The White Rose of Avalon, A great Blogger and erudite of the Fae

The Lady of the Lake

So today I want to talk to you all about an another amazing blogger. She dedicates herself to the lore of England. To the Fae. To Arthur. And actually even to Goddesses.

So it’s not all about England either. Her latest post on Aphrodite April is amazing. So here I am showing you her best posts. Please follow her!

The Blodeuwedd and Guinevere Connection

The Morgana and Rhiannon Connection

The Mystical Femme Fatale Archetype

Flower Brides, May Queens, High Queens: Archetypes in Analysis

The 7 Gifts of Faery

Twilight Faery Living

Beauty & the Beast in Pop Culture

~ All Hail the White Rose and Enchantress of Avalon ~

– M