It begins, The Year of the Wood Dragon is here : Random Links of the Day & Astrological Forecast Combo

Image from the New York Post

Happy Year of the Wood Dragon everyone, Kung Hei Fat Choi! Losar Tashi Delek! 🀄️🐲🐉

We are now in Year 4722 according to the Chinese Calendar (thank you for that info Ferrebeekeeper). Here we have some amazing links to share to read.

An explanation of the Wood Dragon from Ferrebeekeeper here.

The Year of the Wood Dragon is coming — what it means for your zodiac sign


2024 The Year of the Dragon: Newcastle celebrations

Key Traits of the Wood Dragon Chinese Zodiac Sign

The 2024 New Year’s Report : The Most Violent Year yet?

lucky colors of this year

Lucky and Unlucky Days to cut your hair

Feng Shui Astrology Calendar

Buddhist calendar for important spiritual days in January

Flying Stars Chart of 2024

Paht Chee Forecast for 2024 – Year of the Wood Dragon

The 24 Mountains Stars of 2024

Lucky Colors to Wear in the Year of the Wood Dragon 2024

Tai Sui 2024 – General Li Cheng

Your Luck & Lucky Symbols for the Year of the Wood Dragon 2024

Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) 2024/2023: Feb. 10, Animal Sign Dragon, Horoscope

Flying Stars in January 2024: Sum-of-Ten Indicates Great Productivity

Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) 2024/2023: Feb. 10, Animal Sign Dragon, Horoscope

Good & Bad Days to Cut Hair for January 2024

Flying Stars in January 2024: Sum-of-Ten Indicates Great Productivity

Feng Shui Astrology for January 2024

Significant Spiritual Days for January 2024

Happy Lunar New Year! Learn All About This Celebration

Welcome to the Year of the Wood Dragon!

Year of the Dragon 2024 Predictions

A Wonderful Hello Kitty Wood Dragon Salute! (This is my favorite, don’t judge. I love cute stuff)

Khapse- Tibetan New Year Deep Fried Cookies

Tibetan Buddhist Butter Sculptures

Wonder Is Everywhere: A Jumping Japanese Cryptid, Ancient Amazonian Cities, and More From Around the Web

Astrological Forecasts

The Wood Dragon

First we start with the predictions of Geomancer, Master Joseph Chau. I tend to agree with his divination more so than others. He said that in terms of economics, this year is a mixed bag. He says that,

“Industries such as construction, real estate, information technology, and restaurants are poised for growth, while others, including banking, tourism, and trading, may face challenges,”

He warns against not just political conflict, but personal conflict. Including backstabbing and jealousy. What really caught my attention was this part,

“Health-wise, attention is drawn to respiratory issues, digestive problems, and potential accidents involving cars and airplanes. Natural catastrophes such as typhoons, floods, fires, and earthquakes are also predicted in various parts of the world,”

If you recall, in the New Year’s Report the Santeros warned of diseases of the lower body this year. The stomach mostly. In fact, almost immediately I’ve noticed a rise in stomach issues among women particularly. As well as womb issues. Also in Florida, we have non stop had airplane accidents.

Just yesterday another plane fell. Now I can always say, “well it’s the crappy infrastructure Florida has now,”. But this slightly goes over the top. So infrastructure aside, I wouldn’t even get on a private jet right now. In fact, the plane that fell yesterday in the middle of the road was a private jet.

So far it seems the spiritual people of the world are on track. The rest of his article is an explanation by him of what this year means for your zodiac sign. So just click on his name above. And you will be able to access the article. Next is is Tsao-Lin Moy.

She’s the founder of various spiritual businesses. And is very well versed in religion and metaphysics. She says that the element of wood will effect all the zodiac signs. So no matter what your primary element is, it will be effected by Wood. She says,

“Wood is the element of Yang. It is the energy of spring, of reaching toward the light while deepening roots into the soil. The Wood element is associated with the liver and gallbladder and relates to planning and execution. A sign of vitality and vibrance, Wood is responsible for the smooth flow of Qi or Chi (circulating life force) and blood within the body. When emotions are out of balance, Qi does not flow and there is stagnation.

If left untreated the results are irritability, anger, and poor decision-making.

Dragons tend to have careers where they can share, articulate, and express their wisdom. Generally healthy, they run the risk of running fast and running on adrenal fumes. The ‘fire’ in their bellies can manifest as stomach and digestive issues such as acid reflux. Drained resources can lead to problems with circulation and body aches, while poor sleep can result in impatience, moodiness, and melancholy for Dragons.”

I would also like to add, that such a stagnation would cause health problems in anyone. If this is true, that would explain a lot. Such as why so many people are getting lower abdominal diseases. The ones that we were forewarned about. The root chakra which is our spine, legs, bones, pretty much our power body, is where our chi comes from the earth.

It’s how our life force gets into our bodies. So now we know a lot more about what’s happening this year. It makes sense why we need to focus on water. In order to feed the earth element. Water is often seen as our life force as well as the Earth.

The running on fumes adds another explanation. It means we’re overusing our chi and burning ourselves out. Because the Dragon influence of this year drives us.

Dragon with the Pearl of Wisdom,” from Julie T. Gouge

Continuing on,

“Dragons are Yang in nature; enigmatic, intelligent, spiritual & wise. Dragons are curious. They’re independent thinkers and love to gather knowledge. Apropos of this, the symbol of the Dragon holds the Pearl of Wisdom. They have intense focus; setting goals they will dive deep into a subject gaining expertise and mastery.

Above all Dragons value intelligence, wisdom, and loyalty. Dragons don’t tolerate stupidity and can be unforgiving if cheated. Never try to manipulate or trick a Dragon.”

She advises that we balance the energy of the Dragon (Yang) with the Earth (Yin). Because then you could use the combined energy to enhance your prosperity. And anything else you want to accomplish. You don’t need a ritual for that. Just your will and focus.

Though a good ritual wouldn’t hurt. Her final recommendations are as follows,

“Use your divine wisdom to make health a priority. Pay attention to hunger pangs; eat at regular intervals, chew slowly, and don’t skip meals. A springtime liver detox can clear out metabolic waste. While meditation may not be appealing to Dragons, breathing exercises and sound baths are great for Dragons. Taper excess caffeine and other stimulants that interrupt sleep. Consider substituting dandelion, burdock, and stinging nettle teas for coffee,”

For her forecasts on what happens via your zodiac sign go here.

From the Flying Stars Website,

You can read the rest of their prediction here. I don’t want to take away from their website. You can just read it there. Next we have the Paht Chee Forecast for 2024 – Year of the Wood Dragon. And again, we are seeing the same thing from the Letters of the year (in my new year’s report), pop up in Chinese Feng Shui.

Next we have the The 24 Mountains Stars of 2024. The Mountain Stars are powerful in Feng Shui. Click the link above to see what you need to do to increase your luck. Finally, are leaving Period 8. The era of the number 8.

And we are about to enter Period 9.

It should also be noted that in Western Numerology, the number 9 is slow, but long lasting prosperity. The Nine Periods each last for 20 years. So it’s time to take advantage of this number and gain our power. But it will also be a more tumultuous period. Possibly marked by Revolutions.

But it’s also a time of prosperity. So it depends on who and what will be effected.

The Spiritual Drought

From the world atlas article : 
What Are The Effects Of A Drought On The Environment?

In this Chinese New Year, the world will enter the year of the Wood Dragon. And with it, a massive imbalance in our world. Too much earth, and not enough water. That’s the ruling theme for this year. The world is not being nurtured by water.

Too many dreams are being sacrificed in the name of what we think is practical (a perversion of the earth element). Or what we think is reasonable. And we’re not nurturing each other or ourselves like we used to. Grounding is great. Earth is great. 

Earth lends power to all of us. It makes us invincible in any almost situation. Especially battles. The problem is, we have too many battles. Too many of us are stuck in defensive or offensive strikes. 

Normally, I would say this isn’t bad at all. Because most of the time, people lead a sedentary life style. Too many are wasting their energy and time on social media. On pleasure. And on feel good stuff. 

Especially this time of the year. So I was happy with the more aggressive magma energy of the underworld stirring our world up. More and more people becoming conscious and educated on things they weren’t before. And no longer standing for it. No longer being passive.

But if there’s no water, you’re grounding with desolate earth. And your soul becomes desolate as well. In resisting the cement of the establishment, we’ve all entered overdrive. Even after we broke our selves free (or free enough). I have felt it too. 

I don’t think we should stop resisting evil. Far from it. But it’s time to change tactics. We have already used our raw power to break free from sedentary state. From the cement of apathy and ignorance. 

Now it’s time to wash what’s left of the cement from our bodies. Gently. To flow with water. Bruce Lee actually talked about this many times. 

Yin and Yan

Imbalances are cured through spiritual counter balance. What this means is, spend the first six months of the year meditating only with water. Then, on month 7, you can re-incorporate the Earth. This should balance you out. Ask your spirits how this is to be done. 

Something wholesome and loving for the new year 

You could also work with spirits of water. Or spirits who are associated with water. Learn to redirect your energies towards nurturing yourself. And your dreams. Just don’t totally lose yourself in the water either. 

You don’t want to accidentally create a new imbalance. 

The strength of water, is also it’s weakness. It opens up your mind to visions. Which is why Neptune Retrograde is good for spirit work. It even allows you to enter the spiritual world. However, that’s also its weakness. 

Too much water, leaves you ungrounded. And then your mind floats the same way the air signs do. When the astrology is ungrounded. So if you notice that water energy leaves you ungrounded like that, don’t wait to re-incorporate the earth. Everyone reacts differently. 

Lucky Colors & Their Meanings

According to the flying stars site, the lucky colors of this year are : blue & black (wealth), white, gold, & silver (intelligence), red (support and authority), green (recognition of your talents), and finally yellow (fostering of good allies). Wearing each of these colors is supposed to personally stabilize your energy for this coming year. Next we talk about who the ruling Chinese God of this year is. 

The Tai Sui of 2024

General Li Cheng

Every year the Jade Emperor, the Supreme Chinese God, chooses someone from his court to rule that year. He has sixty divine generals. And one of those generals is anointed as the Grand Duke of the planet Jupiter. Jupiter you see, is seen as a planet of wealth and power across cultures. In Rome, Jupiter was the Supreme God. 

So this is a very important planet in Astrology. Even astrologies from different cultures. Whatever God or spirit is in charge of this planet, is very important. And obviously very powerful. So it’s important to stay on the good side of whoever will be in charge. 

For this year, the being in charge is General Li Cheng

The sacred direction of the Tai Sui this year is going to be the South East direction of your house. That is the direction where the wood dragon spirit will be. So that direction should be kept quiet at all times. Don’t ever face that direction. Because doing that is a challenge to him. 

You should burn incense or candles and leave fruit offerings to both the Tai Sui and the Dragon. Divine with your spirits or ask a specialist on the best way to do this. The sign of the dog directly conflicts with the Tai Sui. So anyone born under that sign will be afflicted. The sheep and ox are afflicted indirectly by the Tai Sui. 

Taken directly from the website :

Now that sounds good and all. And it is don’t get me wrong. But there is a down side. One, if the Jade Emperor chose him to rule us this year, that means there is going to be a massive overhaul. Imagine having a forensic accountant audit you. 

Making sure that all accounts are balanced. Now this is for our own good. We need balance. And we desperately need to redo how we are living our lives. So that’s a good thing. 

And he will give us support. 

But remember that a Mercury retrograde is kind of like that too. We have our lives in an upheaval to change something we wouldn’t change on our own. So there’s no telling what kind of upheaval there will be this year. We are being told that good leaders will emerge to rise up and help us. But over all I think you should learn to rely on yourself. 

Because for some signs, leaders won’t help at all.

Trouble for Zodiac Signs

Please pay attention. If you were in the following. It comes from the China site.

“Recent/upcoming years of the Dragon are 2024, 2012, 2000, and 1988. If you were born in one of the years, then you are a Rabbit. You will experience your zodiac birth sign year (benmingnian) in 2024, which is considered bad luck,”

So expect the ride to be particularly bad for you. The sign of the Dragon, Goat, Dog, and Ox are also considered unlucky this year. Because they directly oppose the ruling Tai Sui. The luckiest zodiac animals are Monkeys, Roosters, and Pigs. Anyone falling under those signs shouldexperience good luck. 

The same article mentions important things you should do on specific dates. And other important tidbits and details you may need. Another important thing I wanted to bring up. There are days that are lucky or unlucky for cutting your hair. Most Westerners don’t know this, but there are days where it is bad to cut your hair. 

Why? Because hair is on the crown of the head. And the soul lives in the mind. This is actually a common belief among the ancients. Even in Yoruba religion, we are cautious with who touches our heads. Even barbers, because evil sorcerers and spirits can attack the soul directly through the head. 

It’s the chief center of power for the whole body. So evil spirits and certain types of bad or enemy witches, will attack that area first. That’s why you shouldn’t just allow anyone to touch your children. Or you. You don’t know with what intentions they are doing this. 

Now, we aren’t going to delve into the intricacies of this. There’s too much information and cultures to cover. This specifically comes from a Buddhist text. Tibetan Buddhist. So every year there is an updated calendar done by Tibetan Buddhist Monks. 

These calendars detail exactly when the spiritual essence of a person is weak. So you actually need the extra hair as a natural shield. Cutting it on the wrong day, opens your mind chakra to foreign influences. And bad spirits, who will see you leaking your energy through that chakra. And go after an easy meal. 

The good news is, even after a hair cut, it only takes about a day or so for the mind to adapt. It can adapt the flow of its own energy to the new hair length. And as long as you aren’t being attacked that day by someone, you’re good. And the flip side is, cutting your hair on good days brings prosperity. That means you’re opening your soul and mind up to prosperous energies. 

Which it will naturally feast upon. The calendar for these days is here.

Zodiac Signs

Image from from an old 2020 Zodiac article 

Now, for positive stuff about your signs. And opportunities you can read this article instead. Now for a mix of good and bad info go there following. This is a Feng Shui Astrology Calendar which means it balances both concepts with the zodiac signs of each person. For some it will be bad. 

For others, good. Speaking of good, the normal Feng Shui calendar for this month is extremely good. And this is a normal Buddhist calendar for important spiritual days in January. It tells you who is in charge of what day. And the special kinds of rituals you should do for success.

Well that’s everything. Cheers everyone!

– M