Cleansing & Banishing Week 3 : The Subtle Sorcerer

Female Jinn,
by Cjb1981
This was drawn on 9/11, 2023 of all dates.
Perhaps it’s fitting

Here we are. The final stage of the account helping that idiotic family. I really wanted to smack all of them in the face. And I swear if that moronic husband in the family kept opening his mouth, he was going to lose his teeth. So let’s finish this chapter of me working for morons again.

If you want to see the chronological decent into my case with this family, the first account is here. And the second account is here. This is the third and final account.

Spiritual War

Angels Vs Jinn,
during the Jinn War

If you read the first two accounts, you know that this was a pain in the ass. It’s a pain in the ass even to write this. I still mentally and emotionally tired recalling this and writing it down. The spirits helping me had succeeded in driving out the last of the fallen bastions in the house. Mr. Hippie is I call him, helped me ward everything.

He had a really strange experience in the house that initially made him question his sanity. He had seen a doppelgänger of the father of the family. Walk right in front of him out of no where. And vanish into the bathroom. He really did believe it was that man.

Only when he walked after him to ask him if the rest of the family was okay, did he realize no one was there.

So whatever skepticism he may have had of me before, was gone now. Now he believed. He ran down to me shaking like a leaf. At this point I just got tired of the bullshit. So I called on the Angels.

In fact I should have done that from the very beginning. I went to a spiritually clean place. And I did my own version of a burnt offering. With a bonfire made by the hippie and a roasted animal. We burned the animal for Adonai.

Again, this creature was already dead. We asked the butcher for the most recent animal. One who still had all the blood.

Adonai likes blood with his offerings. I felt a presence come down like a ball of lighting. I knew it was Adonai sending his Holy Spirit through the fire and smoke to eat. Then I did a Bibliomancy and asked if my sacrifice was accepted. The Archangel Metatron said it was.

And I asked if they would send down Angels on our behalf. Metatron responded,

“No sooner have you asked this, than the Lord of Hosts shall send down his luminaries to bind the Jinn with fetters. And drag them into the dark abyss. But this family will need more,”

I asked him out loud.

“What do I do?”

“Speak to the child,”

I already knew what he was talking about. The girl who I suspected was behind this whole mess. The one the family seemed to not want to discuss. I felt the ball lighting depart once the flames had finally died down. We took the remains of the animal offerings to a cemetery.

And we left it there with proper offerings. Specifically I had Mr. Hippie dig a hole under a tree that was tipped over. Apparently when the hurricane winds came here last time, it partially ripped this tree from it’s roots. The animal was buried underneath. And the tree was forced back on top of the grave.

To act as a marker. It was was hard to do. Even small trees can weigh a ton. But finally we got it done. In the Torah, remains of offerings had to be taken to graveyards or wastelands.

I blessed the animal ghost in the name of Asherah, or God the Mother. And by the time we got back to the house, things were better. We walked around the house. But I couldn’t feel anything. Even he said it felt like someone had used bleach to clean the home.

I did a divination with the Bible but Metatron stopped me. He told me what I already knew. His troops had swept the home clean as promised. I technically didn’t have to cleanse the house. Because his angelic flame burned everything out.

But just in case, I did a cleansing with lavender oil. I blessed the house. And then I used an ancient Sumerian barrier. Christians aren’t the only ones who use sealing prayers. And due to these beings being middle eastern, I used the oldest sealing I could find.

“Talisman, talisman,
boundary that cannot be taken away,
boundary that the Gods cannot pass,
barrier immovable,
which is opposed to malevolence!
Whether it be a wicked Utuq,
a wicked Alal,
a wicked Gigim,
a wicked God,
a wicked Maskim,
a phantom, a spectre,
a vampire,
an incubus,
a succubus,
a nightmare,
may the barrier of the God Ea stop him!”

Incantation against Demons,” from Book of Shadows

For this, I used incense to create the etheric barrier. Since the Sumerians believed some evil spirits, traveled by wind. Wind is both corporeal and incorporeal at the same time. I used the incense stick as a wand to command the directions in the name of Ea. I also asked that once here, anyone living here be they animal, human, or even animistic spirit, be protected and shielded.

That way nothing could enter the Dream world either. We cleansed and washed up. The Dumb ass husband called to see how much longer this would take. Apparently moving to the hotel didn’t work all the way. They slept better.

But were still being harassed. I took the phone away from the hippie and said,

“You can come in today if you like. Just finished erecting the last barrier for your home,”

The condescending dipshit laughed, and asked who talks like that.

“Anyone with an ounce of education. That’s why I don’t fit in with most people in Florida. You clearly don’t have that problem,”

He started to curse over the phone until his wife took it away. And I gave her the good news. She was ecstatic. So were the others. I could hear this moron whining and complaining at the other end of the room.

And his eldest told him to be quiet that at least I got the job done. I kind of chuckled to myself. This guy isn’t even respected by his own kids. He’s that much of a douche. I wanted to leave and go home.

But they wanted me to stay for one more night just in case. Even El Douche wanted that. He tried to pretend to be calm. But I could tell he was still shitting bricks being in his own home. So I agreed and slept on the couch.

And this time, the family dog did stay with me. That made them all smile. And a look of relief washed over the husband. As they walked around the house, they seemed to expect something to jump out at them. But were always relieved when nothing did.

They said it also felt quieter. That they heard noises similar to foot steps before. But they thought it was the house settling. Now they didn’t even hear that. Lord Metatron had done his work at the command of Adonai.

Now it was time for the uncomfortable part. I asked the family to sit down. And I said,

“Before I say anything. I need all of you to be honest with me and tell me what the hell was done by her,”

I pointed at the girl.

“I know you know, that this started with her. And I sensed it by myself. And then it was told to me by the spirit who cleaned your house today. So please tell me what it is. There’s no point in lying or doing cover ups,”

The husband fixed his wife a nasty look. Not because of me. It was more of an I told you so look. So I thought, it was your idea to hide this from me, not your husband. Now I understood why he was so aggressive and stressed all the time.

It wasn’t me. It was his misplaced anger towards his own wife. Still, he kept his words to himself. Instead he waited for her to speak.

“We didn’t think it was necessary to say out loud,”

(I tried to keep my mouth shut but)

“Lady, are you fucking shitting me? Imagine someone telling General McArthur they needed him to fight a force of invaders. But didn’t specify who they were. Or telling a doctor you’re sick, but not saying what the symptoms are. You had me chasing my own ass this whole time when you could have simply told me what was going on. And you!”

I pointed to the Hippie.

“You knew this whole freaking time what was happening didn’t you? And you didn’t see fit to tell me,”

He looked away from me.

“Now stop evading the question and answer please,”

Now the husband had this big shit eating grin on his face. It’s as if he wanted to say all those things before but couldn’t. Now he felt validated. I could tell, he was going to hold that one over her for a very long time. Good luck trying to win an argument with him now.

Despite the tension in the room, it felt good to know I was going to get the truth. So finally she explained. And man what a doozy this one was.

A Ghost Hunt Gone Wrong

From the article,
Protecting Florida’s Historic Cemeteries,”
The Florida Trust

Florida has an epidemic. One the whole country is suffering. Disrespect to our old cemeteries. To our graveyards. To our tombs and places of rest.

There’s a whole number of cemeteries in Florida that have been abandoned. And our local government is shit. They don’t even care about the living, much less the dead. It’s the price we pay for so called “freedom” under our mini Republican oligarchy. They didn’t mention the name of this cemetery.

Although I could probably guess which one they went to. It’s a historic black cemetery. Sacred especially to the Haitian community. It isn’t just famous because of how old it is. It’s famous because it’s falling apart. Graves are cracked wide open.

Exposing the bones of the dead. And to make it worse, there’s people who take advantage of this to perform rituals in the cemetery. Haitian Vodou. I practice American Voodoo (religion) and Hoodoo (magic). But I also make sure I respect all the spirits. And people shoving magical spells into open graves is not respectful.

I doubt they even leave proper offerings at these sites. I’m just an amateur necromancer. There’s still so much I have to learn and have not done. So I am not an authority on anything. But I view Necromancy as a divine obligation to the ancestors.

To protect them. To aid and help them. That’s why I am studying death midwifery. And working with ancestral spirits. I can’t fathom using people, even if they’re dead, like they don’t matter.

And doing so in a way that hurts their living families too. And sadly, that’s where I have to say that education begins at home. Because that was how this whole mess got started. This girl and her friends wanted to do a ghost hunt at this particular cemetery. They knew no one would be there.

And decided to go in the late afternoon. From 4pm till sunset. They figured they had less chance of bumping into someone that way. And they didn’t want to be caught out there at night. Now cemeteries are naturally liminal places.

But being there in the waning hours of light is pretty stupid. There are times of the day and the night that are Liminal. Where the whole world experiences a break with normal reality. And things can pass from place to place seamlessly. In Santeria, from sunset until dawn, these are the hours of the dead.

That’s why rituals and magic are forbidden at night time. Unless you’re trying to curse someone. There are some magics that are okay to do. But the Yoruba people in Nigeria, see it as a time when you cannot be involved in such things. Because it isn’t just the dead who roam the night.

But the spirits of evil. And your magic could attract, or become perverted by such spirits. So imagine being at a cemetery, a crossroads, or even the woods at night. You’re right at the gates of the spiritual world as they are opening up. And to make it worse, she was actively communicating with the dead.

Without protection. Without special prayers and rituals to act as a filter. Just bare bones naked in the spirit world. She might as well have been wearing neon lights and carried a sign announcing her presence. It was near sunset.

When they freaked out at a voice. They didn’t think it was a ghost. They thought it was a living person in the cemetery. That voice was loud. They said the voice and manner of speech sounded like a southern African American woman.

She and her two friends hid behind a tomb stone. And waited for whoever it was to go. It was then that they noticed there was something off about that voice. They couldn’t actually understand what she was saying. They said it sounded like a “vocal intonation”.

But they didn’t know where it was coming from. Or what was being said. Only that it was unsettling. They moved out of that cemetery slowly. But they heard something behind them.

Like someone was crushing a piece of tombstone under their foot. When they looked behind them there was nothing there. Finally they said they heard movement all around them. And they made a break for it. And when they turned around for the second time, they saw a dark shadowy silhouette of a woman.

Soon after that, things started happening to all three of them. Little things at first. Things accidentally falling and breaking. Arguments with friends. And horrible nightmares the three seemed to share.

Her friends ignored her out of the blue.

And she also saw and dreamt of this woman as well. The rotted woman as I have come to call her. The Ghul. I had asked if there was anything else that needed to be said. She said no, that was everything.

I needed rest. So I decided to do that. But also to explain the situation as I had seen it. I told them everything you have already read about in my other posts. They looked to the hippie for confirmation. He told them all he had witnessed as well.

I had mentioned how she tried to trick me into letting her in through the door. The hippie freaked. I forgot I never told him about that. He now knew he wasn’t being paranoid that night. That something really had been trying to get inside the house.

He confirmed to them that he had felt that. And stayed on guard all night. He looked at me nasty.

“Ah I see, the only who isn’t allowed to hide pertinent information is me,”

He fucked off after that. So now, the husband was finally convinced I wasn’t full of shit. Too many things I knew. And none of them had told me a single thing. The girl was silent.

And looked very humiliated. She was expecting a yelling. Instead, I told her we all needed some sleep. We’ll find out the truth in the morning.


How to make a scrutiny mirror,”
from Sacred Wicca

Next day, as soon as the Hippie cooked for us all, I got my ass out of there. They kept trying to guilt trip me that I wasn’t done yet. I informed them that to finish my investigation, I needed to be in a more controlled environment. So I left.

I rested for most, if not all the day. Ate light, food that would be considered sacred. Watched tv. Got my mind off of everything. The Terminalia had come. And all the really serious magic work was over.

I needed to wait for the night to come. Once I was well aligned, I took out my scrying mirror. To find out what the fuck was going on. And eventually I came to several conclusions. Chief among them, the spirits in the mirror reminded me that West African Vodoun, is often mixed with Islam.

The mystical variants of it like Sufi Islam. Fuck me. The woman was a Ghul as I had suspected. And the dark spirits the tree protected me from last time, were Ifrit. Those are a type of Jinn who live in the underworld.

There seem to be two different kinds of Ifrit. One version, are the original fallen jinn of Iblis. They have charred black skin due to the fires of Hell when they fell. But some humans who are murdered, come back from the dead as Ifrit. The exact process isn’t fully detailed.

But it’s mostly believed that the Ifrit sense the deaths of people. They know who is murdered. And they go to the bodies of the murdered dead. And attempt to curse their souls. So that they will become Ifrit.

Another interesting thing. The spirits in the mirror told me that Beelzebulb is the lord of the Ifrit. I did some independent research. There is nothing in books that confirm he is in charge of them all. But indeed, Islamic Demonology states that he is an Ifrit himself.

I remembered the black demonic flies on the first night who attacked me in my dreams. I remembered what his name means, “lord of the flies”. And I have been told before by spirits that Beelzebulb rules the dead. That he is a necromantic demon. Almost nothing online supports that.

I only found once source that confirmed it. And now I can’t remember where it is. But the spirits have never lied to me. And it all fits. Especially if Islam says he’s an Ifrit.

It stands to reason that he’s not just a demon of plagues and diseases. He really does rule the dead. After all, what transmits infectious disease faster than a rotting corpse? So far it all fit. I think someone left a cursed item in that cemetery. Or God forbid actually cursed the entire grounds.

Maybe offered up those souls to the demon. Combine that with an amateur ghost hunter. A broken down and possibly hexed cemetery. And all this happened around sunset. The time when the dead start to rise. Something kept echoing in my mind.

I heard a word, Māntrik. The word was familiar. It took me a while to realize I had read about it before. It took me forever to find the article. Because I kept spelling Mantrik without the ā.

But finally I found it. Here’s the best article on them. From the spiritual research foundation.

“The subtle-sorcerers (māntriks) are the topmost echelon in the hierarchy of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.). They are forever working towards their goal of establishing their supremacy, (i.e. an order of unrighteousness) in all the subtle-regions as well as on the Earth region (Bhūlok). To achieve this, they are engaged in subtle-battle with the highest evolved beings from all the positive regions, including Satyalok. They work through the medium of other types of ghosts whom they use as slaves. They have an excellent subtle communication infrastructure in place wherein all the various types of ghosts are interconnected.

The moment any (evil) ghost is in need of spiritual black energy, it is automatically provided by the next order of ghost and so on. It is only towards the end, if the highest slave ghost is at the losing end, that a subtle-sorcerer would come into the picture. And that too only a lower level one and only in the capacity of providing more black energy. As subtle-sorcerers are an elite class of (evil) ghosts, they do not bother affecting average human beings on Earth region. Subtle-sorcerers reside in the regions of Hell from the 2nd region onwards.

Subtle-sorcerers are very cunning and highly skilled in scheming. They can get any activity done just by concentrating on the relevant thought during meditation. They strive constantly to establish total control on people in places that are conducive for furthering their objectives. Knowledgeable in illusory (māyāvi) science : They generate their illusory forms through meditation.

  • Subtle-sorcerers can acquire any form depending on what they are trying to achieve and how much they plan to expose themselves. They can also manifest in the physical form and take human or animal form.
  • Due to their immense spiritual energy they radiate an aura about them that is similar (equal) to that of a Saint,”
Subtle-sorcerer,” from the Spiritual Research Foundation in India
The description of what some of them look like, based on psychic descriptions

So I went back to the mirror and asked,

“You’re saying the Ghul is also a subtle sorcerer?”

“Yes” the spirits whispered.

Now the high level haunting made sense. This wasn’t your typical spirit. They picked up a damn Māntrik at that cemetery. It’s a place that such creatures would use as a base of operations. And they spend all this time engaged in spiritual warfare.

In Hindu demonology, like the demonologies of many religions, human souls can become demons. And Jinnis in Islam can be either of human or non human origin. So the Ghul was once a human. And in death it also achieved the status of a Māntrik. These may seem like contradictions.

Because these are two different religions, but spirits in the region can belong to several faiths. They’re indigenous spirits after all. But why would something so high, be involved with regular humans? I asked that question. And I saw an image of dark shadows that were trapped in vessels of some sort. I couldn’t tell what they were right away.

But I had one thought.

“Did they take something from that place?”

I heard them say yes. I checked the time, and I had been staring into the mirror for two hours. It was time to stop. It’s very dangerous to do this for too long. I dismissed the spirits.

Cleansed the mirror with an infusion of holy water and mugwort. As two of my former masters had taught me. I smudged the house clean. And did aspersions of holy water everywhere. I grounded and cleansed myself.

Then did a final cleansing with a uncrossing bath. When I got out, I felt like a thousand pounds had left me. I took copious notes on the whole thing so I wouldn’t forget. Then I headed for bed. The hippie texted me,

“Yo! You haven’t been in touch all day,”

“That’s been on purpose. I needed to relax and regenerate,”

He took a while to text back. I was about to turn the lights off when he did.

“We need to know that you finished,”

“No I haven’t. And I need them to stop riding me. Don’t you think I’ve done enough already?”

Now he was quiet. And let me sleep.

New Day

Yeshua or Isa (Jesus) driving out the Demonic Legion from the possessed man in the graveyard. It sort of looks like an Ifrit. Image is from Liberty Cygnus

Next day I woke up at 12pm. They woke me up. Being annoying as hell. I ordered breakfast. And took out my dog.

They called again.

“You people really have never heard of email or text have you?”

“Look we know you’re stressed but they just want closure,”

“You got time to listen?”

“Uh sure,”

“Are they there with you?”

“Yes” said the mother out loud. So I was on speaker. This family really annoys me. So they wanted closure, I gave it to them alright. After I got done explaining everything, I could hear a pin drop on the other side.

“So my breakfast is here, and I need to eat. Talk to you later,”

I clicked that phone hard. And turned my phone off. Basically forced them to have to email. And I took my sweet ass time doing it. Finally, around 4pm I emailed back.

Asked them if they had found whatever it was the children brought back with them from that cemetery. That was what the dark spirits were using. They kept trying to get me on the phone or even back there. Hard pass. They kept saying they took nothing.

I did a minor divination with simpler tools. And asked simple questions. Namely I asked,

“Did they take objects with them?”

The divination didn’t make sense. They kept saying that they had taken spirits with them. But without an object, how would they have taken a spirit? They weren’t witches. Or psychics. They were mayo as hell.

Then a thought entered my mind. Probably from the spirit I was asking,

“Are you saying they captured entities using a recording device?”

The divination then said,

“Devices” and “many”. Fuck. So this time I called the hippie from someone else’s phone. And I told him not to put me on speaker or tell them shit. Then I told him to ask the girl and her friends whether they used recording devices.

Without asking, he informed me that they did. And one of them had a picture of the strange silhouette that they saw before they left.

“Destroy the machines,”

“But their phones,,”

“They got money, they can afford it. They need to do a binding ritual with a preacher from a church. He has to bind the entities inside the objects so they can’t escape. Then destroy them. Smash them with hammers.

And state that as the cursed objects are smashed, they cannot return. Their tether to this world is broken,”

“How will their pastor do that?”

“If he’s any kind of religious authority, he will more or less have a prayer or some training in spiritual warfare. He’s got to bind the objects first. It’s the same thing they do when destroying any cursed object. Send the remains to be melted down somewhere afterwards.”

“Where are we going to find someone to do that?”

” That’s your problem. I’ve told you what you need to do. All of you then get blessed by the priest. And go to church for a while. You should be fine.”

That was the last day I had spoken with them. I recently got a message from them. They said it all went away as soon as the pastor (who did know the rituals) had bound the objects. In many cultures, spirits can be captured on film. As in literally.

It’s why many people don’t allow pictures of themselves to be taken. In really old cultures, the dead and other things could be trapped on film. Or even in audio recordings. One kid did a ghost box session with an app on his phone.

The girl didn’t know that one until she finally contacted them. The other one had been snapping weird images on her camera. And she herself had recorded everything on her phone. With the voice captured. I warned her against saving any of this shit for evidence.

So three phones were smashed to hell. But it all stopped. It’s not enough to destroy a spirit vessel. You have to bind the spirits so they don’t seek revenge once it’s done. The spirits were released and banished.

And the family got blessed. The Pastor had gone to their homes and done another blessing on top of mine. No biggie. That’s always good. They nailed wooden crosses on all corners of the house.

And added holy oil to the doors and windows. And it was done. Nothing came back to bother them. The Pastor was kind of annoyed they came to me for help. But I think even he knows he wouldn’t have been able to pull this off without help.

None of us have seen the rotted woman ever again. And now I’m trying not to help anyone ever again. I don’t know how I allowed myself to get wrapped in someone else’s bullshit. Again. I just don’t fucking learn.

Oh well, the Hippie paid some of my debts for me. And he said he was no longer skeptical. That now he would learn to protect himself. So all in all, not bad all the way. At least something good came of all of this.


– M

Published by


Bone Caster, Card Reader, apprentice Santero, Magician, Hellenic, Student of Druidry, and Pagan. Also, I'm a pain in the Ass

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