Random Links of the Day : The March of the Future Dead on St. Mark’s Eve (And a lot of other weird shit)

On this night, starting at midnight the spirits come out

Boy, whoo! My ass is tired. If you’re an avid reader of my blog, then you know I’ve been writing almost non stop from these last two days. For Saint George’s Eve and also for Saint George’s Day. I’m too tired to write an in-depth expose on Saint Mark. But I can do the next best thing. I can do a random links of the day!

I haven’t done one of those in a long time. Essentially, sometimes I would get random information on strange things. The paranormal, or weird history. And I thought to myself that I bet my readers would love it. So what happened is I ended up inventing this type of blog post specifically to share articles.

Or even videos etc..

So today I’m making a random links of the day. All will be about St. Mark’s Eve and it’s Folklore. The main thing to know about Saint Mark’s Eve is that churches will have a parade of future dead people. You will see the Doppelgängers of people still alive marching to the doors of a church. And whoever you recognize from that march will die this year.

Sadly I can tell you this is true. I have observed the vigil myself. In 2020 I couldn’t actually go to a physical church due to COVID. But I performed a divination by casting the bones. And the person I knew who was going to die was my grandfather. And a few days after the divination he died.

So this is very real. The whole thing shocked me to my core. I wasn’t expecting it. The reason I tell you this story is 1) Be careful when doing this. Prepare yourself for the possibility it will be someone you know.

Beware of just sitting anywhere on the Eve of Saint Mark. You might see something you don’t want to see. From DeviantArt

And 2) There is an alternate way to find out who is at the procession. Moving on let’s start with my former articles on St. Mark’s Eve :

The Occult connections of Saint Mark and Saint George

My Divination on St. Mark’s Eve, the one in which I discovered my Grandfather would die

Now for the other links

The Mystery of St. Mark’s Eve | The Book of Days

St. Mark’s Eve by Robert D. Carter

St. Mark’s Eve and the Future Dead

St. Mark’s Eve Article from the Smell of Water WordPress blog!

English Folklore of St. Mark’s Eve

Spells for St. Mark’s Eve

The Wikipedia page of St. Mark’s Eve

Halloween in Spring : St. Mark’s Eve

St. Mark’s Eve – Tudor’s Society

The Legends and Mysteries of St. Mark’s Eve

The Doppelgängers of the future dead arise during this time

April 24, 2020 – St. Mark’s Eve

St. Mark’s Eve – Stephen Morris, Author

St. Mark’s Eve – Mysterious Britain & Ireland

Folklore : Divining Love & Death on St. Mark’s Eve

The Spooky Traditions behind St. Mark’s Eve

Does Saint Mark’s Eve rival Halloween as the Spookiest Day of the Year?

St. Mark’s Eve – Oxford Reference

When the Soon to be Dead Walk

Why did people spy on Future Ghosts on St. Mark’s Eve?

Watching for the nearly departed on St. Mark’s Eve

St. Mark’s Eve I missed it this year

The Saint Mark’s Eve Archives of the Tudor Society

It’s Saint Mark’s Eve! Fabulous Folklore with Icy Sedgwick Podcast!

From Den of the Geek

English Residents prepare for the Spookiest Night of the Year

Diving who will die next

PDF’s on Saint Mark’s Eve

Confessions of a Teenage GhostHunter: Keeping the St Marks Eve Vigil and Looking for the Ghost of Sir Walter Calverley

St. Mark’s Eve – Faeries and all that stuff

Happy Saint Mark’s Eve everyone!

– M

St. George’s Eve (Don’t go out tonight)

All manner of Spirits, evil, neutral, and some good wander the night

The feast of Saint George the Dragon Slayer is normally a good Feast. But on the Eve or vespers of a Saint’s day, evil spirits and evil witches gain their strongest powers. It’s their way to mock holiness. But contrary to popular belief it isn’t just evil spirits out tonight. All sorts of beings are out.


Werewolves are out and about on this night. Some of them are good and others are bad. Some of them are shape shifting witches who learned to transform. Some are people who were cursed. And some gained an ability from a relative to enter Wolf form.

Who knows what they’re up to tonight? At least the Romanian version of Werewolves. In North America they’re active on St. Mark’s Eve not St. George’s Eve.

The Blutbad Holly Clark, from the Tv series Grimm. It basically means “big bad Wolf”


A Ghost Orb from Malaysia

Then of course we have Will-O’-the-wisps also known as Ignes Fatui (giddy flames). Also known as Ghost Lights and Corpse Lights. These are spirits that take on the form of the classic ghost orbs you have probably seen or heard of from television. Not only do they exist in European culture. But also in some indigenous American cultures.

But not all Will-O’-the-wisps are ghosts.

In Mexico they are normally Hags or Demon Witches. Practitioners of black magic who delved so deeply into the darkness that they became demons while still alive. In death they get even stronger. This is not to be confused with the title of Hag used by some Covens. This specific hag is not a human witch.

Hags in the form of fiery Will-O’-the-wisps

It refers to a whole class of formally human witches who became demons or demon-human hybrids through sinister practices.

But most of these lights are associated either with Faeries or with deceased human souls. The main belief in Europe, is as follows. When Saint George’s Eve comes around, the dead, and even spirits associated with treasures (which includes a few demons) will appear as flames or lights. These lights will then hover around places where there’s buried treasure. Really brave (or greedy) people will venture out at night hoping to find such spirits.

And then either dig up the treasure then and there. Or mark the place somehow to find it again the next day.

Corpse Lights, spirits of the dead in Orb form

Granted, this is a dangerous practice because the spirit could kill, curse, or even possess the would be treasure hunter. Something I recommend is to never steal treasures from spirits. My Native Shaman had been haunted by a spirit who buried money with her dead father. We never knew how they acquired this money together. But we figured it probably wasn’t legal.

But we let his soul stay with that money. My family had a similar run in with the spirit of a dead land owner from Spanish colonial times. The house they lived in had previously been his property. But the treasure was under some kind of Boulder. And no matter what was done, the rock wouldn’t break.

Not even with drills. My grandmother who practiced magic, correctly concluded that the treasure would never belong to us.

A Faerie creature with its ball of light behind it

Some of these spirits are dead pirates or road thieves who buried their treasures prior to death. Perhaps even being captured and hanged before they could enjoy their stolen bounty. Or sometimes regular people who hid their treasures to feed their families later. But had died before revealing their locations.


Moroi, the human vampire born from two Strigoi

The Moroi are a type of Vampire that falls under two distinct categories. One is a physical psychic vampire that drains the energy of the living. The other is a non-corporeal Ghost Vampire. Much like the Asian Hungry Ghost, feeds on the energy of living creatures. Moroi are often the subjects of debate.

Moroi as a Parasitic Ghost. Image from DeviantArt

In one story they are mortal Vampires. In another a vengeful ghost who feeds off of energy. Sometimes the Moroi are said to be demonic spirits who possess the living. This includes animals such as Bears. Living Vampires also become undead Vampires in death.

This is probably why the Moroi appears as all three types of creatures. In death they may have the option to become a regular parasitic ghost. Or a demon.

Their Parents

Strigoi Mort are a type of witch vampire. In fact the word itself is actually for witches. Simply it has become so associated with these vampires that extra terms have been added to tell the difference. From the Latin word Strix for witch. Italian Strega.

And Slavic Shtriga. In order to differentiate from a human witch or wizard they use different terms. Such as Strigoi viu, or Strigele, living strigoi or living witch. The undead vampire witch are called Strigoi Mort or dead witch. In Romania dead evil witches tend to become vampires.

However, it’s all confusing. Because some argue that a Strigele is like a Moroi. That it is unholy and will become a vampire witch in death. But to me that’s just Christian bias. They think witches are all satanic.

Obviously not all Romanian Witches become these creatures. There are several types of benevolent witches that use sorcery to fight these creatures. And even create talismans and amulets for protection. In several legends, Romani people (Gypsies) have played key roles in fighting and defeating vampires and other demons. There are legends of Gypsy vampire hunters as a matter of fact.

But that’s a rabbit hole for another day.

Strigoi Mort are immortal and also have magical powers. They are said to control the Moroi. Some legends state that the Moroi are the living children of two Strigoi who mated. So these vampires are interrelated. Why the immortality isn’t passed on isn’t explained.

Because they are also witches, they have a wide variety of powers. From invisibility to shape shifting. The Strigoi are thought to originally have come from Dacian religion. The belief that these are condemned souls. They were unworthy to enter the heavenly Kingdom of the God Zalmoxis.

And thus spend their eternity as vampires. From the Dacians, the Romanians inherited these creatures.


From LP Bestiary

It’s said that the forces of evil meet at the boundaries of their cities or towns at sunset. These could be vampires, evil human witches, evil werewolves, or straight up fallen spirits from hell. Here they plan and plot what they are going to do to people until next St. George’s Eve. The Vampires steal life essence from people and animals to power themselves up. When doing this, they also steal skills or abilities the animals or human has for themselves.

For instance, if they feed on the energy of a venomous snake, they will produce the same venom. And the poor snake is left with nothing. If they feed on a computer programmer, they will gain his or her knowledge of programming. And the knowledge will vanish from the minds of their victims. And still yet it can be something else too.

Let’s say your talents are something else. Maybe you have a special charisma with someone of the opposite or same sex. This vampire can take away your charm for themselves to mate. And you’ll be as charming as a penny on the road.

“May.—I found that my landlord had got a letter from the Count, directing him to secure the best place on the coach for me; but on making inquiries as to details he seemed somewhat reticent, and pretended that he could not understand my German. This could not be true, because up to then he had understood it perfectly; at least,

He answered my questions exactly as if he did. He and his wife, the old lady who had received me, looked at each other in a frightened sort of way. He mumbled out that the money had been sent in a letter, and that was all he knew. When I asked him if he knew Count Dracula, and could tell me anything of his castle,

Both he and his wife crossed themselves, and, saying that they knew nothing at all, simply refused to speak further. It was so near the time of starting that I had no time to ask any one else, for it was all very mysterious and not by any means comforting.

Just before I was leaving, the old lady came up to my room and said in a very hysterical way:

“Must you go? Oh! young Herr, must you go?” She was in such an excited state that she seemed to have lost her grip of what German she knew, and mixed it all up with some other language which I did not know at all. I was just able to follow her by asking many questions. When I told her that I must go at once, and that I was engaged on important business, she asked again:

“Do you know what day it is?” I answered that it was the fourth of May. She shook her head as she said again:

“Oh, yes! I know that! I know that, but do you know what day it is?” On my saying that I did not understand, she went on:

It is the eve of St. George’s Day. Do you not know that to-night, when the clock strikes midnight, all the evil things in the world will have full sway? Do you know where you are going, and what you are going to?” She was in such evident distress that I tried to comfort her, but without effect. Finally she went down on her knees and implored me not to go; at least to wait a day or two before starting.

It was all very ridiculous but I did not feel comfortable. However, there was business to be done, and I could allow nothing to interfere with it. I therefore tried to raise her up, and said, as gravely as I could, that I thanked her, but my duty was imperative, and that I must go. She then rose and dried her eyes, and taking a crucifix from her neck offered it to me.

I did not know what to do, for, as an English Churchman, I have been taught to regard such things as in some measure idolatrous, and yet it seemed so ungracious to refuse an old lady meaning so well and in such a state of mind. She saw, I suppose, the doubt in my face, for she put the rosary round my neck, and said,

“For your mother’s sake,” and went out of the room. I am writing up this part of the diary whilst I am waiting for the coach, which is, of course, late; and the crucifix is still round my neck. Whether it is the old lady’s fear, or the many ghostly traditions of this place, or the crucifix itself, I do not know, but I am not feeling nearly as easy in my mind as usual.

– Excerpt from Chapter 1 of Abraham “Bram” Stoker’s Dracula

Things to watch out for

Beware of the things that hide in the deep shadow

There will be an influx of Calling Ghosts or Calling Spirits. This is an umbrella term for paranormal entities across a wide spectrum that are well known for calling out your name. Sometimes they even make themselves sound like people you know, women and children or animals in trouble. This is all to lure you away to a secluded spot for nefarious purposes. Don’t fall for it.

In Cuba we’re even warned to never answer a voice calling your name unless you know who it is. During this time, there are vampires who call out your name to try and get you to answer. Avoid being outside especially on the road or sidewalk. But as stated before, this is a time when evil spirits congregate and plan out what they are going to do for the rest of the year. So watch out.

This is the first Eve of Saint George. But there’s another in May. So be prepared. The best way to protect yourself is with garlic which wards off evil spirits. I use garlic salt.

Best of both worlds. Spirits try to enter homes through every nook and cranny. Vampires for instance can enter through keyholes. So make sure you have warded your home and yourself. If you think all of this is old superstitions and nonsense, then good luck.

– M

Sources :

1) Vampire Universe : The Dark World of Supernatural Beings that Haunt us, Hunt us, and Hunger for us by Johnathan Maberry (2006)

2) “Beware Saint George’s Eve” Supernaturally Speaking.com

3) “Saint George and the Powers of Witches and Vampires” from Daimonologia

4) Dixie Spirits: True Tales of the Strange and Supernatural in the South by Christopher K. Coleman (August 2008)

5) “Will-o’-The-Wisp: Bioluminescence or Otherworldly Spirits?” from A Little Bit Human

6) Moroi from the Vampire Encyclopedia

7) Strigoi Mort from the Vampire Encyclopedia

8) “Calling Ghosts” from Occult World

A Wave of Darkness Across The Land

Negative Forces are around us since before the end of last year

I didn’t want to comment on this. Largely because as someone who believed in the Paranormal, I am trained to debunk everything. I thought it was just me seeing something that wasn’t there. But I have since changed my mind. Last year, my dog Sheldon was attacked by an American Bulldog.

He’s saved my mother from that dog. Fought like a champion to save her life. Unfortunately, it wasn’t just him. There has been an epidemic of attacks on dogs and dog owners since then. When I translated the Letter of the Year of the IFA Priests, I noticed something.

They said “dogs would bring good luck,” this year. And after that I have seen that all over Florida dogs and dog owners are getting attacked. As my mother and dog had been attacked. I began to see a pattern there. And I divined to ask the spirits for guidance.

Near as I can tell, the Ajogún (warriors of evil) which is what the Yoruba people call demons, are all over the place. Feeding off of the chaos of humanity. Most people believe that human activity is all caused by spirits. But sometimes the reverse is also true. What humans do in our world causes spiritual activity.

Like a massive tremor in the spiritual world. The conflicts in different countries, global food prices going up, inflation and political division. All of this is food for the Ajogún. Negative spirits feed off of negativity. It’s like food and steroids for them.

It increases their powers and gives them a larger foot hold in our world. The Ajogún consist of corrupted spirits. Some were once human.

The Ajogún in their world

And others are forces of nature that have become perverted. So these demons are not like the devils with horns you would see in movies. Not saying there aren’t horned versions of them. But they are living forces, or sometimes even nature spirits that have become bad.

Imagine gravity if it were evil. Imagine a force like the Devil, in a million forms at once. And just having this force visit you is enough to bring bad luck and death. One of the ways in which the Ajogún visit is when you have a “bad head”. If you are angry or depressed or generally have a negative attitude, that’s an invitation for them.

The Ajogún can actually see your negative mental energy from their shadowy world. It’s like a beacon to them

And it’s also food for them and other negative spirits. They will feed off of your energy. Increasing the bad luck and making things worse for yourself. It acts as an invitation for them to come visit you and run amok with your life. And because these negative spirits are forces of nature that are so massive, you wouldn’t know you had a spirit messing with your life. It certainly wouldn’t come out in most divinations. Unless you knew what you were looking for, you wouldn’t know what was going on.

These forces are also called Osorbos, Osobos, or Bears. Due to their aggressive and predatory nature. And those words are also synonymous with bad luck. It’s my opinion that based on this violent wave, and other factors, these entities are running amok this year. And one of the ways it’s doing this is by targeting people’s dogs.

This may sound ridiculous. But remember, they are trying to strike down the sources of our luck. That which protects us. And it won’t just be dogs either. Anyone or thing that protects you is up for grabs.

A person in your life who keeps you safe. Charms that protect you. More than likely any other animal that acts as your guardian which would substitute a dog. The Osorbos are on the attack and we must be ready and prepare to strike them down. Now you must be thinking, What the hell can we do? These aren’t even normal demons.

You’d be right. This is the equivalent of trying to use holy water and prayer to attack the Leviathan. It might effect a small portion of his skin cells, but he’ll barely feel it. No. You need to call in someone who can defeat them. These are the specific Osorbos I believe are involved in all of this :

1) Ofó (Loss)

The living embodiment of loss of loved ones, missed opportunities and so fourth.

2) Iku (Death himself)

Not a God of the dead, though he is a Deity of the Dead. He is the embodiment of death. Like Thanatos in Ancient Greece. It is he who is being used the most.

3) Arún (Disease)

Self explanatory.

4) Oran (Problems)

Again, self explanatory. A force that is the embodiment of problems and obstacles.

5) Ijá (hatred and war, conflict in general)

6) Eyo (tragedy) though I think this one is more a by-product or companion to the others mentioned before.

Now I am not a Babalawo. I am not even a full Santero yet. I’m just an apprentice in training. I have used what I do know to identify these things. I see patterns and I try to identify how to alter or stop certain things.

The only way to stop the Osorbos is with their opposite. The Orishas. So I would give a sort of feast to Elegua the Orisha of the Crossroads. A massive feast asking him to get all of the other Orishas involved to fight the Osorbos. It doesn’t have to be anything too ceremonial.

Elegua, the God of the Crossroads, Magic, Guardian of all dimensions. He is the Master of the Keys and Gatekeeper of all.

Just get a lot of food and drink. And offer it to him. And he’ll ensure the assistance of the Orishas in your general area and especially to you. And then your normal ways of protecting yourself should be empowered by them. Made stronger.

The Babalawos usually do their own ceremonies with tons of food and other offerings. But since not everyone can afford those services, I am giving you a simpler version you can use. Elegua loves lots of food. He also loves fruits like mangos and bananas, and he enjoys rum. His number is three.

He eats everything except pigeon. He will not touch that. And while Coconut is sacred to him, I don’t offer it to him because Coconut is supposed to be his head.

Offerings for Elegua

Elegua’s younger, child-like Avatars usually get candies and toys. But the older Avatars love hard candies, toasted corn or popcorn. Eleggua also eats goat, rooster and bushrat, as well as smoked fish. Now you don’t have to kill any animals. You can serve a cooked chicken dinner to him.

Smoked fish is easy to offer. That should be enough. Make sure you put all of these offerings at the crossroads or on a railroad track. Whichever is closer. Start the offering with a libation of rum, and finish with three pennies.

The Orishas

Three of each offering is good. And at your house, you can burn three candles and offer up three Abre Camino (road opener) incense sticks. Ask him fervently in prayer for help. To bring down the other Orishas to battle the Ajogún. And then finish with three pennies.

Then cleanse and bless your home as you normally would. Keep your head down, and your eyes open. And try your best to avoid conflict, negative attitude, or anything else that could screw you up. That sounds like a tall order. But it can be done.

Especially with prayer, focus, fasting, and meditation. May the Divine Powers protect us all.

– M

The Mourner

I was supposed to have written this account last year. But I was so busy with everything that I couldn’t write a single word. So here I am finally committing words to blog. This happened to my baby cousin. And I was called in to help her.

What I am going to talk about is probably one of the weirdest experiences I’ve ever had. It even tops the Witch Bird case from a few years back.

Let me start by saying that the term Mourning Women is an umbrella term for a special type of spirit. They are the opposites of the Llorona or Wailing Women, they can be good or bad, human and non-human. The good or at least neutral ones, are always human souls.

Women who for whatever reason have decided to stay behind because they are mourning another person. And they decide they have to perform funerary vigils for that soul even when they themselves are dead. There’s one famous Mourning Woman in Mexico called La Dama Enlutada from San Luis de Potosi, who visits several churches just to pray for the souls of the dead. This class of Mourner are obviously good spirits, and they may even be psychopomps (guides of the dead) who cross them over.

A Mourning Woman ready for a soul. From the fake “Spirit Photography” of William Hope. Still cool though.

However, there’s a second class of Mourning Woman who are demonic. Either human souls that have been demonized in death, or pure demons that have never been human beings. For whatever reason, they enjoy the motif of a mourning woman.

They take this form as a way to mock their victims. These tend to be what Paranormal Investigators call “Soul Collectors”, evil spirits that capture the souls of the dead who have not crossed over, and enslave them. These poor souls from that point on, are bound to the soul collector until someone is able to bind the entity and free the souls. Unfortunately, this was the type of Mourner that was haunting my cousin.

For a few weeks, I started to get a bad feeling about my cousin. The dread slowly began to build. Until I finally decided to text her. I figured I was being silly right?;

Hola Mama, ¿Cómo estás?

(Hey Mama how are you?)

Eh more or less. Hanging in there,”

What’s wrong?”

I keep seeing this woman dressed in black. I don’t know if it’s for real or if I’m going crazy. But I can barely sleep. She’s in my nightmares too,

Now obviously when she said that, I said screw the texting and called her. I asked her why the hell didn’t she pick up the phone and call me. She said she wanted to but couldn’t seem to find the time for some reason.

It should be noted, these beings can manipulate humans into forgetting. Making us too tired to seek help, or making us second guess ourselves. I have no doubt that’s what was happening here. Especially with how fatigued she sounded over the phone.

I got all the details surrounding this spirit. Which wasn’t much. It was just that it appeared seemingly out of no where and didn’t leave. Then my Mom, who doesn’t practice, but has the gift said the name of a deceased family member. A nasty family member.

It’s Leona, she’s there for some reason,”. Now this family member was a witch in life. A bad one. She was my great aunt. Despite all her claims of being an Evangelical Christian, she was well known in our neighborhood and in our family as being a black witch. My mother’s side of the family are full of practitioners. So they don’t go around calling people “devil worshippers” unless they mean it.

They really meant it with her.

In pretty much every culture, when an evil witch dies, they can become these demonic or semi demonic spirits in death, then haunt the living. Some hurt the living by feeding off of their vital energy. Others just seem to be happy tormenting and killing people in strange ways.

They gave her a Christian burial thinking that would be enough to put her to rest. But even before she was buried, she had been causing trouble. Her spirit returned to haunt my cousin’s mother. It had violently pushed her to the ground.

It kept making trouble in her house with Poltergeist activity, all this before she was even buried. My older cousin suspected it was Aunt Leona. But she pretended it wasn’t real. It wasn’t until I told her that the strange activity was was due to Leona’s presence that she finally admitted she wasn’t imagining it. Leona had raised her.

So she loved her, but she also wasn’t a fool. She knew what kind of person Leona really was. Still she had no idea why Leona was attacking her in death. I had to do a major reading and call some of my strongest spirits. In life I’d never dared gone against her.

In death she would be twice as powerful. I didn’t want to face her with just my normal spirits. I conjured some extra help. The spirits told me that Leona had made a pact with something nasty. It was never officially revealed to me what that was.

Faust selling his soul to Mephisto

Not a demon per say, but something else. Maybe something that serves demons. Maybe some kind of mutated spirit. But whatever it was, it demanded one thing in exchange for the powers she sought. It wanted my cousin and her daughter.

At first, because she was my relative, my cousin asked me not to banish her. But to do special funerary prayers for her. Try to pacify her in death. For a few months it worked. But then she came back.

And this time she didn’t come back alone.

She had completely infested the house with scores of evil spirits. Some former humans and others were clearly never human to begin with. It was one room in my cousin’s house. A room, filled with Leona’s old things. It was shrouded in a dark field of energy.

As thick as pea soup even for my sight. I could not see through whatever was in that room. My cousin and her family was physically sickened just by being near it. Something attached itself to a teenage friend of my little cousin, and before you knew it she was being spiritually oppressed.

Again, it was fucking Leona whom I had seen there. With that nasty, smug, smile. Victory was practically written over her face. In death, she looked like she was in her twenties. Not the 80 yr old whom we buried months before.

The spirit was too strong to enter her friend’s body. But via oppression, it gave her enhanced strength. I had to call on the Hindu Gods and the Ancestors to force this entity to release her. She was finally freed. I told them they needed to dump all of Leona’s stuff on a crossroads far, far away from there.

That time, I had consigned Leona to hell in the name of Lord Shiva. I told her to stay there and be judged by King Yama, the judge of the dead. That time, I saw her spirit sucked into a vortex of infinite darkness. Finally she was gone. Or so I thought.

I finally know now why ancient peoples went to such extremes to keep the dead, dead. Putting boulders on their corpses. Placing blades around their necks to decapitate themselves. The whole nine. It’s because of people like her.

The dead who won’t stay dead.

My banishing and binding had worked for a few months to a year. But then, my older cousin died under mysterious circumstances. Without going into detail, we think foul play was involved. But an autopsy showed nothing out of the ordinary.

It was still a strange death though. We think to this day that it was murder. But we could never prove it with forensic evidence. So it was officially labeled an “accidental overdose” and the case was closed.

But soon after, her daughter, my little cousin began seeing that a tall strange women dressed in black mourners clothes was in her house. This happened out of the blue. It was always around her, she was afraid to sleep. Because when she did, this thing was in her sleep.

And as stated above, it was my mother who revealed the entity’s true identity.

Leona herself. But she looked so different. So different in fact that when I saw her in this form I had no idea it was her. I would never have known this was her. She had changed so much, looked so different.

When I saw Leona the first time as a ghost, she was in her younger form. She was 20 years old, dressed in a short black dress, with long reddish brown hair. She would have been beautiful if not for that sinister smile.

But that had been back when I banished her. This time was different. I had sent her straight to Hell where she belonged. Now I could see that the time spent in the abyss had perverted even more than before.

She was taller than she was in life. Unnaturally tall. Her face was covered by a black mourners’ veil. Human no more. Now she was something else.

I kept seeing her in my mind. And I couldn’t shake this horrible feeling. The feeling that if she lifted her veil, the face underneath would be something so ugly. So deformed, that it could scarcely pass as human. But then I had an even worse thought.

What if there’s no face under there? Not all Mourners have a face. The ones who are faceless, are the worst ones. More powerful for some odd reason. I think the ones who are faceless are given a higher authority. Maybe the lack of a face symbolizes the lack of humanity or compassion.

I know this sounds like a horrible thing to say about a relative. But I just wanted her to go to Hell and stay there. Permanently. So I called my cousin and we did a remote ritual together. First I sent her images of my indigenous spirit.

A near identical replica of the statue I have. I won’t take a picture of mine because the spirit inside doesn’t like it. This one was made by Samuel Lightfoot

He’s inside a statue. His soul resides there, I don’t actually know if he’s a warrior or not. I can’t tell. What I do know is he has powerful magic. He must have done many great deeds in life because he has many feathers in his headdress.

Regardless, he has never failed me. I sent an image of him and of a Animal Spirit that he has with him, a separate statue. I told her to look into his eyes and enter and accept him there with her. Moments later, she felt him and his animal appear.

The Mourner formally known as Leona was very angry. She started trying to attack my cousin. Which was a mistake. Both my spirits took the opportunity to absorb her attack and turn it on her. Restraining her in the process, but Leona wouldn’t leave.

Some power was allowing her to stay. So I needed to upgrade to an even stronger guide. I had them restrain her while I called him down. For this I used a sort of Jewish-Christian and Muslim ritual that I devised. All three religions worship the same God.

So I called on my Guardian Angel in the name of Jesus, Enoch, and Muhammad. I drew the symbols of all three faiths with Cascarilla chalk on the floor. And did separate prayers to God for each faith. Then I just sat kneeling and asking Yahweh for help. Yes, Yahweh.

The God El’s incarnation as a God of war. That’s the version of El that Christians worship. Hence why he’s kind of bloody in the Bible. But I digress. I beheld my Angel, he was cold and hot at the same time.

A warm heat on a cold day. But also a refreshing arctic wind on a hot day, an aura that reminds me of the aurora borealis. I told him the cliff notes version of what was happening, and he instantly departed.

When he did I heard my cousin give a huge sigh of relief.

From Fine Art America

This is the closest representation I could get to what he looks like. But his body is weird, he looks like a giant, like a human with the giant disease. That gives them a bigger frame.

His wings are golden and emit a kind of solar energy. But the center of his body emits a white and cold light. When he turns down his bioluminescence for me, I have seen that he looks like a dark skinned middle eastern man. His black hair slicked to the back. His eyes also glow golden.

“I can feel him,” she said as she sighed. “I feel so good right now,”. The Mourner tried to run. But even if my two other guides weren’t restraining her, she didn’t stand a chance. My Angel is too powerful.

My cousin said she felt his presence like a warm wave of positivity wash throughout the house. Like all the trouble and problems she had just washed away under that warmth. He removed her at once. This time for good. That’s what I should have done in the first place.

But I believed my necromancy and my banishing was strong enough to keep Leona down. No matter how strong in life she was. This time she wouldn’t be allowed to return. Since she had such fun in Hell and clearly had a lot of friends, we sent her somewhere else. I asked him where else in the afterlife could she be sent.

He replied.

“Her demonization must be lifted first. That will take some long time. And when it’s done, we can send her into the void of reincarnation. Let her live life times with her karma as judge and jury,”

So that’s where he took her. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Let her own sins become a burden to her when she comes back to Earth.

I also requested he stay with her for a week, healing her and removing all bad energy from her. She said she slept good for the first time in a long time. A few months had passed and she encountered another Mourner in her house. She thought it was Leona.

This one was weirder than Leona herself. But it wasn’t her. My guardian is too strong, and the place he sent her is sort of like Jewish Purgatory. Before she is to be reborn. See Jewish Reincarnation.

The Curse of the Faceless Woman,” by Urban Legends Online

I interrogated the entity and discovered she was a familiar spirit to Leona. She told us Leona had worked with Mourner Spirits before. And that’s when they met. Shortly thereafter a pact was formed between witch and her new guide. But this guide like I said before, was strange.

Leona had ordered this familiar spirit to appear as her, to act like her, and to have all her memories. In case one day her spirit would be bound or banished somehow. It was interesting to hear this from her familiar.

That Leona had become so obsessed with immortality, that she ordered her Mourner to become a backup of her. Almost like a clone. Her mind and memories absorbed by another Mourner prior to death. And unleashed the moment Leona was taken out for good. I also learned that she kept setting her free every time I banished her.

Leona ordered her to hurt my cousin. To kill her in fulfillment of some pact. On the off chance that she didn’t finish it herself. I ordered her to tell me who the pact was made with and how to break it. And she told me the name of a Demon whose name I will not repeat.

But this entity is female and well known in Jewish lore. You probably already know just by that. She’s also a demon in ancient Sumer. So I called on the Angels Sanvi, Sansanvi, and Semangelaf to empower my curse breaking ritual. It’s the same ritual for breaking generational curses that I wrote about here.

The curse was broken. But something still felt off. Turns out my cousin still had some of Leona’s belongings with her. A cross or a Bible that turned out to be cursed, can’t remember which. I told her to bury them in a separate crossroads.

After that, the hauntings had stopped. No more Mourners. Everything went back to normal. But that was one of the strongest entities I ever had to banish before and I hope to never see one again.

If you see a Mourner, know this; prayers and the normal stuff you use, won’t work. These are really nasty, and really powerful demons. Even protection spells can fall short here. Because these are the children of that demoness that I won’t mention here. But those three Angels can banish and bind her and her children.

The Mourners serve her, they are a type of hag or demon-witch hybrid like she is. So you’ll need to step up your game if you’re going to face off against one of these beings. That’s why since then I have tried to learn all that I can about fighting them back.

The names of those three Angels and also the names of Adam and Eve can be called to drive her out. Especially when written around a Star of David. Of all the Hags or demon witches I have studied, Mourners seem to be the top tier ones. I don’t know why, but they are.

I will keep you updated when I find better defenses against them. But for now, my cousin is better.

– M


Another hello from the Gods

Serpents are a very important Guardian in the various religions. In Greek religion, they were considered the highest of animals. Even Gods like Zeus transformed into a serpents. Wadjet the cobra Goddess was even one of the two Goddesses entrusted with the protection of the Pharoah. Well I’ve been getting a lot of support from the Serpent Totem lately.

The same thing appeared when I burned another incense stick. I did A simple prayer for healing and this appeared once more. And no, it doesn’t usually look like this. My incense ash is usually broken into little pieces this is only the second time this has happened. And it was always for healing.

This is often a symbol of the Agathos Daimon, or “good spirit”. A person’s guardian spirit. Maybe my guides as well as the Gods are with me. Either way I don’t care. I’m happy.

And some good tidings have come my way as well. I wish all of you good and happy tidings.

– M

Imbolc Signs : Tephramancy

From Lonestar Cremation their article on scattering ashes. Notice that the Ash in this picture almost looks like a human with a vaporous lower body flying away.

Today I did a special ritual celebrating all the holidays. And leaving a special time just for Imbolc. Well my time to celebrate it. I try to get it as astronomically close as possible. When all was said and done.

When all my prayers were finished and I laid my Brídeóg or doll of Brighid to rest. This year I didn’t make one. I found a strange shaped stick and felt that it should be this years doll.

Laying the Brídeóg to sleep. As Brigid sleeps, she blesses the home.

Now I don’t have any corn husks where I live. So I make my dolls based in whatever so I can find in my own backyard.

It almost made me feel like it was a woman with four arms welcoming me. Hence, why I, or rather it choose me.

This year I was so exhausted I couldn’t do the traditional reading of the poetry. She loves poetry. I did however light seven candles in her honor. I walked around the outside of my home with a lighter to replace the torch that was once used. And I said,

“Bride! Bride! This is your home! Come to this place Bride!”

I couldn’t remember the exact phrasing. But I did the best I could to invite her into my home and into the Brídeóg. Normally I read “Candlemas” by Alice Brown just for her. But I have had so many problems since the end of last year that I haven’t had the time to do the fun stuff. I did the rituals and prayers for her and other Deities and spirits associated with Candlemas instead.

Imbolc from the History Channel

I prayed to Oya, and the Virgin of Candelaria (Candlemas) among them. And I asked for help. And I believe I got it. I had burned some incense for Brighid and another Goddess. In an eclectic ritual and asked for aid and guidance in a legal matter.

Normally the seventh candle I burn shows me the sign I desire through the wax, flame, and shadow. But this year I did it a little different. This is what the sticks left behind.

The Spiral Serpent

The Spiral Serpent is a motif found across many cultures. And it mostly symbolizes eternity and fertility. And this one had a special meaning I am not going to divulge. But essentially it means that victory is mine. That the Gods are with me.

As are their spirits. So I knew that the issue I asked help with was safe guarded. I could breathe some relief. I am also asking them for healing. And help regaining money.

I still have a long way to go, but at least I have their support.

The Goddess and her people on Imbolc

So I have decided to take some more time off to enjoy the spring season. Well Spring in Florida. I am going to read more books. And try not to spend too much time online. Which is hard because I love to write.

And to read articles and post Pagan imagery and memes on Instagram. But I need to spend my time resting and growing my mind again, With that said, a happy Imbolc to you all.

– M

The Children of Imbolc

Moon Blessings & Rituals

Lord Poseidon, chilling on my balcony during a rainy day

I figured I would show all of you the rituals altar I am doing for the Wolf Moon. The day of the Moon it rained, and I prayed to Tlaloc the Aztec God of Rain. I asked him to bless the rain water with even more life giving energy. After I felt the energy, I set up this altar here. I placed crystals and semi precious gems inside.

As well as a sea shell. Closed the lid. And I put Poseidon behind the container of rain water. And the Sea Salt next to the container. Then I did a whole bunch of special prayers. I asked for the rain energy to continue to charge the water.

And then I waited for the Moon to come. I spent the day giving Poseidon his offerings. And at night I prayed to Selene the Moon Goddess. And Endimeon the Demi God son of Zeus. I worship him as a God of Astrology.

I asked them both to charge the water with the power of the stars and the moon. And now I continue my rites into the next day and day after that (Tuesday) where it will be strongest. I am also charging with all the prayers and blessings from each holiday I celebrate. And I wait until sun up Wednesday to take it back in. And I will return Poseidon to his shrine.

It’s always a good time for some purification

I’ve also combined the full moon with other rituals. I have asked for the moon’s blessings on my road opener Ritual. I did it at night for the moon to power it up. And I visited one of the water sites where I live.

My canal

Normally, I would put fruit offerings in the water which is traditionally how we do it in Santeria or even Sanse. Lots of African based magic is like that. But recently I have been studying with a Celtic teacher about the possible effects on the environment of certain offerings. I need further study to see if fruit in water sources is actually bad for the wild life there. Or if it contaminates the water.

The water is even more beautiful at night

I left the offerings adjacent to the canal instead. And did my prayers and enchantments from there.

The moon behind the trees on my way home

I took the time to appreciate the moon on my way home. I walked in the cold night, a rare pleasure in Miami. And I went home to my dog who needed a walk. An end to a very relaxing day. Something I have needed for a long time.

The Moon herself. Or himself depending on the religion

It was truly relaxing to feel the cold around me. To actually have to wear a sweater. We keep having all these New Yorkers move here saying they love the hot weather. I can’t stand it. Though to be fair, New York is really cold.

What passes for spring over there, is colder than our winter in Miami. Have a great Wolf Moon everyone.

The Wolf Moon in Cancer Sunday 16th until Tuesday 18th 2022

Wolf Moon Jan 17, 2022
This image came from a Wolf Embroidery that I found here

Most sites will claim the full moon will be on Monday. And yes that is when it comes into its full power. But the moon itself will actually appear tomorrow. Also called the Severe Moon and the Hard Moon by the Dakota, due to the harsh cold. For those of us on the East Coast like Florida, it will reach its full phase at 6:48pm, while others say not until 6:51pm.

There are some who actually claim it won’t reach its fullness until Tuesday night. Which I generally agree with. I have noticed that the moon only really becomes full on the third night of when it appears on the calendar. By Wednesday it will go back to 98% and start losing steam from there. It’s also called the “cold moon,” the “old moon,” the “great spirit moon,” or the “moon after Yule,” .

It’s also a good time for charging Moon Water. A holy water blessed by the energy of the moon. It’s also a good time to draw down any blessings you want from the moon through simple rituals or prayers. According to Gemma Gary in her spell book “The Black Toad” some of the English held up their empty wallets and opened them up asking the Man on the Moon to fill it with prosperity. Though I imagine it works that way even if it isn’t empty.

This is the Zodiac and the Wolf Moon’s influences for 2022 on our signs here. In addition to this, Full Moon’s were sacred to the King of the Roman Gods, Jupiter. They were originally his Ides, until changes in how the ides of each month were done. But I go by the original way. I intend on preparing candles and drink for him.

Asking for his blessings. And boy do we need them. I don’t know about you, but this month has been turbulent as hell. Still not as shitty for me as last year though. But since January 14th we have been in a Mercury Retrograde.

So Chthonic Hermès is doing overtime.

Chthonic Hermès aiding souls to their final resting place. From Hellenistic Paganism

He enters the signs of Aquarius and Capricorn. This moon, combined with the retrograde is meant to make us release all our anger and frustrations. Things we have held onto since Uranus went into retrograde last year in August. Which speaking of Lord Ouranos, his planet goes direct on January 18. So things are looking up.

All this is leading is to healing. This is a time to look within yourself. Every retrograde is about reassessment of what does or doesn’t work in your life. This is also a good time to do work and some prayers to the Great Crab spirit Karkinos (Crios) the Crab of Cancer. In one story Poseidon ascended him to the stars as a powerful spirit for protecting the sea while he battled Typhon.

In the more well known story, Hera ascended him after he tried to stop Heracles in a battle. Heracles stepped on him, thus killing him. And Hera raised him to the stars. Either way he is a powerful divine being. So asking for his guidance during this lunation is a good idea.

Finally we have the people at Paradise Lost with a look to the stars this moon. And some other links from Witches of the Craft. Details on the full moon. And the Wolf Moon Tarot spread. That’s all for now.

Take care of yourselves,

Cancer by Johfra Bosschart from

New Years Report for the Year 2022 : Cuba’s Letter of the Year, Orixa Regente 2022, Chinese Tai Sui, & Astrological information

The Sea Goat of Capricorn

Well, we did it. We survived another shitty year. But we’re not out of the woods yet. For one thing, this year begins in a Saturday. Which is a weekend.

Symbolizing that like the year before this one, we still have things we need to finish this year. Probably because no one is listening to COVID guidelines. And we are still spreading this disease like it’s nobody’s business. Also, Saturdays are very chthonic. Which probably means we have far more work to do in the area of destroying things that do not work for us.

One thing I will say is that this year is for healing. The New Moon in Capricorn is here to tell us that we should not be holding on to our pain. This whole “tough love” stuff should take a back seat this year. Take the time to heal and be healed in turn.

The New Moon arrives Sunday January 2nd. Which as you know, new moons are times of the dead and of darker spirits. So avoid going out at night for Sunday and the remainder of the New Moon. Until you see the first sliver of the moon at least. Focus on destroying bad energy and bringing in good luck instead.

Write your wishes in paper and burn it to the Gods and spirits of this year for blessings. Here is some more advice on the New Moon tomorrow.

Sunday’s New Moon

General He E, the Grand Duke of Jupiter for the year 2022

We are now in the Year of the Water Tiger which is considered a time for your dreams to take hold. Which makes sense considering who we have as our Tai Sui this year : General He E. This General was a bit of a hero. He solved complex crimes and even donated a treasure to the Emperor so that he wouldn’t raise taxes on the people. He was considered an honest politician. And truly Catered to the needs of his people.

The general consensus is that this is going to be a good year. But, there were other years where everything was supposed to be good. And it didn’t exactly turn out that way. Because very few people look at both sides of the Gods and spirits who rule. The shadow side.

So the good side is : honest politicians who care about their people. Who are trying to do something to make society better. Or at the very least as non shitty politicians as possible. The shadow side is what happens if exists. If we have bad politicians trying to force their way on us this year, this will clash with the ruling Tai Sui.

And the clash will be felt. So everything depends on how politicians decide to behave this year. Information on the water tiger can be found here.

Water Tiger 2022

On the left Oshanla the Orisha Mother of Light and Weaver of Destiny. On the Right Obatala the White Robed King, ruler of all the Orishas.

This year is ruled by the Orishas of Yoruba Gods Obatala, and his female avatar Oshanla. Obatala is the father of light. The King of the Heavens of the Orishas. He’s also the creator of humanity. The best of all Gods.

While Oshanla, his female incarnation is the Goddess of light. A guardian and sentinel protecting humanity. The weaver of our fates and destinies. So it would seem that like the Chinese Astrologers, the Yoruba believe this year will be a good year.

At least for justice. And as long as those in power don’t misuse their authority.

Phrases for the year

“King dead, king put”

“It is a mistake not to learn from the mistakes made”

Now however, we get to meat of the matter. Each year is ruled by a “Letter of the year” each letter in IFA is an Odu (sacred text). And each text has its own story and a moral at the end. The ruling sign is Baba Ejiogbe. This is the first of all signs. Father of signs hence the word “baba”.

The cliff notes version of the story is this. It talks about loss, stress. General bad things. So I was right to be skeptical of the sunny disposition of the Year in the beginning. It says that one moment you have the best luck, and the next your luck turns to shit.

I started feeling that happening the last two weeks or so. So for me it already hit hard. Perhaps many of you, my readers have already felt that. We are told in this sign that not to expect prosperity. That any good we have will not come from in high, but from the sweat of our own brow.

We are also told that this is a sign of frustration. Which is why we need Obatala’s guidance. We need an elderly mother and father to help guide us and place us in the right path. So overall it seems we will have many hardships this year. But they can be overcome with hard work and determination.

The sign tells us that we really need to control our behavior. We cannot get into conflicts. We should be tolerant of other people’s beliefs and ideologies (well, within reason obviously, Fuck Nazis and Anti-Vaxxers). But we need to avoid warlike energy at all costs. This year it will be only too easy to fall into that.

So we need to work our hardest to ensure it doesn’t happen. It also speaks of diseases. Specifically spinal and sternum problems. As well as anxiety, blood vessels and lymph, colds, breathing, the mitral valve, the stomach, health in general really. Asthma, syphilis and rheumatism, bladder, pneumonia, urinary tract, earaches, and bronchitis.

We’re also told to avoid being outside for at least seven days. They warn of not allowing children to crawl on the floor. A lot of this sign reminds me of sheltering in place and being protected from COVID. They also warn against abortions and premature deaths of children since the Abiku will have a lot of influence in this sign. And all forced good and evil are well balanced.

There’s too much on that sign to write about. So you can learn more by clicking on the link I provided for it above. The sign also warns of government coups. And given all the coups we have already had in the past two years that isn’t very surprising. But it is alarming.

The last thing we need are more. So keep your eyes peeled.

From the Yoruba Cultural Association of Cuba

Ruling prayer

“Ire Ayiku Oyale Elese Odudawa,”

(A firm blessing of health at the foot of Odudawa)

Onishe : Oshun Yalorde (so she’s also a part of this)

Aladimu Oshinshin is : Scrambled eggs, with barley, and Purslane

Ebbo for IFA Practitioners is as follows :

Two roosters, a jug (in Cuba they had clay jugs for keeping water cool), an eggplant, a white flag, a black flag, Water of Olokun, red mangrove and reef, smoked possum, smoked fish (any kind), toasted corn, a coconut, two candles, Brandy, and honey.

Ebbo for Santeros :

A rooster, reef, a sponge, ocean water, two dolls (one female, one male), trap, arrow, a small house, a coconut, brandy, honey, smoked possum and fish, and toasted corn.

Now this part, is pretty much a more condensed version of the article I posted above. The one on the meaning of Baba Ejiogbe which is here. Instead of translating I posted the entire English language article on it. Which is even more specific than what is listed here. Just click on the link and read it.

It also includes the taboos one should follow and what to watch out for this year.

Orixas Regente 2022 (Ruling Orixas of 2022)

The Orixas

Now, in Umbanda and Quimbanda as well as Condomble they are also based on the Yoruba of Nigeria. But they do their own divinations. And with different Orishas or Orixas as it’s spelled in Portuguese. I have translated the report on them here for anyone interested. Original article here.

Orixás regents of 2022

– Exú (from Yoruba Esù)

– The Ibejis (Divine Twins)

– Oxumarê (from Yoruba Òsùmáré)

– Yemanjá

“The year 2022, in all, will have the regency of 5 Orixás. Being that, 3 of them will govern every day and 2 will act at different times that will be the beginning and end of the year. In chronological order, see each of them so that we can understand when we will be according to a particular regency. Orixás, which are: Exú (beginning of the year), Oxumarê and Ibejis (all year round) and Yemanjá to end 2022. In view of this, we will see below in more detail the representativeness of each of them:

Exú (from Yoruba Esù)

We will start with the influence of Orixá Exú – different from the entity Exú also in Umbanda – which represents communication.

He’s the great messenger between deities and humans. Represents the path. Nothing better than starting the year with Exú, your energy will begin to organize all uncertainties we will bring back this year 2021. Whether in the political aspect, economic but mainly in the aspect of world health. As we enter the year 2022 still with many doubts, with fears and without knowing, in fact, which course to take or where to start again. Therefore, it will be a very propitious year for us to put our “homes up to date”, our lives, our families, jobs, health (mental, physical and spiritual) “up to date”

Because Exú will be at our side indicating to us what the best decision to be made before all the questions presented to us during this year. The day of the week dedicated to Exú is Monday, his colors are black and red (predominantly) and his elements are fire and earth.


(From Yoruba Òsùmáré) – orixá regent 2022 In line with Exú, Oxumarê is one of the main energies that will govern the entire 2022 from the first to the last minute. If Exú is the great messenger, Oxumaré is the Orixá who walks between heaven and earth. So much so that one of its representations in nature is the rainbow. It is also represented as a great serpent that envelops the earth and the sky, bringing and ensuring renewal. Oxumarê is recognized as “the great force that directs the movements”, that is, under the influence of Oxumarê we will have a year absolutely conducive to transformations and renewals.

It will be time to put into practice our projects that have been “shelved” due to the various crises that we still go through, because Oxumarê takes the rainwaters back to the clouds and then “the sun will shine” in 2022. It will be a very positive year for transformations in the professional sphere, as well as in the spheres of friendships and romances. To the extent that, Oxumarê represents the wealth and fortune and consequently prosperity. When we talk about prosperity we should not only focus on material prosperity that concerns money, although it is a favorable year in this regard, but especially with regard to spiritual prosperity.

This is because to the extent that we are well structured emotionally and Oxumarê will bring the conditions for this structuring. We will be very close to achieving prosperity also in the spiritual sphere because we must not forget that it is our individual energy that drives us to prosperity or failure. So let’s stick to this great opportunity to definitively take from our paths low vibration energies that are eventually afflicting us and preventing us from reaching our goals. With regard to affective relationships, Oxumarê is the “balancer of love”, so I suggest you wait a little longer for decision-making in that aspect of their lives and especially, do not lose sight of that opportunity that are awaiting possible reconciliation.

Those adjustments that are missing to put love life back on track. The day of the week dedicated to Oxumarê is Tuesday, its colors are black and yellow with regard to candomblé, jeje nation, or green and yellow with regard to to candomblé, Ketu nation, but let us not forget that Oxumarê is the representation rainbow and then all the colors of the rainbow belong to it. Its element is the sky and the earth.

(Oxumare or Oshanmare as we call him/her in Santeria is also worshipped on Sundays).

Once again we have the influence of the energy of deities who bring with them the characteristics of beginning and continuity, multiplication and riches. But they also bring with them the contradictory indicating that opposites can walk together and that all things have two sides. Ibejis will bring to us the importance of movement, of not waiting for things to happen and that it is time to “chase after what we really want” and together with Oxumarê and Exú will give us ways to achieve what we want as long as it is fair to us, that is, we cannot wait for “things to fall from heaven.”

(This is a similar sentiment to the Santero divination.)

The Ibejis (Divine Twins)

The Ibejis are two very little known and/or worshiped deities in Brazil (also in Cuba with Santeria and traditional Yoruba religion in Nigeria) although it is widely associated with two Saints of Catholic Christianity – They are Cosme and St. Damian. Therefore, Ibejis is not the same thing as St. Cosme and St. Damian. Despite the large existing similarities, including on the date of commemoration of these deities who also take place on 27 September. Ibejis will be together with Oxumaré ruling all year 2022 and with them will bring the continuity, since they represent children, especially twin children. In the Yoruba cult and with regard to this cult, children are the greatest riches in existence.

Ibejis represent the balance of the universe and thus will bring to 2022 the opportunity of mental, financial and spiritual balance inviting us to see the good because everything has two sides, as stated above and it is up to us to look to the good side, the pure and beautiful side. The day of the week we dedicate to the Ibejis is Sunday, their colors are green, light blue and pink. Their element is air.


Far from being the least important, in fact is Orixá best known to Brazilians generally (and other Yoruba practitioners). Yemanjá is the GREAT MOTHER, the mother of all and almost all Orixás. That is Yemanjá is present in the life of each of us and it makes total sense for her to conduct, the end of 2022. She will follow the whole process of reunion, transformation and balance/rebalancing of her children as the great mother she is, she will be “half away” eagerly waiting for every step of ours and giving us the absolute certainty that we will be at all times rested by her love and dedication.

Yemanjá, queen of all waters (salty and sweet). Her name, in Portuguese means” mother whose children are fish” she will bring with her the energy of possibility to reinvent. And she will always be with her arms outstretched to cherish us from the whole process we encounter during the year 2022. And we will meet with that mother’s hug we need so badly. Despite being the divinity of all waters, her greatest energy is concentrated in the fresh waters of rivers that flow into the sea and so we will be, renewed and purified by their clear waters ready to cast ourselves into the seas. The day dedicated to Yemanjá is Saturday, her colors are silver, blue and green. Her element is water,”

And finally, an interesting post about Isis as the Goddess of New Year.

Cheers everyone, 🍻

– M

Moving For the New Year

From left to right Hestia, El, and Elegua. Just three of many Household Gods I worship

It’s been a while since I informed you of everything that was happening. Well, for those who don’t really know much about my personal life here it goes. I had to move back in with my mother because she needed the help to pay the bills. And well let’s just say I needed a lot more room than my modest bachelor accommodations. So we moved again.

God I hate moving. I really do. I hate the packing. The workload put into it. The unpacking.

The signing of new contracts etc.. Well actually the unpacking has some good to it. Hearing the voices of the Gods and your spirits. As they teach you where they would like their shrines placed. Poseidon is now blessing my bathroom. Zeus has his serpentine idol guarding my front door with charms wrapped in a red string for Haphaistos.

Elegua has his coconut. But I am waiting to set up a proper shrine for him behind the front door. And soon Hestia will have her fire altars in the kitchen as before. El (Yahweh) will have his own Judeo-Christian Altar soon with his Bible. As the Gods settle into their new temple, many blessings will follow.

A depiction of Zeus Meilichius, one of the Giant Serpent forms of Zeus. Also a household version of the God.

The Gods have already begone the harmonization process. I can feel the new home starting to take shape.

First Stage : Cleansing

Elegua, the Yoruba God of the Crossroads, protector of home and threshold, and messenger of the Gods. Also a master of magic. He often appears as a small boy. He is the Prince of the Yoruba religion.

First I had to spend a week doing a healing and a cleansing of the space. The people who lived here before were a bunch of dicks. All their negative energy was still around. I had hoped to be able to clean the house with one big smudging with Quita Maldicion (Take Away Curses). And some Church incense to bring in good energy afterwards.

But by the time these people finally left I had run out. They made their own move as inconvenient as possible for us. So, I improvised. My Godmother in Santeria had spoken to me a long ago of the importance of Sarayeye. This is a cleansing with a magical or spiritually charged object.

Such as a bundle of plants, an egg, a stone, or something else. It’s used to absorb something negative from a person. While also replacing the bad energy with positive, holy energy to restore balance to mind, body, and soul. Other spiritual groups have used a similar technique on objects. Like using Crystals or salt to clean other objects.

In this case I was cleaning a place.

I used a coconut which I charged with holy water and cascarilla. Then I walked around the house, from the very back room to the front door. I rolled it on the walls and then on the floor. Then I placed it behind the front door and asked Elegua to absorb everything bad that had ever happened in that place. The cleansing took place for seven days.

I could sometimes feel waves of energy, being drawn to that coconut. A nasty sickly energy. And I even had vague impressions of arguments. I learned later that the couple who lived here had gotten a divorce. And the guy who was supposed to have moved out since last month kept breaking his promise to leave.

He tried to stay here by finding a roommate. Even though he was supposed to have left. He didn’t care that he was screwing over a family. Which is why it took three months to finally move. I tried not to let it bother me.

I prayed to Nemesis and asked her for one favor : If this cocksucker reneges on his promise for the third time, may he also lose the apartment and have no where to go. He did it for the third time. And while I wasn’t sure if we were to have this home or not, he was forced out. He couldn’t find a roommate. He left the place dirty on purpose.

And his soon to be ex wife was even ruder. When my mother tried to use the gate access code, apparently the machine was still tied to this woman’s phone. My Mom apologized and asked if she could be let in that she had just moved to their old apartment. This lady hanged up on her. Like she was not worth speaking to.

Yeah, that was one of the best and strongest intuitions I had about people ever. I knew they were nasty without even having to see them. That never happens to me. Usually I have to meet people to get a sense of them. But these two really were so negative and disrespectful that even before I set foot in this apartment I could feel them in the ether.

But I digress.

I performed the sarayeye on myself and dog as well as my mother before I used it on the house. And I asked for all bad vibrations and energies from the previous months of the year to go. Two birds with one stone. After the seven days, I burnt incense to Elegua. And I threw the coconut into the crossroads.

Sacrificing the bad energy to the spirits there. Now I was really ready to get to work.

Second Stage : Dedication

Hestia (Ἑστία) the Goddess of Home, Hearthe, and Fire. The intercessor of the Greek Gods and humans in worship and offering.

Next, was my weeklong dedication ceremony. Now there is a big difference between blessing a house and dedicating it to the Gods. When you bless a house, how long it stays blessed depends on you. You have to constantly keep it blessed. With holy waters and oils or even smudging at least once a month for good measure.

Because if you don’t, the blessing will eventually erode away. Leaving the house as it was before it was blessed. Also, a blessing is nothing more than a protection and a positive charge for the home. Something to bring in good luck. And sometimes it can be a dedication for lay people and regular worshipers.

But what is a dedication?

Dedication of a Temple or Church

A temple room with Idols of the Orishas with their offerings before them. From the Facebook page Santero en la ciudad y edo de mex

I know all of you at some point have heard of “holy ground”. Or even the older way of saying it which is “hallowed ground,”. Essentially this is ground that is blessed. Now you’re probably thinking,

“But M, blessing the ground of your house isn’t the same as a dedication. You said so yourself, so what gives?”

And you’d be right. Blessed grounds can be done by anyone. But, truly hallowed ground is something only a Priest or Priestess can do. Now I am not going to dazzle you with bullshit nor claim that I have fifty initiations and a priest title. I was part of a group, a Guild of Gnostic believers.

We were folk magicians and students of the occult. And the main tenant of our group was this : all believers are empowered to be priests of the Gods. And more importantly, that being a “high” priest or priestess wasn’t something limited to a small elect. All people have this as a natural right given to us by our Gods. The only limitation is whether we are moral and responsible enough to rise to the task.

We were all of the same rank. And we worked as a council to make decisions. Of course we mostly used divination. Whatever the Gods and spirits told us to do, we did. Sort of takes a lot of the decision making process out.

When you hear your Gods, there’s no reason to have so many debates. The few times we had to make decisions was due to things that directly had to do with the human side of religion. Like what types of rites we should use to draw power from the Gods. Of specific timings and place of gatherings. But anyways, we studied and covered the differences in consecration by level as well.

A dedication is a type of consecration for a temple or church. It means that it’s being specifically dedicated to a God, Goddess, Saint, or powerful spirits that a religious order serves. And the ritual is an invitation for that being or group of beings you serve to live there. That it is in effect the home of those spiritual entities. And that you are a partner, not only working with them, but keeping their home nice and tidy.

This is in no way servitude. Spiritual beings either can’t or simply won’t come down in physical form to clean a house. That doesn’t happen in real life. But the human ally lives here and has direct access. Conversely, there are things our entities can do for us on the other side that we can’t do.

But it’s as much their home as it is ours. And therefore, they do that work for us. It’s a symbiotic relationship. And contrary to the monotheistic notion of religion, it’s a partnership rather than a master-servant relationship. My mentors have taught me long ago that the Gods and their children do not seek for us to be their slaves.

In fact depending on the religion or culture, they may even want us to be equal with them. A good parent wants their child to grow up to become independent and free. If a parent tries to keep you co-dependent to them forever, they’re not good people. They have some serious character flaws. You share in the gifts of your spirit family.

The possessions and wealth of that house. In ways what you actually become is a caretaker of the property. And in exchange the spiritual beings who care for you will protect you and offer you anything they can.

You get to reap the benefits of the temple because you are caring for it on behalf of a spiritual being. And so you are paid in blessings and splendor to do the work of that God, Saint, or spirit. So, the dedication brings holy beings to a place to live in. Gods are the sources of all holiness and energy. And Saints and spirits radiate that energy in greater quantities than most people do or can.

So when their household avatars enter a house it’s like a small holy bomb going off in all directions. Everything is soaked in divine energy. And it never goes away for as long as you live there. Obviously, you still need to do your upkeep of the place and daily worship or veneration. But overall they stay there.

And their presence keeps the place well charged with their divinity. Without you needing to renew the dedication the way you would have to renew blessings of a home. I will say that at least in the case of the Catholic Church, when they dedicate a church, they usually celebrate the anniversary of when it was dedicated. As a way to give thanks. And I suspect that also adds greater divinity to the place.

That is the best spiritual security system you could ever have. Because it means that the divinities bring down their own guards. Their own attendants. Their own magical traps to protect the place you dedicate. Independent of what you do to ward it afterwards.

Now, in the old days I did an overly ceremonial dedication with magical charms. It was complicated as hell and lasted a week. Now it still lasts a week, but I have trimmed down all the ceremony. I rely on household offerings to call the Gods, Saints, and spirits I work with to enter. I entice them here.

Sort of like leaving food to lure a dove. I make sure that I verbalize, visualize, and set my intention that the ritual offerings are to bring the divine beings forth. To invite them to come down and eat. To stay, to drink, even to sleep in the home. Little by little I invite them even to decorate the area.

Usually by telling me how I am to set up a shrine. And on the last day I do a more simple offering which seals the deal. A sort of agreement for them to stay. One where I promise to attend to them. Something like the contracts I had to do with my landlord where I signed.

And once done the power floods the house briefly, I just know it’s hallowed ground now. Not merely blessed grounds. Whatever you use to ward the place yourself, is empowered by them. So your guides now have extra help. Which is what I did.

Now I was ready for the next step.

Third Stage : Calling your Guardians Home

The spirits of nature

I was guided by my guardians to do this. Guardians can go anywhere. And they automatically live in the home with you when you move in. However, this is a way of firmly entrenching them in the home. Making them the guardians of the place.

There are several reasons for doing this. One, it gives them total domination over the household and its affairs. They are able to help you keep unwanted spirits out. Because they can control the small, spiritual universe of your home. They wouldn’t even have to fight.

They keep out an enemy spirit by sheer force of will alone. From that point on, they become a part of the Genius Loci or spirit of a place. So appealing to your spirits also means you can ask them for favors regarding your home. Like a type of household saint almost. If you move, they will simply detach themselves.

Or even say “As I pack my things, you are to leave this place behind with me,”. And the place will release the bond as well. Once that happens, your guardians will rule over the place.

Fourth Stage : Unpacking, worship, veneration, and intuitively placing sacred items

My bathroom shrine to Poseidon

One thing I learned the first time I moved by myself was that the Gods and spirits guide you psychically. Through intuition they tell you where they want their images to be placed. Where each shrine should go. Where altars should be erected. And finally, where the talismans and amulets and other magically charged items are to go.

Sometimes they do this through feelings. Other times through thoughts or outright visions. And sometimes you will even hear voices in your mind guiding you. Or it could be all of the above. Including dreams.

I remember one time I had left some items on a crossroads as a decoration. To honor Elegua and his spirits. But they sent me a dream that let me know : they wanted my junk off of their property 😂. So the next day I went there and cleaned it all off. And that’s where I am at right now.

Setting up my shrines. So far the most complete shrines are the bathroom shrine of Poseidon.

Some of the household guardians

Household Spirits of the Home and Hearth

On the left, I use that wooden carving of vegetables to be vessels for my plant spirits. Some of my guardians are actually plants. On the right, I use that pig to represent the Sow Goddess Hen Wen (old white). I couldn’t find a white pig image, so I made due with this one.
From left to right : The Laughing Buddha, hanging from him is a red string of prosperity that has a tea pot representing Home and Hearth Gods, a Tibetan Buddhist Bell with the face of the Buddha engraved in its hilt, a fancy clock to represent the Goddess Anna Perenna, two palm trees to represent the Goddess Asherah and the Goddess Sophia, my sister left images of the Virgin Mary along with a candle burning, and finally, a candle snuffer with the image of the divine lotus engraved in it.
The Staff I use isn’t just a typical Witch Staff, it’s an idol to the Serpentine and Household avatars of Zeus Meilichius and Zeus Ktesios. The red string with charms represents his son, Haphaistos the Black Smith of the Gods. They guard our front door and bring in only good.

We’re still unpacking and getting everything done. But so far, life is good. I’m even doing my rituals again. It’s time to unwind, relax, but then get back to work. So, see you everyone.