The US Coup in Peru : What’s actually happening there, and why the people are angry

I’ve heard so much disinformation about what is actually going on in Peru. It’s disgusting. Right Wing Cuban Exiles spreading the belief that this is a “socialist dictator” who was taken out of power. Or CNN and other centrist sites with their “two sides” take. Where they continue to peddle the storyline that President Pedro Castillo was some kind of tyrant.

And all while parroting the coup plotters claims (and not giving evidence for them). This country really fucks with my head. Seriously, they condemn the violence and extremism of January 6th here. But then they applaud it everywhere else. The United States of America continues to be one of the most two faced countries on Earth.

Suffering from extreme narcissistic personality disorder and total disconnect from reality. High on their own American exceptionalism. Let me tell you what is actually going on in the country. President Pedro Castillo is a former Teacher, Union Worker, and he’s Indigenous. Far from being a career politician, he campaigned for the presidency of the country on the platform of real change.

He’s been fighting to bring it to Peru. Instead of Peru being sacked by politicians stealing money from the people. Something so common that we even have a term for it in the US : Banana Republic. Unfortunately for him, that ran contrary to the interests of the ruling Oligarchy in his country. As well as foreign interests.

They also didn’t like that he was giving people of color a real voice in Peru. You see there’s an unspoken evil in Latin America : White Supremacy. Most Latin Americans will tell you racism “doesn’t exist”. And by most I mean people who have a colonial mentality. The white Spanish Criollos (Creoles) dominate our societies.

Most Latin Americans view themselves as some off shoot of the Spaniards. Which is wrong on every level. We are Indigenous, Black, Asian, and even Middle Eastern. The Spaniards were our conquerors and invaders, not our source culture. We have cultures of our own.

But just as most people think of Caucasians when they think of Americans, most people think of Criollos when they think of Latin Americans. So white Spanish culture dominates us. And if you have any doubts about that, look at our beauty pageants. Almost all of the contestants tend to be white women. Very few times are there indigenous or black women.

Asians and other groups are even more rare. But Pedro Castillo was changing that in his country. Which made him powerful enemies, who accused him of trying to “divide” Peruvians. But that was just the start of his problems. The US also didn’t like his reforms.

So the business leaders of Peru, multinational corporations, Western Powers, all led by the US, decided to take him out. Three times the Congress tried Parliamentary Coups to drive him from power saying he was “corrupt”. They made false investigations and smear campaigns to try and claim that he stole money. All with the intentions of throwing him out of office. The same accusations were done against President Lula DaSilva of Brazil.

And all three times he defeated their coups. Because he made sure the investigations were transparent. He also worked with the legal process. He brought in independent investigators. And they proved that the “investigations” done by congress were nothing but farcical political theatre.

The third time they tried he decided to try something different. He brought in lawyers. Their own investigations proved they didn’t even have the authority to have initiated the impeachment proceedings against him in the first place. In order to do that, you need hard evidence of wrong doing. Also, the polls showed strong support from the people.

Despite how much they have poured money into their own propaganda machines to make him look bad. But despite all of that, their smear campaign failed. They acted as if just by making up this nonsense, it made it true. Instead his lawyers told him there were clauses within Peru’s constitution that supported him. And that if a government body was co-opted by foreign or seditious powers, the acting President could temporarily dissolve the congress.

The infiltrator and the Traitor

Until a new congress could be elected. So on December 6th, 2022 Lisa Kenna, a former CIA agent who is now the US Ambassador of Peru, had a secret meeting with Gustavo Bobbio the Defense Minister. And the next day the President was arrested by the Police, and the Army shut the country down. Suspending all civil rights and civil liberties. Even banning free speech and freedom of movement.

The real coup plotters

And Dina Boluarte became the Dictator of Peru ever since. They’ve been trying to white wash the dictatorship since then. Again repeating the unfounded claims of corruption. And instead of calling what they did a Coup, they claimed it was normal legal action (because the army shutting down a country is totally normal). And then trying to act woke,

“Look! It’s the first female President of Peru!”

You mean Dictator. You actually have to be elected to be President. And the whole nation hates her and her regime. They tried this in Bolivia with Evo Morales as well. They thought if they replaced him with a female indigenous dictator that people would applaud it and say “Progress!”.

Peru’s current Dictator

They really thought Bolivians were that stupid then. And they think of Peruvians now. Protesters have demanded that if the former President is removed, they should have new elections. Not a Dictator. But the current regime refuses.

Talking points used by the far right also include rumors of “Marxist infiltrators from Bolivia”. Or “paid protesters” that allegedly were sent by the President. Fucking seriously, as if no one would notice a massive force of people from the Bolivian Border coming into the country. Now they’re pointing fingers at the people calling them “coup plotters” and “domestic terrorists”. Even if this man were a Dictator, it still doesn’t explain why they felt the need to shut the entire country down and suspend human rights.

So this is what a terrorist looks like? Hmmm

I guess nothing says “democracy” like firing on unarmed protesters and killing students. So please people, don’t come at me with this bullshit about President Castillo being corrupt or a tyrant. Or that he deserved to be the victim of a coup. You can’t ask for “civility” while engaging in Terrorism. And you can’t tell us to “believe in the system”.

You’re too busy working to undermine it every time someone you don’t like is bringing real change. That’s rigging the system in your own favor. That’s not democracy. That’s hypocrisy. Here’s some reading materials for you anyone interested in looking past the media block.

Peru protesters, fired up by deaths, march on Lima demanding change

On Lisa Kenna and her meeting with the Defense Minister

How the US Pressured Peru’s government into the Coup

More on the pressure campaign from the US

– M