rock Formation

The Giant Vampire (Pontianak) Ghost Statue of Indonesia that started a national uproar

The Ghosts of Eastern State Penitentiary

The Bathroom Ghosts of Japan

Can you see the Spirit in this Rock?

Séance Room at Muriel’s Jackson Square

The Ancient Greek River that leads to the Underworld is now in a Metro Station

The Story of the Lady in the Tree (Was she really absorbed?)

The Bone Collector of Taiwan

The Voodoo Priestess of Frenier Cemetery

Why are Ghosts usually female?

The Abandoned Valley of the Mills in Italy

The Witch House of Salem

What was this Megalithic Sun Gate intended to keep out?

Sleep Paralysis Demons

The Haunted Stanley Hotel

The Modern Resurrection of the Dybbuk

Robert the Doll

Rebel Folklore: Empowering Tales of Spirits, Witches, and Other Misfits from Anansi to Baba Yaga

A medieval aerial battle over Nuremberg? (UFO?)

Well that’s all for now! I hope you like this edition. Stay safe,

– M

Friday the 13th Book Review : Ghoul by Brian Keene

The most common book cover for the book, I think that ugly face is actually Clark Smeltzer, the abusive father who serves the Ghoul. Part of Keene’s theme of “adults are the real monsters,”

If I have misspelled anything in this post, forgive me. I wrote a lot. Needless to say, there are spoilers. I don’t know how many people keep up to date with the current trends of horror books. I am not 100% up to date myself.

I heard about it by chance from another blogger. Who said they were reading it. After reading the description, and also hearing a small excerpt from the audiobook on YouTube, I was hooked. But I am warning you now, I’m going to whine a lot. I have a love/hate relationship with this book.

The excerpt, this narrator is amazing

I imagined something akin to Goonies. Or maybe even Super 8. Or perhaps It. What I got wasn’t at all what I wanted. In fact, by the end of it I was left feeling empty.

Dissatisfied. I mean I don’t know the whole story behind this book. But I wonder why the author wasted so much potential. It wasn’t intentional I think. But I personally felt cheated.

And I am restraining myself from over criticizing the book. Because despite that, there were still parts that I liked. Parts that showed promise. And the author should have expanded those parts out. Or maybe even just concentrated on them way period.

But without further adieu, here’s my review.

One of the images of the Ghoul himself, it is described as having an elongated head. Similar to the Deacon from the Alien series. And being a strange white thing.

Originally, I gave it 3 stars instead of five. I mean don’t get me wrong, the writing is superb. And the character of the Ghoul was the most fascinating person of all. Which caught me off guard. If Ghouls are real, this sounds like what a ghoul would really be like.

Not the dumb, shuffling, zombie like creatures you’d imagine. He’s actually kind of intellectual. But gross and disgusting for more reasons than just what he is. So for those two reasons only did I give it a 4 out of 5. The premise and plot was masterful.

And the villain and child heroes were perfect. I just don’t think the book lived up to it’s potential. For starters, the book is way too short. With the Prologue and Epilogue included, it’s only 233 pages long. Now to someone who doesn’t read much, that sounds like a lot.

But trust me, it isn’t. That’s barely the beginning for most books. And that isn’t really a lot of time for you to tell a story. But I figured,

“Well maybe the author is going to jam pack most of the chapters with a lot of information. So that there’s a lot of chapters in just 200+ pages,”

Sadly that didn’t happen. The most you see of the Ghoul, is at the very beginning during the Prologue. And sometime before and after Chapter 10. Almost the whole damn book is nothing more than the typical, boyhood, coming of age story in a small town.

And life’s hard lessons yadda, yadda, yadda, I get it.

Joss Whedon did the same thing with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Every monster she ever faced was a “metaphor for growing up”. But at least he didn’t make it obvious. He masqueraded it behind monsters. Including the end of the world. And interesting plot points. He didn’t do that.

And there’s no attempt to hide it or turn them into something more interesting and fantastical. It’s not about a young boy thrust into a world of magic and the supernatural. It’s more like a random monster thrust into an overly mundane world. One that is as corrupt as the decaying flesh of the cemetery. In fact you get the symbolism of the decaying flesh being moral decay of society.

The cemetery that inspired the book

When he mentions the lives of all the dead people buried in the cemetery. In particular he mentions a boy who was shot by his brother. After his brother caught him being pleasured by his family pet (I won’t go into that further). It’s a small foot note within the story. But it illustrates the point well.

That the Ghoul is merely feeding off of the existing corruption of this new world. And I’m sure someone reading this is going to say “but that’s awesome!” Eh, it could be made interesting. But not in this case.

The Boys & the Town

There’s only supposed to be three boys, not four. Unless this is Ronny and his friends. But they were only a group of three as well

Half of the book was about Timmy Graco and his two friends. Doug Kaiser and Barry Smeltzer. And the horrors his friends face at home. Doug, is the victim of rape. By his alcoholic, pedophile, mother.

Who was kicked out of her job as a school nurse for unspecified reasons. But I’m sure we can all figure out why. And to make it worse, when his father found out, he abandoned the household. Without his son. So let me get this straight, he knows his wife is a pedophile, and he allowed her to stay with his son? Did he ever care about him?

Then of course we have Barry Smeltzer whose father is an abusive bastard. He beats the crap out of his wife and son on a near daily basis. Timmy’s parents are more or less. They aren’t physically abusive. But they are a bunch of assholes.

His father is one of those toxically masculine men. Who wants his son to be an athlete. And he thinks his 12 year old son is gay. Because he likes comic books instead of football. Yeah you read that right.

And he keeps pressuring his son to stop watching cartoons and reading comics to join the foot ball team. You know, with a bunch of older boys who will probably beat the crap out of him on the field. But yay! At least it’ll drain the gay out of him right? He’s not gay by the way. He’s in love with the Pastor’s daughter, Katie Moore. I’m just clarifying so people don’t think it’s a story about him being in the closet.

Since all the personal stories seem to take up this book. I felt like I was reading a damn soap opera in the form of a novel. Instead of a horror novel. For fucks sake, if I wanted to read something like that, I could have read The Catcher in the Rye. Or Native Son (which is more my type of book).

His mother enables his father’s toxic behavior. Backing him up even though she knows he’s wrong. I would classify Timmy’s parents as emotionally abusive. Rather than physically abusing. His Grandfather is the only real guiding light in his life.

He’s an awesome man. And I wish his character had actually lived. He would have been a great person for Timmy to have in his life. And again……. the Ghoul is absent. For most of the story, everything is kept separated.

The boys playing in the cemetery

Before the Ghoul himself was unleashed, the boys played in the cemetery all of the time. It’s one of the few interesting places in town. They’re very ingenious. They figured out how to make a special hideout for themselves. Instead of the typical treehouse you would expect, they created the Dugout.

The secret entrance to the Dugout.
The boys with the rolled up map in Doug’s hand
The Table in the Dugout that Timmy’s grandfather left for him in the Dugout
The map

They dug a deep pit inside the cemetery grounds. And they turned it into a club house. One with comics. Crayons and arts stuff. Which they use to create a map of the town itself.

The map itself is impressive. Loved it. They placed a stove with a pipe leading outside to the surface. In case they need to warm themselves up. They got a wooden door with a latch on it.

To cover the dugout. And of course dirty magazines. I laughed so hard at that. Timmy’s grandpa even put a large table into the dugout for them to use. I wish I had a place like that growing up.

That sounds way better than a tree house. It’s like a little bunker. And the map that Doug draws, has the whole town mapped. Including the tree house used by their arch enemies : Ronny and his friends.

A group of older kids who like to cause problems for them. Despite that, they seem to enjoy the rivalry. It’s fun to have an “enemy” for them to fight. Unfortunately, Ronny and his friends tried to find the Dougout. But what they found instead was a sinkhole.

Leading directly into the Ghoul’s lair. Ronny tried to escape. But Clark Smeltzer blocked his way out. And let the Ghoul end him.

Eventually, the people and authorities begin to believe that this is the work of a serial killer. And the children are ordered to stay at home by their parents. The first people to go missing was Reverend Moore’s eldest daughter, Karen. And her lover Pat Kemp. Nobody knows if they are even alive.

As a reward for his services, the Ghoul grants Clark Smeltzer all the jewelry and other valuables from the graves. The rings and even money that people leave in the caskets of the dead. Thinking that these things won’t be touched. And that they are better left with the dead. Clark is suddenly able to give his wife and son fancy gifts.

And even to take them out to nice restaurants. His Master true to his word, gives Clark all the valuables. Even the money that Ronny and his friends had in their wallets prior to death. It amazes me that not a single person, not even his family, thought that this was weird. Like how could a person with such low pay, suddenly have all this money? And didn’t anyone notice the jewelry that his wife had on? It should have been obvious that something fishy was going on.

But as you read the story, it’s obvious that the adults have their heads shoved so far up their own asses it’s a wonder they could breathe. Even when Timmy flat out tells his parents that Doug was being abused by his mother, they never bothered to look into it. They just assumed he was angry at them and making a horrible lie to shock them. The adults aren’t just the real monsters. They’re the real idiots.

The Legend of the Ghoul

A long time ago, the people who lived in that small town, had immigrated from Germany and other parts of Europe. They were the Pennsylvania Dutch. They used magic that actually comes from ancient pre-Christian religions. But then later was Christianized.
This is actually real.

And this brand new magical practice was created called Powwow. The name was obviously taken from Native Americans. But still to this day nobody knows why they called it that. The towns people used sorcery from the spell books, “Powwows or Long Lost Friend” by John George Hohman, and The Daemonolateria.
When the Ghoul was haunting the people in the town and causing disappearances, the people united.

And they drove the Ghoul back to its underground caves. Then they carved a magical cross used in Powwow to bind the demon. It was carved on a gravestone. So that no one would ever touch it. This is a real symbol against black magic and evil spirits used in Powwow.

Here it is, as depicted in the book.

As shown in page 141 of the book

But Clark Smeltzer in a drunk stupor, accidentally bumped into the stone. And it fell and broke in half. Which breaks the spell. Effectively releasing the Ghoul from his paralysis. Because this whole time, the thing has been alive and awake.

It’s just been unable to move. And the seal bound it to the spot. And kept it from using higher brain functions. It was as if it was drugged.

The Ghoul’s Cave from the Chiller TV movie

With the seal broken, it suddenly becomes fully aware again. And is now mobile. The Ghoul isn’t a Vampire per say, but similar. It has super speed and strength. And the ability to spontaneously regenerate from any wound.

The only way to kill it, is through sunlight. And it’s skin glows a pale blue. While also exuding a slime through its skin that allows it to move underground. And long, razor sharp talons. What gets me is how evolved the Ghoul is.

It’s obvious these are traits of evolution. Glowing skin to navigate in the dark, slimy skin to move effortlessly in the dirt, and talons and sharp teeth for shredding and eating corpses. It has all it needs to survive. What neither the book illustrations or the movie depiction show however is the big bulging belly. It’s usually tall and skinny though.

So I don’t know if the belly is due to it having eaten. When it rises from the grave, Barry’s father who is the undertaker of the property is the first person he meets. And it forces Clark Smeltzer to kidnap women for him. To have a harem of wives.

In order to re-populate the Ghouls of the world. Since the last time he was awake, he had only seen one other ghoul in hundreds of years. He suspects that he’s the last one. And he aims to bring back his lost race.

From the Chiller TV movie

As you can imagine, he’s a violent rapist.
Who feeds his “wives” the flesh of the dead.
The most interesting parts of the book are the Ghoul himself. His mind for example.
In his moments of introspection, he speaks of the Vampires.

The Fallen Demonic Spirits. And the Pagan Gods. As well as the Christian God. Granted, he calls the Pagan Gods “small gods” which I find hard to believe. A God is a God.

And a demon would fear them no matter what. And he talks about the commandment that the Monotheist God gave to the Ghouls. That they can only eat dead flesh. Never the living. This isn’t entirely wrong. The concept of the Ghoul comes from ancient Pagan Mesopotamian lore.

In Mesopotamia it was called the Gallu. Later Islam, popularized the creature again calling it a Ghul. Though in Islamic lore, a Ghul is always a female. Specifically it’s the spirit of a dead Prostitute who becomes a demon after death. Feeding on dead flesh and blood.

However, contrary to the book they actually can eat the living, and drink living blood. So they are related on some level to the vampires. But this Ghoul seems more like an ancient Mesopotamian Gallu rather than a Muslim Ghul. Gallu are usually male. So that would mean a Gallu is a male Ghoul.

And a Ghul is a female Ghoul. This isn’t in the book. This is just me talking about the possible origins of Ghouls. Since it acknowledges all Gods, it would have to be ancient. And probably saw the Gods when they would appear on Earth.

He has a deep hatred of all things holy. I have to give the Author credit. The Ghoul is the best literary villain I have read in some time. Not a typical flesh eating monster. It has intelligence beyond that of what we are all used to seeing on tv or reading in books.

Where undead creatures are normally portrayed as stupid. Drone like even. Even in modern slang, a person in a vegetable state is called a “zombie”. Where they just zone out. The Ghoul is far from that. He’s intelligent.

And while he can be and act primitive due to his instincts and desires. But it’s clear that he has a sentience and even a wisdom about him. But it’s a dark and twisted wisdom. Known only to those creatures that live in the grave. And have seen the passage of time in the decay of monuments.

In the fall of civilizations. In the shadows of the human heart and the night. It also seems to have powerful psychic abilities. Even when it was paralyzed, it could sense Clark Smeltzer’s innermost self. Before he was released, he described Smeltzer as having a “mind like a hive of bees“.

Describing Smeltzer’s emotional state as a mixture of anger, sadness, confusion, and the drunkenness. And this was all from beneath the ground. At just a small portion of it’s powers. It could tell all of that with just a moment’s focus. And it’s ability to smell and hear is heightened as well.

Despite it’s obvious evil, the Ghoul has some measure of human qualities in it too. It allows itself to die in the heat of the sun chasing Karen Moore. Because on some sick level, he really thought he loved her. Thought that is. You don’t don’t do those things to people you love.

But it wanted her to bare his children. So he could be a father. And he loved his people so much. That he asked for these women. So that he could try to save his own race.

An almost human quality to it. The way it does this is despicable. But he believes he is justified in what he is doing. He wants to save the ghoul race. And he refers to the kidnap victims as “his wives”.

But rather than a derogatory or mocking way, he seems to take this seriously. As if it were a relationship sealed by the Gods. He feeds them because he takes on a Hunter gatherer role for them. And when Smeltzer brought the second victim to him, he placed her over his shoulder and tried to soothe her. Saying that he would take care of her.

Please don’t misunderstand me. The Ghoul is an ancient misogynistic asshole. He has no morality. And he is cruel. But he does have something inside of his heart that allows him to at least simulate a version of love.

If only his version. Which is twisted. He begs for Karen to come back when he chases her saying “come back my wife! I can’t be alone again,” In many ways, this vile monster is a tragic character. A creature both alive and not alive. Who probably didn’t ask to become this way.

Truly a worthy villain for any book. When Timmy cries at the Ghoul’s death, because he sees it as nothing more than an animal. An angry and wounded animal, he asks a question. He asks why he would he enter the sunlight knowing that he would die. And Barry surprisingly answered : Because he didn’t want to be alone again.

Even demons of the night need companionship.

And back to the Drama

The boys at the cemetery, from the Chiller TV movie based on the book

That’s pretty much all the insight into the Ghoul you are going to get. Because “the real story” is about kids being abused and how it’s part of growing up. And how adults are fucking liars. Clark Smeltzer beats the crap out of his son and his wife. Timmy doesn’t go through that, and is mostly normal.

Sometimes you see Clark Smeltzer serving the Ghoul by kidnapping women. Or hiding dead bodies etc..but those are more like footnotes. The real “action” is the stuff that happens behind closed doors to the kids. Barry beaten almost to death. Doug crying because his mother is trying to break down the door to rape him.

And Timmy eventually having his asshole of a father destroy his comic book collection. Because he told his son he could tell him anything. So when Timmy tells him that he believes a Ghoul is killing people and that it probably devoured his grandfather’s body he goes insane. Granted I can sort of understand the reaction of hearing a child nonchalantly mention a corpse of a dead loved one being eaten. This boy really should have thought that one through.

But instead of at least understanding that his son might be going through a phase, he decided to scream at him. And destroy his comics. Grounding him for the rest of summer. And forcing him to watch the destruction of his comics. Telling him that if he looks away, he’ll ground him for another month.

And all of this is to make him “grow up” and get serious about life. You know, like any typical 12 year old. Which pretty much proves that adults are all liars. And that they are the real monsters. He tells him he’s doing something for “his own good“.

That’s what they always say, but it’s usually for there’s. Not his. So imagine reading seemingly endless pages about just that. And all the while I’m waiting to get back to the real reason I picked up this book in the first place : the Ghoul. So when do I see the damn Ghoul story? Chapter 10.

Which is page 131.
It’s already more than half of the book already. And NOW is when Timmy finally realizes something weird is going on. He and Katie Moore find the broken Gravestone with the Powwow cross on pages 141-142. And then, at page 143-144 Reverend Moore finally tells them the legend of the Ghoul and how it was trapped.

Reverend Moore explains the legend of the Ghoul, and the purpose of the Powwow charm, from the Chiller TV movie of the same name

Finally we see things start to move. After the molasses slow burn. The problem is, now everything speeds up way too fast. And the Ghoul is defeated that very same night. Unfortunately, that night Doug has to escape from his house.

You see in both the movie and the book, he put a padlock on the door of his room to keep his mother out. But the nasty drunken predator is so desperate to violate him, that she actually tears the screen down and opens the window of his room. And then climbs inside so she can rape him again. He runs away. And goes to the dugout.

The problem is, that he sees Clark Smeltzer talking to the Ghoul. And the Ghoul catches his scent. And then it follows Doug to the dugout and takes him. We don’t see how Doug dies. Only that he’s been ripped down into a hole in the Dougout made by the Ghoul.

And this ends up being the very last scene we ever see Doug in. Unless you count his corpse which has been shredded to pieces and eaten by the Ghoul. And his head which the Ghoul holds up for Timmy to see. In order to mock him when he goes to rescue Karen and the other victim.

The Ghoul, stalking Doug at the cemetery.

Now the rest of the book is the night when Timmy both discovered the story of the Ghoul, and then killed it. And he was unable to save Doug. He only managed to save Karen Moore, Katie’s big sister. The other girl was presumably killed by the Ghoul when she attacked him in self defense. That’s it.

What a fucking waste. All that sermon about how adults are the real monsters. And the hard lessons of life. All that slow burn presumably leading up somewhere. And it was for nothing.

I read 10 Chapters on the evils of the adult world. And the meaningless existence of small town life. But not enough time on the Ghoul. Over all, I was disappointed and left feeling hollow at the end of the book.

Final Thoughts

From left to right :
Doug Keizer, Timmy Graco, and Barry Smeltzer

One of the first gripes I have with this other than the length of the book, is wasted potential. The Reverend Mentions a character you never see in the story. His name is Nelson LeHorn. This man is the last Powwow practitioner in the whole area. And that’s it. That’s all you hear of him.

I mean call me crazy. But, the author has Timmy do research on the Ghoul. Using comic books. Wouldn’t it have been better if you have all three kids track down LeHorn and learn more about the Ghoul from him? Like it’s true origins. Why did it come to the town instead of stay in the Middle East where it came from.

How did it come to the Americas in the first place? What is the true demonic nature of a ghoul (their origin) etc..

There’s a lot of potential here. And LeHorn could have show them the truth. Or even given special charms or prayers to ward it off. It makes sense for them researching, and eventually fighting the Ghoul. And two, if you want to make this whole thing about boys growing up, wouldn’t a literal wise man be the one for them to talk to? To give them magic charms to fight the damn thing? Or maybe even LeHorn and the Pastor working together.

One using his Priestly authority and the other using his faith and divine grace through Powwow.
Then we have Dane Graco (the Grandfather). Why kill him? The Grandfather would have been a powerful ally. He would have given Timmy the benefit of the doubt. Even if not initially believing in the Ghoul.

He would have seen that Timmy laid out a perfect timeline for the disappearances and that something was off. This would have been a better father figure than his actual father. And would have been better for the message of a boy becoming a man. By having another older and wiser man helping him. And thus you would have a modern, literary version of the three Wise Men or Magi from Christianity.

Helping a group of child heroes also in threes. Three young men and three old men. Which would also have symbolized the Triple God. Or even the Fathers, the Sons, and the Holy Spirit being their faith. Plus, he was just introduced in chapter one.

And almost immediately he died of a heart attack. Seriously? Such a waste of a good character. In some ways it’s an even bigger waste than Nelson LeHorn’s potential character not being used.
Then the Ghoul kidnapped the girls with the intention to breed a whole new race. And we know he’s raped them repeatedly.

At the end he dies because Timmy has helped Katie’s older sister escape. And rather than be alone and not having children, he follows them into the light. Where he basically melts and dies. And that’s it. Instead of that dead pan ending, why not make it so that the girl who died bravely facing the monster, was pregnant at the time.

And then we could have an eerie ending where the baby ghoul devoured its way out of the dead mother. And that as the children were now adults in the epilogue, so too was the brand new ghoul. That would have been a far better ending. You could even see the strange sinkhole activity starting up again. It could also have ended with Karen Moore becoming LeHorn’s apprentice in Powwow.

Since magic users in that culture can’t teach people of the same gender. It only makes sense. Karen could even have eventually become a Reverend herself. Combining Powwow practice with conventional religion. That way she could save herself philosophically speaking instead of being a damsel in distress. And become the new protector of the town. Maybe even creating a secret society to keep the town safe and preserve powwow. Which would lead to her to being an important figure in the future. Instead of a throw away character.

Her sister Katie could also be trained by LeHorn. And become an exorcist or hunter. Creating a militia out of the local towns people.

Which leads me to something else : why is there no magic?

The kids know they are going up against a demon. Why not get crosses or holy water or something to fight it? Or at least a Bible. They could even have, again asked Reverend Moore for such things. Make up a story so that they could acquire the things they needed. And maybe the town has other churches they could go to. And make themselves an arsenal of holy weapons. Even the kids from Stephen King’s It had a magical ritual called the ritual of Chud that allows them to battle the monster in the first and second book. Taught to them by the world turtle Maturin.

So they made weapons by merely believing that the objects they had could hurt Pennywise the clown. These kids come from a magical town. They have potential weapons there. Why wouldn’t you have them take advantage of that? Don’t tell me that Timmy, a kid who reads comics about magic and monsters, wouldn’t have automatically thought of that. He’s the most ingenious of the three. He’s not stupid. He would have done that.

Instead we got Doug eaten by the Ghoul. Tim left his home and became a comic book writer which I guess is cool. Though he seems to have fallen into a white collar life. And worst of all, Barry became an abuser just like his father. He beats his own son. And now works at the cemetery just like his Dad before him.

And finally, Why, why did they have to kill Doug?

The Ghoul hiding behind a statue. Following Doug before he kills and devours him.

Like the pain these kids went through wasn’t bad enough. But the graphic way in which Doug died. If anyone deserved a happy ending it was him. So what was the point of this story? To endlessly preach about how unfair and cruel life is? There are tons of books that are already dedicated to that subject. Horror fans want an actual horror story.

Not a bunch of drama with just a tiny smidgen of the supernatural horror.

Finally I was even more disappointed watching the TV Movie from Chiller Channel. It was obviously intended for children. Not adults. But worse than that, it totally demystified the story. The Ghoul wasn’t even a real Ghoul.

Just a messed up miner who lost his mind when his family died. It managed to cut the story down even shorter than the book did. The one and only redeeming quality was that Doug Keiser lived. And since the epilogue was cut, you can at least imagine they had a better future than the one in the book. Plus the parents of Timmy weren’t as much of the pretentious assholes they were in the book. Though it’s unknown if poor Doug ever escaped his rapist mother.

So that’s it.


So now I am talking about the Pros of the book. Despite my criticisms, the writing is superb. The world building is also good. The characters have different sides to them instead of being one dimensional. And he truly does have a great insight into the mind of children and teens.

Not the stereotypical authors who think they know the young. And really don’t. Each character had their own soul and personality. So that they seemed to be their own creations almost. And not connected to the person who wrote them,

As if the author based them on real people. And it did make me feel like a child again. If this was a book about real life lessons and experiences, and I knew that going in, I wouldn’t have cared. I would have read this and loved it. The problem is, that’s not what this book was supposed to be about.

So I went in there under almost false pretenses. And I didn’t get what I paid for. Not the way I wanted it at any rate. But if re-written just to be a real world story, I would have enjoyed it. It is possible to meld the real and the fantastical into something unique.

I loved reading about how they explored places. Like the Forrest and the roads and everything. It reminded me of my childhood.

It made me realize just how much of our lives we waste on electronics and social media. In the old days kids used to play outside and have adventures. Now I admit that even the older folk are stuck behind a screen. And I realized just what I never got to do when I was a child. And I regret it.

This story, didn’t live up to its full promise. But I would still have read it even knowing all of this. The book was still good. And I do intend to give this author another chance. And read more of his works.

Over all I would still recommend this. Just go in there knowing not to expect too much. Normally I don’t expect much of any book or show. But in this case, I was hyped up because of what I heard and read on this book. He has made other books on the undead. Like the Rising.

So I intend to read his other books. I don’t want to be a snob. Happy Friday the 13th everyone,

The cemetery that inspired Ghoul

– M

Ghost Month : Under Attack

An Oni which is a word for a demon or an Ogre. In Ancient Civilizations demons were largely considered fallen nature spirits rather than fallen angels. So the line between an evil spirit and a regular ogre is a very thin one

Just coming on here to report that these last few days have been brutal. The fires in Hawaii. The heat dome and global warming. The hurricanes and storms. And other activities across the world.

Something has been awakened. Something more than mere hungry ghosts. I don’t know what’s going on, but something else is awake. And on the move. And whatever it is, is not a normal demon.

Or spirit for that matter. I’m not even sure it’s from our normal spirit world. There are different planes of existence parallel to one another. So sometimes the spirit world you get, is not the one that corresponds to this one. I don’t think I am being singled out specifically.

I am writing this post to see if anyone else has noticed something. I want to know if anyone else has had a negative spiritual experience lately. One weirder than normal. I will explain why right now. So it started maybe around three days ago.

I was crossing over the typical Hungry Ghosts.

But then I realized there was more than just Hellhound souls. There were also purgatorial and limbo bound souls who were calling out for help. They were stirring a lot more than usual. But then it started to happen. Just a massive stream of souls.

I figured, well there’s a lot of death in the US right now. Certain disasters not withstanding. I don’t write about them here. Because I don’t want to disrespect the families who are losing people now. I don’t want to exploit anyone for my paranormal blog.

Florida has a lot of death too. COVID deaths are rising like a slow tide of devastation. Cutting a swath everywhere. And what’s worse, is that now people going to the ER in Florida are leaving with COVID. So I figured it’s just that.

But it’s not. I found that a lot of these souls are old. Like dead for 100’s of years and are only now awakened. I have no idea what’s going on. So that’s the first weird thing to show you. But not the weirdest.

Anima Sola

I have been doing this as a deliverance for all lost souls. And during that time, I have felt a large, angry force attack me. And I don’t mean spiritually. I mean that when I am on the crossroads, beaches from trees have almost hit me. Large, hard branches that could have knocked me out.

A dried up seed from the top of a palm tree fell. But the way it fell was weird. It should have fallen straight down. Instead it kinda shot across the air to the spot I was standing. And while I was laying down the offerings for the Hungry Ghosts, the sharp part of the seed almost pierced my arm.

It was like a damn needle. It left a purplish bump on my arm. And it wouldn’t go no matter how much I cleaned and disinfected it. Then for some weird reason, I thought about something I heard from a Mexican man.

About a year ago I enter a conversation with a man from Mexico. Who told me that he had been chased by a nasty entity. He was wounded and a priest healed the wound with holy water. Apparently that’s the only way to heal a supernatural wound. So, I took some exorcised holy water.

And I washed it with the holy water. I forgot about it for an hour or so. But then it hit me : the bump wasn’t hurting anymore. When I looked down, the bump was gone. I tried to debunk everything about that.

And yes, there was a breeze that propelled the seed. So that could be debunked. But, it felt wrong. Can I tell you without a doubt yes it was paranormal? No. I have zero evidence to support that.

But it is a weird coincidence. And the way it felt was as if an invisible hand was directing it. Spirits can’t physically touch you (most of the time). But they can influence the matter around them. They can use energy and to cause a wind for example.

Forrest Demons By FantasyArt

Or a storm. Or even mess with your head. So you could die from an accident. Like your vision is messed up and you lose control of your car. And the really powerful spirits can either drain you to death and make you sick. Or they actually can more or less develop a physical or near physical presence.

It sounds fantastic. But it can and does happen. But I digress. This seemed as if something intelligent willed that to happen. From afar.

And the branches falling has also strangely felt like something was trying to knock me out. No, there was no end those times. But simply physics could explain that as gravity. And me being in the wrong place. At the wrong time.

I am perfectly capable of admitting I am wrong. Or at least that it’s possible I could be wrong. But then I stared to have strange accidents. Like actual accidents : slip and falls. And everytime I try to debunk it I can’t.

The slip and falls were just odd. Nothing wrong with my shoes. Nothing slippery on the floor. Alone, none of these seemed like anything out of the ordinary. But together, it just seems like a strange series of coincidences and accidents.

But then there’s more. This feeling of hatred. Seething anger. And a feeling of threats. As if someone was saying stop or die.

I want to know,

Is anyone else going through this right now? Or is it just me? Or am I just imagining this? Let me know in the comments.

– M

A Few Updates

I have been absent from writing my usual blog posts for a while. And been doing a lot of reblogging instead. This is because of how busy I have been in my normal day to day life. Unfortunately, my normal day to day life isn’t quite so normal. I was asked to help a child.

Another sick child, very much like the case I worked on a few years ago. And wrote about in my blog. About a child who was being killed by a demonic entity in her family tree. A Generational Demon. This child had the same issue.

Different Demon though.

I was successful at driving out the entity. And helping the family involved. I will write a more extensive post about it soon. Since I catalogue my cases on here to see if they are of help to others. In the meantime, remember I am retired now.

Fully retired. Not semi retired anymore.

I did this because a child was involved and it was a close friend of the family. This entity was the most powerful I have faced to date. I am done. I am outta here. I see no benefit in poking bears with sticks.

Rain in the night

Also Hurricane Season has begone in Florida. And I have to prepare for it now. Not to mention help members of my community out. We’re getting plywood and some other stuff ready for when it happens. As I am resting, I can hear the gentle rains outside my room.

It makes the night more beautiful. And I have decided to start enjoying the simpler pleasures in life. I have done enough. It’s time for me to let everything go. Leave all the burdens of the world behind me.

Beauty of the night

That might seem selfish. But I have no more to give. I need something for myself at least. Catch you later everyone.

– M

Dracula in May

The original Dracula was an old man, who became his younger self only after consuming blood

Most people don’t realize that Dracula takes place in May. First in “Dracula’s Guest” we have Jonathan Harker arriving in Transylvania during Walpurgisnacht. He ends up needing to be rescued from other vampires in a Village of Vampires. Because the idiot didn’t heed his guide’s warnings. His guide specifically told him that the village was damned.

And abandoned for that very reason. But he thinks it’s a lovely day. And after his driver refuses to drive through that village, he decided he will walk all the way to his destination. Through said village. Not only is Harker one of the dumbest literary characters in history.

He’s also the luckiest. How he survived to the end of the book and beyond, is beyond me. So I am going to share some Dracula links with all of you. Both the literary Dracula as well as his more historical version. I thought both these articles were amazing start.

First one is this one. The epidemic in Ireland which inspired Stoker’s concept of Vampirism by contagion. Even though Vampirism by contagion is something far more ancient. Going back to several ancient civilizations.

Forget Vlad the Impaler. A 19th-century cholera outbreak in Sligo may have been Bram Stoker’s chief inspiration.


AN AFTERNOON WIND FUNNELS DOWN deserted Old Market Street, past shuttered shops and darkened restaurants. The rowdy Irish student town of Sligo has been frozen. It is two months into a strict nationwide lockdown enforced by the Irish government to combat the novel coronavirus, which has killed more people per capita in Ireland than in the U.S.

The last time Sligo was this empty—this lifeless, this restricted—was 188 years ago. Cholera was the culprit. That epidemic spawned not just death, poverty, famine, chaos, and desertion but also a legendary vampire. Yet only in late 2018 did Irish researchers make this startling discovery: Dracula was born in Sligo.

In 1832, on Old Market Street, a 14-year-old Irish girl hid in her home during the cholera outbreak, which killed more than 10 percent of the town’s population. The ghastly scenes around her—mass graves, corpses in the street, victims buried alive—she later recounted to her son. His name was Bram Stoker, and those bleak stories were a key source of inspiration for writing Dracula—one of the most influential novels in history. First published in 1897, this vampire tale has spawned dozens of movies, plays, TV shows, and books.

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(Amazing eh? Now we have the real life Castle Dracula. Which was a military fortress that Vlad Dracula used as a base of operations).

EVEN WITHOUT ITS BLOODY HISTORIC ties, Poenari Castle, also known as Poenari Fortress, would be a majestic, exciting place to explore on its own merit. Architecture buffs would marvel at the 13th century mortar work, lovers of fantastic scenery would find the cliffside view mind-blowing. Poenari Castle doesn’t need a sordid story to be spectacular, but it happens to have that as well.

The story is a legendary one and to many, a confusing mixture of truth, history, legend, and fiction due to the convolution between the novel “Dracula” and the factual history of Vlad III Dracula “The Impaler”, whose name inspired the book. Bram Stoker modeled some of his main character on the more basic facts about Dracula’s actual life, but his knowledge of Romanian history and the true story of Vlad the Impaler remains suspect.

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Then we have the amazing Dracula’s Guest

I tried to put the embedded video but it wouldn’t do it here. So I had to put the link instead. That’s one of my two favorite versions. Here are some images from that story.

Yes people, when caught in a snowstorm, this idiot thinks the safest place in a haunted village is……the CEMETERY

And there he sees the uncorrupted body of the Countess. Who committed suicide in life. And was cursed to become a Vampire in death. And yes, this is one of the ways in which a person can become a vampire.

The Countess arisen

The Countess shape-shifted as a Wolf, keeps Harker warm and drives off the other Vampires. She wants him for herself.

I also think this is the creepy tall vampire from the beginning of Walpurgasnacht
Harker Rescued
The End is the Beginning

Other fun facts

The beginning of Dracula is set a few days after Walpurgisnacht. On St. George’s Eve. In fact, Jonathan Harker is even warned about it. By one of the people he’s traveling with on the stage coach.

“Just before I was leaving, the old lady came up to my room and said in a very hysterical way:

‘Must you go? Oh! young Herr, must you go?’

She was in such an excited state that she seemed to have lost her grip of what German she knew, and mixed it all up with some other language which I did not know at all. I was just able to follow her by asking many questions. When I told her that I must go at once, and that I was engaged on important business, she asked again:

‘Do you know what day it is?’ I answered that it was the fourth of May. She shook her head as she said again:

‘Oh, yes! I know that! I know that, but do you know what day it is?’ On my saying that I did not understand, she went on:

‘It is the eve of St. George’s Day. Do you not know that to-night, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway? Do you know where you are going, and what you are going to?’

She was in such evident distress that I tried to comfort her, but without effect. Finally she went down on her knees and implored me not to go; at least to wait a day or two before starting. It was all very ridiculous but I did not feel comfortable. However, there was business to be done, and I could allow nothing to interfere with it. I therefore tried to raise her up, and said, as gravely as I could, that I thanked her, but my duty was imperative, and that I must go.

She then rose and dried her eyes, and taking a crucifix from her neck offered it to me. I did not know what to do, for, as an English Churchman, I have been taught to regard such things as in some measure idolatrous, and yet it seemed so ungracious to refuse an old lady meaning so well and in such a state of mind. She saw, I suppose, the doubt in my face, for she put the rosary round my neck, and said,

‘For your mother’s sake,’

And went out of the room. I am writing up this part of the diary whilst I am waiting for the coach, which is, of course, late; and the crucifix is still round my neck. Whether it is the old lady’s fear, or the many ghostly traditions of this place, or the crucifix itself, I do not know, but I am not feeling nearly as easy in my mind as usual,”

Count Dracula and The Eve of St George at The Great Hall in Toronto

– Excerpt from Chapter 1 of Abraham “Bram” Stoker’s Dracula

I actually wrote a whole article on why St. George’s Eve is considered a night of evil spirits. And of black magic etc…for anyone who is interested. So enjoy your evening of Drakula.


– M

Astrological Forecast : The Stars of the Dead

Hermes in his Reaper aspect

Mercury retrograde is upon us once more. We approach that time of the month again. When our divine messenger becomes a psychopomp. And leads the dead away for the mysteries of the afterlife. Let’s begin.

From Witches of the Craft,

Pretty straight forward. The usual stuff about not making concrete plans or important decisions during a retrograde. However there’s another side to it. A side that is way more positive. The way of silence.

The way of silence involves using dark energy. And dark beings also. For the healing of the mind, body, and soul. It isn’t the typical new age stuff. Not that I am against the New Age.

One of the people I admire the most was Edgar Cayce, the Father of the New Age. He was a Christian Mystic and Prophet. This man had powers that baffle even the more traditional mediums. My problem is with people who have taken the New Age and perverted. Making it into the trendy, feel good, Splenda flavored crap it has become today.

Simply, dark energy does not always mean evil. It actually doesn’t ever. All energy, such as light and dark are neutral. And can be used for evil or good accordingly. Let me show you an example of the darkness being used for good.

The Path of Silence

Sister’s of Perpetual Indulgence,
Day of the Dead Shrine, at the Ceremony of Altars at SF’s Garfield Park in the Mission District on the evening of November 2.
Walker Dukes

This is what I call the path of silence. It’s a term I sort of self coined in my own meditations. For my own brand of shadow work. So in my shadow work, when a Retrograde comes, I try to sit still in the pain. Sit outside of my comfort zone.

Where most people don’t like to be. I think of the things I typically hold in. Like a closed fist. And I unclose that fist. I let the flood waters out.

I react in a variety of different ways. Including crying. I let myself shake even. Or sometimes I get so overwhelmed I sleep. And sleep is actually the best way to do this work.

There in the Darkness

Hermes is one of the Theoi Khthonioi the Gods of the Underworld

There in the darkness, I eventually quiet the voices down. Until I hear nothing. Just the empty void. As quiet as a tomb. I hear a single water drip down into a pool.

And when I open my eyes I’m in a cave. And there, walking towards me out of the infinite shadows that would drive all of us mad, is Lord Hermes. The Shadow Lord. No longer the young, clean shaven youth. But the older, darker, bearded man.

I am on the cold sandy floor crossed legged. He sits on a stone in front of me. He studies me for a long time. It makes me uncomfortable as hell. And he asks me what I wish to discuss.

And I begin my therapy with him.

Actually this is therapy and confession as well as cleansing. During this time I practice pure necromancy. I avoid anything related to the light as much as possible. And I gaze into the void we all carry within. And I try to learn more about myself.

I don’t hate myself at all. In fact it’s the opposite. I hold court with myself. Different versions of myself appear behind him. And each speak and tell me their problems.

I begin to strategize with Hermes and my guides. About what changes to make. One by one each version is purified in a ritual cleansing that is secret. Then I re-absorb them into myself. In this way I am regaining my personal power.

And doing away with negative things that only hinder me. I am also promising to myself in the name of a God, that I will at least try to be better. And to do better next time. This is a form of shadow work you can do during any retrograde. You just substitute Hermes for the whatever God of whatever planet is in Retrograde.

And of course the problems each retrograde brings out are different. Another thing to do, is perform a Necromantic Ritual. Either with your own ancestors or the God whose planet is about to enter retrograde. Asking them for a deliverance from the bad luck and other negative aspects of a retrograde.

The Shadows Grow……

but that’s not a bad thing

There’s a solar eclipse tonight. Which when combined with the New Moon and the Mercury Retrograde unleashes a lot of shadow power. When there is a solar eclipse, it’s the Sun Gods and Goddesses entering their death forms. This may sound like a contradiction right? How is it possible. How the fuck can a Sun God like Ra or Hawk Maiden or Apollon or Amaterasu be dead? Because everything dies.

Even our sun will one day die.

And then it all comes back in an endless cycle. A hoop that never breaks. The Sun Gods can and do die. In fact they appear in several funerary texts. Eternal life can also be the same as death.

In Christianity, you can only gain immortality through dying and entering Heaven. And then you become one with Jesus and therefore be eternal. So it’s not a contradiction. The Solar Deities entering their deathly aspects increase the powers of the Retrograde and the New Moon. Which is the natural time of the dead.

Now to make it even stronger, today is the feast of Baron Samedi. The Vodoun Loa (God) of the dead. And it’s also the feast of Saint Expedite.

The Stars of the Dead

From :

This is what I am calling all the astrological forces I am seeing and sensing right now. Because I view them in my mind as stars. And they are lining up in Star form. Right now it’s a Hexagon. A six pointed Star.

The New Moon in Aries. This also means Aries the God of War is in his death aspect.

And therefore he adds his own power and wrath. Barron Samedi the Vodoun Loa (God) of the Dead and Saint Expedite. Tonight’s solar eclipse. And finally, the effects of the Mercury Retrograde. Tomorrow it drops to a trio : Mercury retrograde, and the New Moon with chthonic Aries.

Then a Pentagram with those two plus Saturn’s Day (Saturday). The day for the dead. And St. George’s Eve which is the time of the dead and phantoms. But also the dark spirits.

Eve of St. George

Demons roam the skies and land. And wicked things are everywhere. Black Witches practice their rites to Satan and Lilith on this night. Mercury Retrograde takes place on Friday. Any and all kinds of magic during this time will be powerful.

For good and bad.

Some legends say that you see Will-O’-the-wisps at night. And that these are souls of the dead that guard treasures they buried before they died. So that if you see these fiery spirits, you must mark on a map where you saw them. So that you can take the treasures. Yes this is a dark night indeed.

The veil will be at its lowest this week. So what does it actually do? I’ll make it easy. It can,

• Magnify all magic by means of lowering the Veil

• Create doorways to facilitate travel between the worlds

This goes both ways. Certain witches have been known to use times of the day or night of year to enter the spirit world. During the Wild Hunt, some witches used to astral project and join the Hunt. And this is such a time. The Stars of the Dead as I call them, will begin to fade Sunday morning.

Leaving only the New Moon in Aries and Mercury Retrograde. Then the New Moon will vanish with the first quarter moon. And it will be just Mercury Retrograde (for now). But this is just for now. I haven’t consulted my calendar in a while.

Some links and info!

From Pandora Astrology

Also from Pandora Astrology

NEW MOON 29°49’ ARIES | WEDNESDAY 4/19/2023 AT 9:12 P.M. PT

The Seven Symptoms of every Solar Eclipse By The Alchemist

It makes sense when you remember all of the positive things that the Sun embodies. So the Sun dying on us spiritually would cause all that

Three Crystals for the Solar Eclipse By The Alchemist


Total Solar Eclipse and New Moon in Aries By The Mage

See you all soon,

– M

Welcome to Florida : Aka Dumbfuckistan

I used to wonder how and why a civilization disappears. And after watching Ron DeSantis and his idiotic attacks on education, I know the answer. This moron has opened the way so that now a small minority of these insane “christian” Conservative Parents can tyrannize us all. These abominations who are mostly Karen’s, can get teachers and principals fired just for showing pictures of classical art!!! They should change his book from “the courage to be free” to the “The Way Of The Dictator,”

You can’t make this shit up

I hate these people. I hate that they infest Florida like a plague. I hate that they exist. And I hate that they live here. They have turned Florida from a place that we at least loved to live in some of the time, to this shithole third world dictatorship.

Ron DeSatanis and his followers should move to Waco, Texas and start a compound. They can have their weird little religious cult there. And teach kids to be utterly ignorant of the world around them. Afraid of differences. And to hate that which is different.

How can this country have gone so low? I’m sure they will blame it on Obama. Here we have a group of people who complain about us all being “snowflakes” because we don’t want racism in our society. But they are also the same people who complain about everything else. Soon they will complain about the color of sunsets and say there are only two colors for the day. The night and the blue sky.

Oh wait! But night isn’t day, never mind can’t argue with them.

Oh, and supposedly there’s a new law saying Bloggers who criticize this asshat would have to register with the government. And then say “who is paying them and how much,” which is nonsense. And also against the constitution. To that I say,

– M