Spirits need warmth and love too

Fire Spirit

I’ve often written in Florida about how much I hate the heat. But perhaps I have taken it for granted. This is what passes for cold or frost here.

Yeah, it’s cold in Florida. But I love it!

Others are buried in snow for months in some places. And they beg for the light of day to shine once more. Normally, I don’t think about it. Because the heat here is a real killer. I only worry about when I will get some nice cool.

In the last few days, the Mollusk Meteorologist, was proven right. He’s our version of Punxsutawney Phil. The groundhog who predicts the weather. Unlike Phil who predicted an early spring, the Mollusk Meteorologist told us there would be a longer winter. We have had cold rains and cold winds.

Thank the Gods. Pagans in other parts of the country are praying for the return of the Sun. And here I am bribing the Sun Gods with offerings to take their time to come back. So here I am enjoying this frosty weather. The animals and plants not so much.

I started adjusting my prayers to have weather that is neutral. That can be just chilly and cool enough for me. But warm enough for the animals and plants. But just a few days ago, I had to take another thing into consideration. There was something the Tuatha Dé Danann wanted me to take care of.

It took me a while to figure it out. But essentially they told me I need to directly help the spirits of the land. But I’m already doing that, I thought. Then I saw this article on WordPress recently.

It was titled, ” Do Faeries feel the cold? “ By British Faeries. And it turns out that in at least in some instances, they do. Perhaps even in spiritual form. This makes sense to me. Because I can tell you from experience that Ghosts, or at least some of them, can feel the cold.

In fact even the Catholic Church tells you that Purgatory or Limbo bound ghosts can feel cold. There’s actually a very interesting story from the book, ” Hungry Souls: Supernatural Visits, Messages, and Warnings from Purgatory, ” by Gerard J.M. Van der Aardweg. There was a Lutheran Minister in Germany I think it was. And he had ghosts walking into his church. Asking for his prayers and comfort.

In Santeria we are taught to feed our dead holy candles. To give them warmth. And imbue them with holy energy. This is partly based on Catholic traditions. But at the same time, we have similar beliefs in other cultures.

He thought they were demons at first. But soon realized they really were ghosts. Seeking help to get into Heaven. We see a similar theme in Buddhism with the Hungry Ghosts. Well the article was similar in that it speaks of nature spirits.

Who need comfort and food as well. The article spoke at length about practices for the Fae to feel better. Mostly everyone would go to sleep early and allow the Fae to spend the night. To eat and drink water. To use the warmth of the hearth and what not.

There was even an interesting part about a family. That was often visited by the Fae. So much so that a little white dog (faery dog) would appear. And that was a sign that they needed to finish whatever they were doing. So the Fae could spend the night.

The article is amazing and I highly recommend it. So I won’t spoil anymore after this final part. But basically mistletoe used to be hanged over the front door during the frost. So that the Fae could inhabit the plant to sleep at night. So the Shining Ones told me I needed to do something similar.

White Buffalo Calf Woman by Tessa Mythos

The Tuatha Dé Danann and the other Gods I serve, told me that I needed to do something similar for the Native Spirits. They have long been abandoned. And while immigrant communities often do magic for their own spirits. The indigenous spirits often don’t have that. We live in a country that has been stolen from the Niiji people.

That’s what they like to be called instead of “Indian” or even “Native American”. Many don’t recognize America as a real country. But as a foreign occupying power. And like the Palestinians, they hope one day they will get their country back. That doesn’t mean they want to kick people off the land.

Simply, they want their sovereignty over their country back. Which is the right of all nations. But I digress. The spirits of the land came to me in my mind while I was meditating. I wanted to know what it was that I wasn’t doing right.

So I let them send me the visions. It was a cold haze. And dirty too. Like polluted energy. I remembered that according to many Niiji Elders, what you do to the land is done to the spirits in their world.

So if you care for the land and leave food offerings behind, you are feeding the spirits. And making their lives better. But likewise, if you destroy trees, or pave everything with concrete, you bring them pain. They don’t always die. But often times the result is worse than death.

From the Smithsonian Article,
“Native Ghosts and the Supernatural”, the illustration is done by Niiji artist and all around badass, Weshoyot Alvitre

My regular shrines outside are used as spirit houses for any entity that needs a home. Or wants to rest and eat and drink. But those are apparently only for immigrant spirits. I needed to go to my Niiji shrine and ask for them to allow wondering Niiji spirits access. That they needed to be remembered and cared for as well.

I assume the weird grey haze may also have been a sort of messed up limbo these spirits live in. I came to the Niiji Shrine. And I did just that. But I also took it a step farther. I did a divination with the Gods and spirits of all the other shrines.

And asked if they would also take in Niiji spirits as well. And they all said yes. They said it was only right. Since they are on land belonging to other beings. So now all my shrines have been modified to accept Niiji spirits.

No matter the religion of the culture. After all, we’re all just guests here. Our hosts didn’t ask us to be here. We just came here regardless of permission. So we all need to show our hosts proper respect in their country.

And on their land. Respect the spirits. Love the land. Protect nature. And follow and obey the Niiji our Hosts.

Picture taken from the ” Maternal Thinking ,” article of the Feminism and Religion blog


– M

Imbolc/Candlemass/Candlemas 2024

It’s finally hear! Imbolc! As well as its Christian equivalent, Candlemas or Candle Mass. The Mass of Candles. Just like Imbolc, Candlemas is the best time to bless things. Especially candles. Priests will bless candles with incense and holy water.

To impart special blessings upon the candles.

All Hail the Queen

I use both holidays not only for this, but to bless special charms in general. Currently I am getting ready to bless these.

When these egg shells gain their full power, I’m going to crush them into a powder. In Santeria these powders are called Cascarilla. The blessed egg shell powder is used for a variety of magics. And can even be used as an extra ingredient to empower a spell. Cascarilla is always used for positive purposes.

Like healing. I’ve never heard of them being used for curses.

This year’s Brídeog

I also made my Brídeog or little Brighid. My Imbolc idol for Brighid. As is custom, I walked around the house at sunset. On the day before the Sun entered 15 degrees in the sign of Aquarius (this year the day before was February first). In tradition, a person used a torch to walk around the outside of the home.

I used a lighter instead. It’s easier to hide what I’m doing. In the past I used candles or incense sticks as the torch. With this, I can click the lighter on and off when someone shows up. It still gets the job done.

Although when people see the doll, they freak out.

The bed on which Brighid will sleep tonight

I remember I was caught making a Brídeog a few years ago. Mine are basically poppets that I can make from what’s on the land. Sticks and vines sometimes. It didn’t have a head yet. But as soon as he saw it he turned pale as hell.

I laughed. I couldn’t help myself. Like I said in my last blog post, people assume magic dolls are always going to be for hurting a person. You never ask someone who has a Saint statue if it’s to hurt anyone. Or an image of a man being tortured to death on a cross in clear agony.

Noooooo but those scary ass corn dollies and poppets? It’s El Diablo!

This year I dressed the idol with specific elements. Part of the decorations represented are for Oya. The Orisha (Yoruba God) of storms and winds, the market place, and guide of the dead. She’s also a great warrior. And she brings great prosperity.

Oya’s favorite color is purple. But rainbow colors are also sacred to her.
My candle for Oya and the Virgin of Candelaria

It’s said that windy storms, especially thunderstorms, are actually her dancing the skies. She lives in the market place because she loves human activity. So commerce naturally falls under her. However, she’s also the Orisha who can protect us from Iku, the Orisha of Death. And since then, she leads souls to the front gates of all tombs.

Oya’s feast day is the feast day of Candelaria (Candlemas). Which is February 2nd. During this time, Santeria visit cemeteries. And do special offerings to her at the front gates. They also do these things for the honor of the dead.

Asking Oya to bless them.

Then we work with another incarnation of the Virgin Mary. Oya and other Gods were often synchronized with the Virgin Mary. Or other Saints. So when the slaves came, new aspects of the Saints arose. Including a new aspect of the Virgin Mary appeared.

La Virgen de la Candelaria. Or English, The Virgin of the Mass of Candles. Candlemas.

La Virgen de la Candelaria

This African aspect of Mary, is said to be Oya in her Christian disguise. Even the colors seem to point to her. I only half way agree. I think this is the Virgin Mary. But because so many people combined her and Oya together, she took an African form.

Gods often do that when they get adopted into other cultures. And I do see Mary as a Christian Goddess. Not just a Saint. She’s even called “the queen of heaven”. Which is a Pagan title in many cultures for a Mother Goddess.

Images from :
Ashe Pa mi Cuba

Mary has often taken different forms across cultures. Appearing as Native, Asian, or in some cases her traditional middle eastern form. So I do a lot of Hoodoo and Santeria during this time. With both her and Oya. Specifically I do a combination of African and Christian necromancy.

It’s a good time to talk to the ancestors. But I’m also talking to the Tuatha Dé Danann.

Brighid and her people, the Tuatha Dé Danann

I am watching shows with Brighid. I put her to sleep now.

The fire of Brighid, doesn’t it sort of look like the sacred heat from Catholicism?
Covered Brighid in her own blanket. The Romani woman watches her sleep

And I’m about to recite our favorite poem. Candlemas by Alice Brown. And listen to some Irish poetry. I lit seven candles in honor of Brighid. Two of those candles were for Oya and the Virgin herself.

All in all, it’s been a good day.

Saw this the other day, normally I use regular candles. But this is perfect for Oya
The Tuatha Dé Danann,
image from
Art Station

Well, time for bed everyone. Take care,

– M

Saving Greene

Today I was looking at my Balcony Garden. Basking in the warmth of the sun, which is something I almost never do in Florida. Usually we hate the damn sun. It burns our skin. And not all of us go to the beach.

My idol of Queen Gaea, Mother of the Universe, Oldest of all the Gods

Some of us appreciate the beauty of the swamp and all its creatures.

Florida Tripper‘s Image

If you look deep into Florida, there’s more than just beaches and cities. There’s the country. Which carries a beauty of it’s own. The beauty of the water and the earth interposed with one another. The Union of Land and Sea.

Image from MaKeleLele

My garden was reminding me of all the creatures who live here. And I thought of my old friend Greene. This story happened a couple of years ago. The day was unusually chilly for South Florida. Like now.

I was taking my dog out one morning. I found him half frozen on the ground, Greene. Except Greene was brown. He could barely move. And he was breathing so hard I thought he was dying.

He was an Anole lizard, a cousin of the chameleon.

They’re usually light green, but he was brown and his feet were the color of Ash. I snapped a picture of him and sent it to my sister. She studied to be a vet. I was told by her that he wasn’t going to die. He was just cold.

And would thaw out. Just to leave him there. But everything inside me told me not to. Fuck it I thought. I guess I’ll be the idiot to carry a frozen lizard home.

Not Greene, but it certainly looks like him when I found him years ago. Image from here.

I put him on my terrace. At least there he would be safe there from other animals. Bugs come there if I turn the light on so he’d have food. And at least he wouldn’t be alone. I keep cardboard boxes of all sizes just for this occasion.

I raced home to get a small box. I fitted it with a small mat of sorts. Then I tried to put him inside. But he was so scared, he climbed out the other side of the box. The Adrenaline made him turn his usual color right then and there.

I just stayed there and spoke to him while my neighbors thought I was bat shit crazy.

“If you don’t come with me now you’ll die. I need you to trust me,”

(Yeah, I’m sure that made them think I was less crazy)

He looked at me as if saying Yeah right, you’re one of them. You can’t be trusted. It started raining cold water and I said,

“I’m not leaving without you, so you better get used to my pretty face,”

The God Agemo

The God Agemo the wise chameleon image from Reddit.

He stood there appraising me for 5 minutes. I wondered what could be going on in his mind. I remembered an old story from Yoruba culture. The God Orunmila was friends with the wise Chameleon, Agemo. Agemo helped Orunmila many times. So I prayed to Agemo to help me get this little guy in the box.

Then I suddenly thought, now is the time, get him in. I put him inside. He tried to run but this time he ran inside the box. I sealed the other side. Leaving the open portion for air.

This time he stopped resisting. I asked my animal guides to protect him. As I walked with him in the box, it seemed as if he were resting. I don’t know if he trusted me finally. Or was simply too exhausted, or both.

I positioned him in a corner with a bucket blocking the chilly wind. He opened his mouth and that large balloon thing some lizards have beneath their neck popped out. I half imagined him cursing me with his breath. I put more carpets all around him to keep him warm and offer more protection from the winds. And then I used some healing work for him.

But most importantly, I left it in the hands of the divine ones. I slept warily that night hoping he would be safe. I prayed for the Sun in Florida to pierce the gray skies. Something I never did. I just wanted him to be okay.

I kept remembering him heave air into himself so deeply. I had dreams of him fighting for his life. I couldn’t even get a decent night’s sleep. I hoped beyond hope for this little creature to live. The next day I was caught off guard by something.

I lost my job so I had time to sleep in. I actually wasn’t too upset about losing it. It was a shitty job with shitty pay. And now I got to relax and enjoy sleeping longer. I drank my Cuban coffee.

I decided to get an hour or two of extra sleep only to hear my phone’s ping that I received a text. My Mother snapped a picture and said.

“Look, he’s okay now,”

I don’t have the old picture of him anymore. But this is what he looked like.

The image was originally from the Orlando Sentinel, but the article doesn’t exist anymore. Instead I have the URL from the image.

I couldn’t believe it. I had to run to the terrace to make sure. And yes there he was. Not only did his color return, but he was mobile now.

I left him be. Didn’t want to scare him off before he was ready to go. The box was still out there for him. And the Sun was shinning through the gray though I continued to pray for the clouds to keep parting and the sun to shine to heat everything up. My prayers were answered.

He seemed to be okay physically. But the way he was sprawled out on the table he had climbed, something was wrong. At some point we had even gotten him dead crickets. Finally, a friend told me they were hunters. And preferred live food.

So I did a trick she taught me. I placed a single banana slice on the table when he wasn’t there. And let it rot to attract flies. When the flies came, he showed up and ate them. Then he ate the banana.

The next morning he began to get his bearings. He stayed for two days. Finally, he left for his true home. My family saw him leave.

I don’t know what Agemo did. But I know that Greene survived when I thought he would die. He’s a tough little guy. I know the spirits guided me.

And the Gods blessed me. And for those who say they didn’t, that it was just me working hard to save him. You didn’t see him that day. I have seen plenty of frozen lizards since then. Just a few years ago we had iguanas falling from the trees in Florida.

They were perfectly fine. When I saw Greene, I expected him to die. He looked like death. I have never seen any animal look like that. Except for animals in their last days.

I know the medicine of the spirits of Florida and the Yoruba people of Nigeria were with him. And with me. Thank you Divine Ones. I wonder every so often, what became of my little friend.

Praise be to Orula
The Twin Thunders or Little Thunders. At least what I could get as a representation of them. They’re Deities I pray to for rain. They also make some badass holy water
Image from here
Not every Nation believes in Wakan Tanka (Great Mystery). Everyone has their own spirits, but I do.
The Agemo Dance (Video)

– M

Imbolc for Brighid : How to Make a Witch’s Effigy or “Poppet”

All the Imbolc images are courtesy of the Celtic Lady Blog

The connection between dolls and the supernatural is not a new idea. Everyone has heard of voodoo dolls, which can supposedly stand in for the target…

So this article here caught my attention

How to Make a Witch’s Effigy “Poppet”

I thought I would add it to this little mini article I made. The problem here, is that people always think of Voodoo dolls or Poppets in terms of evil. No one ever talks about their use in white magic or nature magic. For instance, most of the time when I make Poppets, or use African Dolls (not Voodoo, but from Santeria) they are used for religious purposes. For instance, in the feast of Imbolc which is Celtic (Christian Candlemass) we have the Brídeog.

Brídeog is an idol of the Celtic Goddess, Brighid. We make one for her every February. It’s made of straw or corn husks or whatever you can find. And you welcome her spirit by walking around the outside of a house with a Torch. Now in modern times, what I use is an incense stick or a lighter. 

Candles are a pain in the Ass. And they attract attention. I sort of flick the lighter on and off. And hide the doll in something while I walk. Then I utter an incantation at the door,

” Bridean, Bridean, thig an nall ‘s dean do leabaidh”

Translation :

” Bríd (Brighid), Bríd, come over and make your bed ”

And then I place her doll near a fake fire place in a makeshift bed. I light seven Candles in honor of her. Because in the old days young women would choose an “Imbolc Queen” from among themselves. And they would wear a stick crown with seven candles in them that were lit. I use the stick holders from burned out incense sticks as the candles at the very top of a Brídeóg or “Little Brighid”.

One of my Brídeóg effigies from 2019

During the Eve before it’s actually Imbolc (for the ancients, midnight was almost always at sunset, not 12am) Brighid was said to inhabit that doll and bring blessings upon the household. Meanwhile the doll actually absorbs all the bad energy out of the home. And then, we go the next day to a body of water like a river or a pond. Or a canal. And we leave the doll at the edge near the water.

She takes the bad things away from us.

During the night of Imbolc, we read poetry to her Doll. And just plain have a really nice time together. Sing songs. Basically it’s a night to relax and enjoy not just spiritual life, but human life. Of course holy fires are important for warding away bad spirits. 

Specifically either bonfires or hearth fires. So of course we do our religious worship. But it’s done in a chill way. At least originally it’s like that. Many modern practitioners make a lot of these holidays overly ritualized.

Like even more so than our ancestors did. I suspect it’s the feeling of needing to connect to our higher powers. You could always do the Imbolc celebrations with your children. Imbolc, like Yule was a time of caroling. People went from house to house singing songs.

And begging alms for the poor.

The girls or sometimes boys and girls would carry the Brídeóg in procession while they sang to her. They all wore white with their hair unbound. Afterward, you could feast in your home. The Brídeóg was set in a place of honor, and put to bed with lullabies sang to her. After dinner there would be dancing.

And reading and any activity the family finds enjoyable. Also you have the Imbolc Queen. Where one of the girls would be chosen to wear a thorn crown with seven lit candles in it. You could give all the girls a crown with candles that has been lit but were put out. Also there are arts and crafts activities like making Brighid’s crosses and shields.

Or make Strawboys with hats to accompany Brighid. And straw masks. Basically it’s a day for arts and crafts. You could mold the day to however you like it. I need to point out that this is my research, I am not a Druid.

I do not have the authority to speak. I am a novice in Celtic Polytheism. Do not take my word for it. Take everything, from everyone, with a grain of sand. Cheers,

– M


I don’t mean to sound like a parrot repeating the doom and gloom from last post. But something is off. I mean don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of good. But there’s also something else. Something that feels wrong.

And then the other day, on the second of January I learned I wasn’t being paranoid.

When people think of Homestead, Florida they usually think of the above picture. It’s a beautiful place with farms. And businesses. And sadly most of it is only for the wealthy. Us poor bastards have to slum it up in the cities.

It is a wonderful place to visit however. Way too many churches for my taste though. It’s like there’s a Baptist church on almost every block. But the other day, my mother was there. With her boss driving the car.

And they saw a sight that bothered them.

This isn’t a picture she took. It didn’t occur to her to actually take a picture or a video. She should have. Then I could have shared it on here. But there was an endless legion of vultures in the sky.

And small black birds too. And they were all flying away from the west I think to the east. I’ll have to double check with her to find out. Just a huge migration of them. She said the doctor and the people in the cars were afraid.

It looked like a scene from one of those disaster movies. We’ve always had vultures and other animals in Florida. And I have even seen a whole flock of them tear apart dead cats on the road here. And they can be scary looking. But this time it wasn’t just them.

Smaller birds were flying with them too. She said they looked terrified. Something in the opposite direction scared them. They even turned on the radio to see if it was being mentioned anywhere. It wasn’t.

I tried looking it up. But no matter what I typed or where I went to, no one online was talking about it. It seems only those people in the cars in Homestead happened upon the sight. That bothers me a lot. We live in a tech savvy world.

It should be posted somewhere online.

I was expecting to hear a scientific explanation that would sound plausible. Or something to that extent. Not nothing. Then I remembered something. I was doing my new year’s divination.

I had burnt a sacred Candle to Hestia. And something weird came out.

I decided to take a closer look.

Now this could just be a common case of matrixing. The phenomenon of creating patterns psychologically from random things. But this was a magical divination. With the exception of Florida, it almost looks like the US.

Printable Maps

And then I noticed something out of the corner of my eye.

I remember thinking it sort of looked like a bird just staring at the wax piece. Some kind of carrion bird. Maybe I am making too much of this. In fact I am sort of embarrassed to even bring this up. Maybe I am just seeing something from a place of fear.

Seeing something that isn’t there.

Regardless, I will be doing another divination on it soon. Just to see what I come up with. Cheers,

– M

The 2024 New Year’s Report : The Most Violent Year yet?

The Tuatha Dé Danann (Irish Celtic Gods) Vs. the evil
Fomorian Giants

I think you can tell by the title of this report, exactly what 2024 is going to be like. And it will not be good. Now anyone can say,

“Well of course! We got like two wars going on at once!”

Not really. We have always been at war. We are stuck in an endless war loop. War, sadly, is what drives the American economy. Not innovation.

Not scientific discovery. War. Guns. The death and blood of children. You think the government and businesses give a shit about kids in Gaza dying? They don’t even care when kids in school in America are dying.

Not as long as those semi automatics make them money.

Of course the Liberals are just as hypocritical. They claim they’re against violence. While they send huge packages of aid to an illegal coup regime in Ukraine. Or they send Israel money to butcher whole families. They don’t give a fuck.

But I digress.

There is a massive spiritual tremor on the other side. It seems as if the Earth is ready to open up wide to swallow us all. As if ready to take us to our graves earlier than expected. Let’s start with the Feng Shui report.

The Spiritual Drought

From the world atlas article :
What Are The Effects Of A Drought On The Environment?

In this Chinese New Year, the world will enter the year of the Wood Dragon. And with it, a massive imbalance in our world. Too much earth, and not enough water. That’s the ruling theme for this year. The world is not being nurtured by water.

Too many dreams are being sacrificed in the name of what we think is practical (a perversion of the earth element). Or what we think is reasonable. And we’re not nurturing each other or ourselves like we used to. Grounding is great. Earth is great.

Earth lends power to all of us. It makes us invincible in any almost situation. Especially battles. The problem is, we have too many battles. Too many of us are stuck in defensive or offensive strikes.

Normally, I would say this isn’t bad at all. Because most of the time, people lead a sedentary life style. Too many are wasting their energy and time on social media. On pleasure. And on feel good stuff.

Especially this time of the year. So I was happy with the more aggressive magma energy of the underworld stirring our world up. More and more people becoming conscious and educated on things they weren’t before. And no longer standing for it. No longer being passive.

But if there’s no water, you’re grounding with desolate earth. And your soul becomes desolate as well. In resisting the cement of the establishment, we’ve all entered overdrive. Even after we broke our selves free (or free enough). I have felt it too.

I don’t think we should stop resisting evil. Far from it. But it’s time to change tactics. We have already used our raw power to break free from sedentary state. From the cement of apathy and ignorance.

Now it’s time to wash what’s left of the cement from our bodies. Gently. To flow with water. Bruce Lee actually talked about this many times.

Yin and Yan

Imbalances are cured through spiritual counter balance. What this means is, spend the first six months of the year meditating only with water. Then, on month 7, you can re-incorporate the Earth. This should balance you out. Ask your spirits how this is to be done.

Something wholesome and loving for the new year

You could also work with spirits of water. Or spirits who are associated with water. Learn to redirect your energies towards nurturing yourself. And your dreams. Just don’t totally lose yourself in the water either.

You don’t want to accidentally create a new imbalance.

The strength of water, is also it’s weakness. It opens up your mind to visions. Which is why Neptune Retrograde is good for spirit work. It even allows you to enter the spiritual world. However, that’s also its weakness.

Too much water, leaves you ungrounded. And then your mind floats the same way the air signs do. When the astrology is ungrounded. So if you notice that water energy leaves you ungrounded like that, don’t wait to re-incorporate the earth. Everyone reacts differently.

Lucky Colors & Their Meanings

According to the flying stars site, the lucky colors of this year are : blue & black (wealth), white, gold, & silver (intelligence), red (support and authority), green (recognition of your talents), and finally yellow (fostering of good allies). Wearing each of these colors is supposed to personally stabilize your energy for this coming year. Next we talk about who the ruling Chinese God of this year is.

The Tai Sui of 2024

General Li Cheng

Every year the Jade Emperor, the Supreme Chinese God, chooses someone from his court to rule that year. He has sixty divine generals. And one of those generals is anointed as the Grand Duke of the planet Jupiter. Jupiter you see, is seen as a planet of wealth and power across cultures. In Rome, Jupiter was the Supreme God.

So this is a very important planet in Astrology. Even astrologies from different cultures. Whatever God or spirit is in charge of this planet, is very important. And obviously very powerful. So it’s important to stay on the good side of whoever will be in charge.

For this year, the being in charge is General Li Cheng.

The sacred direction of the Tai Sui this year is going to be the South East direction of your house. That is the direction where the wood dragon spirit will be. So that direction should be kept quiet at all times. Don’t ever face that direction. Because doing that is a challenge to him.

You should burn incense or candles and leave fruit offerings to both the Tai Sui and the Dragon. Divine with your spirits or ask a specialist on the best way to do this. The sign of the dog directly conflicts with the Tai Sui. So anyone born under that sign will be afflicted. The sheep and ox are afflicted indirectly by the Tai Sui.

Taken directly from the website :

Now that sounds good and all. And it is don’t get me wrong. But there is a down side. One, if the Jade Emperor chose him to rule us this year, that means there is going to be a massive overhaul. Imagine having a forensic accountant audit you.

Making sure that all accounts are balanced. Now this is for our own good. We need balance. And we desperately need to redo how we are living our lives. So that’s a good thing.

And he will give us support.

But remember that a Mercury retrograde is kind of like that too. We have our lives in an upheaval to change something we wouldn’t change on our own. So there’s no telling what kind of upheaval there will be this year. We are being told that good leaders will emerge to rise up and help us. But over all I think you should learn to rely on yourself.

Because for some signs, leaders won’t help at all.

Ruling Orishas : Elegua and Oya Rule the Year (Letter of the Year in Cuba)

According to the Babalawos in Cuba, the ruling Orishas (Yoruba Gods) of this year are Elegua. And Oya as his companion. Which depending on how you look at it could be fruitful, or bad. Just like the ruling Tai Sui. He’s a good God.

But whether this year is good or bad depends entirely on us. Because it seems like all the Gods across the pantheons are looking at us under a microscope. The Gods are issuing decrees and judgements. And it isn’t enough to be a good person to get blessings. We need to work for it.

Wishing on a star isn’t going to make your life suddenly get better. They want us to get off of our ass and get to work. Now here are the Pros and the Cons as I see it.

Elegua is the God of the Crossroads.

A master of magic. And one of the wisest and strongest of all Orishas. He usually takes on the form of a young man or even a child. Don’t make the mistake of thinking he is powerless. Because he isn’t.

Elegua in his Child God form

Even the other Gods made that mistake once.

Because he rules the Crossroads, he has a direct effect on destiny itself. He can both open and close your roads. And redirect you onto another path altogether. Like Hermes basically. Depending on whether or not you’ve done what you’re supposed to do in life, you’ll either have a really good year.

Or a really fucked up year. Elegua is an Orisha who can grant you luck in everything. And open doors to everything. But he can just as easily close your doors. And make your life a roller coaster.

Now let’s look at his companion Orisha.

Oya in her incarnation as the Orisha of Storms

Oya is the Warrior Orisha of storms, economic prosperity, and she’s the gatekeeper of the dead. In Brazilian Quimbanda and Candomble she also rules destiny. She doesn’t live with the dead. That’s actually a common misconception. She escorts the dead to the front gates of cemeteries and tombs.

And then leaves them there. So that the Gods of the dead can send them to where they belong. She actually lives in the market place. All market places. Flea markets, malls etc..pretty much almost any place where there is commerce.

She won’t be in a bank or Wall Street though. She specifically likes market places. I think it’s the human to human interaction with vendors. She’s very sociable. But don’t piss her off.

She’s not some dainty princess. Far from it. She’s a warrior. And once even shape shifted into the form of a man to fight along side her husband Shango. This is why one of her epithets is “the woman who wears pants to make war.”

She can give you all the money and power in the world. Or she can take it all away. She can shield you like a mother protecting her child. Or she can slay you like the tyrants she has slain before. The fact that she magnifies Elegua’s influence means you need to tread carefully this year.

But like I said, some people really will reap the benefits of this year. If you have relatives who only speak Spanish, who would like to read the letter of the year in Spanish, it’s here. Otherwise let’s get to the translation.

Letter of the Year : Irete Otura (Irete Sulla)

By Nezala

Let’s start with the sayings.

– From King to a Slave

– The Rioter destroys everything

– Olofin cannot bless he who has no head

– King’s head, child’s brain

– Secret Service & Military Service

– Obatala blessed the young Awós (Babalawos or high priests of Orula) for their Ashe (divine grace)

– Ignorance makes of a free man a slave

– Don’t ask of another what you cannot fulfill

– A mother is not just one who gives birth, but also raises

– The Eye of the Father protects the child

– Life does not move with the movement of death

– Luck and Fortune are suspended in the air

– The Awó transcends life because he knows the right path

Because one of the articles I am citing is already in English, I am just going to copy and paste the advice here :


These are the predictions based on the sign. Including the story behind the sign.

Ifa warns about the importance of caring for children, even within the home itself, to avoid negative and harmful situations that could put them at risk. They should not be left in the care of third parties.

In another sense, the letter of the year 2024 invites the general population and the authorities to be alert about a possible increase in crime rates and the consumption of alcoholic beverages and narcotic substances, especially by young people, which, could cause significant damage to society.

Crime prevention this year is essential. People who travel or move from one place to another are recommended to be careful with their belongings to avoid becoming victims of theft.

At a social level, Ifa invites all people, regardless of their beliefs, to promote respect for differences to avoid unnecessary conflicts that will only bring loss in general, “

On Religion

With respect to the practitioners of the Yoruba religion and its Afro-Caribbean variants, maintaining their customs has always been the fundamental pillar for the survival of this religion, therefore, Ifa indicates that the revelation of liturgical secrets should be avoided at all costs. . A call is made for discretion and protection of the religious legacy inherited from our ancestors, to guarantee the prevalence of our customs.

Furthermore, young Babalawos are urged to intensify their religious education so that they become increasingly capable and continue to improve themselves within this cult.

Among the most appropriate foundations to receive during this year are recommended:

Asojano and Oduduwa, to strengthen stability and firmness, both physically and spiritually.

On love

Ifa in Odu bawá 2024 on a sentimental level invites deep reflection on the part of individuals, both at the couple level and at the family level. Marriage breakups, abandonment of wives and children may increase. On the other hand, it is important to analyze the consequences of our actions, the management of our emotions and the importance of values ​​such as: respect, loyalty, fidelity and, above all, love and family unity.

On Economics

The letter of the year 2024 on an economic level invites us to make decisions with maturity and intelligence on a financial level, so as not to end up being a victim or slave of our own decisions. It maintains that the correct use of all resources will be the best alternative to prosper. In that sense, it reiterates that, like the year 2023, this will be an opportune period for the development of agribusiness and the use of land.

On Health

Enjoying a good physical and mental state is decisive for human beings, therefore, keeping ourselves healthy and in optimal condition is one of the main concerns that Ifa has when it advises us, especially when determining a letter that will govern an entire year.

To keep our health strong during the year 2024 Ifa recommends taking care of the skin; Avoid activities that may cause damage to it or expose yourself to the sun indiscriminately.

It is also necessary to pay attention to any signs of neurological or cerebrovascular malfunction. Cases of suffering from conditions such as autism spectrum disorder or down syndrome may increase.

With respect to women, Ifa points out that they should pay attention to the functioning of the lower abdomen, perform preventive checkups and attend to any warning symptoms to avoid future complications.

What you should not forget in the year 2024

  • Avoid excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages or psychotropic substances.
  • Be careful with eating breaded or covered foods.
  • Respect must be a fundamental pillar of society (both from minors towards elders, and from elders towards minors).

History or Pataki of Irete Suka

The turtle and the dog lived together and bathed in the river every day. The turtle confessed to the dog that she took the longest baths.

When the turtle swam in the river, she returned to the house through a secret cave, ate the food, came back and said to the dog:

“Friend, you don’t know how to bathe, I do take long baths.”

When they arrived at the house, the turtle claimed that it was a thief who stole the food. The dog, tired of all this, went to see ORUNMILA (the Orisha of Divination and Magic), who made him Osode, seeing this Ifá and sent him EBO (a special ritual to change a person’s destiny, usually for protection). The dog did the EBO and told him to place the wax doll in the middle of the house and wait.

When the girl came in and saw the doll, she said:

-You came to steal and so did I. She gave him the first slap. As her little hand was caught, she told him:

– Let me go, you came to steal and so did I. He slapped her the second time and her other hand caught, “

Since he couldn’t let go, as soon as the dog returned from bathing in the river he discovered that the turtle was the thief and since then they have lived separately, “

Orixa Regentes (Ruling Orishas) according to Quimbanda and Candomble

In Quimbanda,
Exú rules the year with Omulú

I’m going to say something that pisses the religious fundamentalists off. I don’t care. Exú and Omulú are the same as Elegua and Babalu Aye in Santeria. I am tired of hearing people being accused of being “soft polytheists” or whatever other hotshot for telling the truth. Both religions were created by the Yoruba people of Nigeria. They have the exact same pantheon.

Theres only two differences. One, Quimbanda seems to be more pure. They have or remember Orishas we don’t have and don’t remember. Somehow slaves in Brazil kept their traditions more in tact than those in Cuba could. And their Revolutions were second only to the Haitian Revolution.

The other difference is that they speak Portuguese and we speak Spanish. So instead of Eshu like we say it, they say Exú. And instead of Babalu Aye they say Omulú. Imagine you and another group of people worship Jesus right? But one group calls him Yeshua and you say Jesus. So now what? Are they both different people because his name is in two different languages? Silly right? Same here.

I am not saying they are 100% identical as a religion. We do have many things in common. And our Deities are one of those things. At least the main ones. Now, the divinations tend to yield different results.

But sometimes they mirror each other. Or have something in common. Strangely enough that does happen here. First, we see that in both cases, the main ruler of the year is the Crossroads God Elegua/Exú.

Exú/Elegua in adult form

Which also means he is magnifying the effects of whoever is with him. Which in this case is a spot of bad luck. Because it’s Omulú or Babalu Aye. The God of both disease and cures for disease. And that’s the second commonality. The Cuban letter of the year mentions Asojano.

That’s another name for Babalu Aye. And if you remember, they pointed to diseases on the rise this year. Especially abdominal diseases in women. And that we need blessings from the Gods Asojano and Odudawa. So the predictions they have seen are close enough to us.

Let me stop right there. Let me share the Brazilian letter of the year here for anyone who is Brazilian. Now onward with the predictions.


The Spirit of Disease, This is not a Yoruba spirit. This spirit comes from the Suk of Mount Elgon in Western Kenya. But we are talking about disease here, so I found the image fitting, taken from

“5 Creepiest African Myths & Legends”

A translation from an Elder in Quimbanda and Candomble, her name is Mother Dai de Oxossi, from the Umbanda terreiro Egbè Ofá N’la,

“The year 2024 will be ruled by Eshu, and we will feel the influence of Omulu and Oxalá at certain times,”

(Oxala is Obatala in Santeria, the King of the Gods. It should be noted that besides Omulu aka Babalu Aye, he is the other God you call upon for health).

“The whole world context coincides with the lines of work, with the regencies of these Orishas,”

Why will 2024 be ruled by Eshu and Omulu?

Some traditions consider certain elements to point to the influences of the orishas over the years.

Day of the week

January 1 will fall on a Monday in 2024. And Monday is pointed out as the day of Eshu, the Orisha who initiates everything in Umbanda (he does this in all Yoruba religions).

Mondays are also pointed out as Omulu’s day, which can still be called Obaluaê.

The Answer in Numerology

The sum of the numbers two, zero, two, and four (2+0+2+4, depending on the year 2024). This gives us the number eight, a number that is related to Omulu in some situations. In Santeria it’s Obatala who rules that number as well as the number 24. It’s interesting to see how both of them have their numbers mentioned.

One of them, for example, is the eighth month, August. A month which the day of this Orisha (August 16) is celebrated. According to Astrology influencer Alef Poffo, who describes himself as a Numerologist and Umbandista, the year will be ruled by Saturn in Astrology. And this planet is associated with Omulu.

“Saturn, which will be ruling 2024, has many characteristics that are attributed to Omulu (…) the year will be ruled mainly by Omulu,” he says in a video posted on his TikTok profile on Tuesday (12).

That’s going to bring us some conflict and troubles this year.

What does it mean for 2024 to be ruled by Eshu and Omulu?

The Orishas are Divine entities of African religions that are represented by nature and divided as masculine and feminine forces. In some religions, they are also understood as beings who help humanity to live on the planet. Thus, Eshu is understood as the Orisha of Justice.

“Eshu is the movement, he is the orisha of justice, he is the executor of karmic justice. He who owes pays, he who deserves receives. We infer a difficult year, but one of choices, possibilities, important decisions, paths. Eshu is the lord of the crossroads,” says Oxóssi’s mother, Dai.

Omulu, on the other hand, is considered one of the most feared orishas because he is associated with healing, but also with disease.

“There will be illnesses, not only from Covid-19, which we have gone through and will probably still go through,”

Umbanda player Alef Poffo adds in his video:

” Omulu is the lord of life and death. Omulu is also very connected to the land, and the land is linked to the idea of harvesting. The harvest only takes place with the planting. What have you been planting? “

In other words, what you have reaped, you shall soon sow.

Trouble for Zodiac Signs

Please pay attention. If you were in the following. It comes from the China Highlights.com site.

“Recent/upcoming years of the Dragon are 2024, 2012, 2000, and 1988. If you were born in one of the years, then you are a Rabbit. You will experience your zodiac birth sign year (benmingnian) in 2024, which is considered bad luck,”

So expect the ride to be particularly bad for you. The sign of the Dragon, Goat, Dog, and Ox are also considered unlucky this year. Because they directly oppose the ruling Tai Sui. The luckiest zodiac animals are Monkeys, Roosters, and Pigs. Anyone falling under those signs should experience good luck.

The same article mentions important things you should do on specific dates. And other important tidbits and details you may need. Another important thing I wanted to bring up. There are days that are lucky or unlucky for cutting your hair. Most Westerners don’t know this, but there are days where it is bad to cut your hair.

Why? Because hair is on the crown of the head. And the soul lives in the mind. This is actually a common belief among the ancients. Even in Yoruba religion, we are cautious with who touches our heads. Even barbers, because evil sorcerers and spirits can attack the soul directly through the head.

It’s the chief center of power for the whole body. So evil spirits and certain types of bad or enemy witches, will attack that area first. That’s why you shouldn’t just allow anyone to touch your children. Or you. You don’t know with what intentions they are doing this.

Now, we aren’t going to delve into the intricacies of this. There’s too much information and cultures to cover. This specifically comes from a Buddhist text. Tibetan Buddhist. So every year there is an updated calendar done by Tibetan Buddhist Monks.

These calendars detail exactly when the spiritual essence of a person is weak. So you actually need the extra hair as a natural shield. Cutting it on the wrong day, opens your mind chakra to foreign influences. And bad spirits, who will see you leaking your energy through that chakra. And go after an easy meal.

The good news is, even after a hair cut, it only takes about a day or so for the mind to adapt. It can adapt the flow of its own energy to the new hair length. And as long as you aren’t being attacked that day by someone, you’re good. And the flip side is, cutting your hair on good days brings prosperity. That means you’re opening your soul and mind up to prosperous energies.

Which it will naturally feast upon. The calendar for these days is here.

Zodiac Signs

Image from GreetingsAndWishCards.com from an old 2020 Zodiac article

Now, for positive stuff about your signs. And opportunities you can read this article instead. Now for a mix of good and bad info go there following. This is a Feng Shui Astrology Calendar which means it balances both concepts with the zodiac signs of each person. For some it will be bad.

For others, good. Speaking of good, the normal Feng Shui calendar for this month is extremely good. And this is a normal Buddhist calendar for important spiritual days in January. It tells you who is in charge of what day. And the special kinds of rituals you should do for success.


First we start with the information of Astrologer Lynn Hayes.

On January 2nd, Mercury turns direct (thank the Gods). However, it always takes around two weeks for things to go forward again. You’ll feel it go direct for real on Jan 13th (Monday). January is the month for everyone in the sign of Capricorn. And the planets Venus, Mercury, and Mars are in Capricorn.

Aries and Aphrodite had a tumultuous relationship. But it was a passionate one. And it’s in the sign of Capricorn. The Sea Goat. Which is a sign of hard work.

Which probably means hard work in the field of communication between lovers. Aries rules the Earthly aspects of farming, animals, and nature. Not just war. Aphrodite rules over water as well as prosperity. The Sea Goat is half fish and half goat bringing water and earth into the mix.

Acting as an intermediary between the two. Hermes (Mercury) is a God of Communication. Aries (Mars) the God of War is the lover of Aphrodite (Venus). So this means that Hermes is somehow strengthening their connection this month. Because of Capricorn, this is a time for the creation of projects.

Jupiter has also gone direct since yesterday. And that will also take time to fully go direct. As in almost till the end of January. But once it does, it will rain prosperity for those who seize it and recognize it. Mars will be in Capricorn during the Capricorn New Moon.

Which brings combined blessings with Jupiter now direct.

The New Moon is on Jan 11th (Sunday). And it’s sort of like a retrograde. Not exactly a retrograde, but it is a sort of course correction. A change for your life. Because it’s connected to fate.

There’s a few more things to add, but it’s honestly a lot. I just focused on what I thought was the most important. To read the rest go here.

Here’s some more astrological predictions for all Zodiac Signs here.

The Full Moon and Astrological Calendar for January by Lady Beltane is here. And here we have Planetary news this week: January 1-8, 2024. Also from Lynn Hayes. Here we have the Tarot for each of the Zodiac signs this year.

From the flying stars website,

You can read the rest of their prediction here. I don’t want to take away from their website. You can just read it there. Next we have the Paht Chee Forecast for 2024 – Year of the Wood Dragon.

And again, we are seeing the same thing from the Letters of the year, pop up in Chinese Feng Shui.

Sound familiar? Doesn’t sound like this year is going to be all that good. We need water. Desperately this year. Click on the link up there to read the rest of the predictions. Next we have the The 24 Mountains Stars of 2024.

The Mountain Stars are powerful in Feng Shui. The very moment or even the days leading up to the Chinese New Year in February they start to effect us. Click the link above to see what you need to do to increase your luck. Finally, are leaving Period 8. The era of the number 8.

And we are about to enter Period 9.

The above link describes this in more detail.

It should also be noted that in Western Numerology, the number 9 is slow, but long lasting prosperity. The Nine Periods each last for 20 years. So it’s time to take advantage of this number and gain our power. But it will also be a more tumultuous period. Possibly marked by Revolutions.

But it’s also a time of prosperity. So it depends on who and what will be effected.

General information

Okay, so this here is very important. It’s the list for all Retrograde planets in 2024. Lady Beltane provided that for all of us. And there’s a retrograde survival guide in there too. Be sure to use it.

The Farmer’s Almanac also has a list of Mercury Retrograde dates. This comes from the Peculiar Brunette and also is a good to know for the new year.

This one here is a really cool blog post made by Lady Beltane. It’s for people born in January. When you click on any of those dates, they link back to Wikipedia articles. So you can see what happened on certain dates. Or what holidays you are connected to.

For astronomers, we have the Night Sky for January. For weather watchers there is the Long Range Weather Forecasts.

Here we have Seven Unusual Traditions to usher in the New Year. Thanks to Atlas Obscura. Also from Atlas, In This Seaside Town, the New Year Brings a Battle With the ‘Witches of the Sea’. That was a really cool article and New Years tradition.

Here from the Farmer’s Almanac we have THE MONTH OF JANUARY 2024: HOLIDAYS, FUN FACTS, FOLKLORE. For those who love birth stones and birth flowers we have JANUARY BIRTH FLOWERS: CARNATIONS AND SNOWDROPS.

From his private letters to a friend

– M

Sources :

1) Lucky Colors to Wear in the Year of the Wood Dragon 2024

2) Tai Sui 2024 – General Li Cheng

3) Your Luck & Lucky Symbols for the Year of the Wood Dragon 2024

4) Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) 2024/2023: Feb. 10, Animal Sign Dragon, Horoscope

5) Flying Stars in January 2024: Sum-of-Ten Indicates Great Productivity

6) Chinese New Year (Lunar New Year) 2024/2023: Feb. 10, Animal Sign Dragon, Horoscope

7) Good & Bad Days to Cut Hair for January 2024

8) Flying Stars in January 2024: Sum-of-Ten Indicates Great Productivity

9) Feng Shui Astrology for January 2024

10) Significant Spiritual Days for January 2024

11) Planetary Illuminations for January 2024 🌎

12) The Full Moon and Astrological Calendar for January

13) Retrograde planets in 2024

14) Seven Unusual Traditions to usher in the New Year

15) New Year Brings a Battle With the ‘Witches of the Sea’


17) Night Sky for January



20) Letter of the Year 2024 (Original Spanish) Elegua and Oya are the Protector Orishas

21) Letter of the Year 2024 for Cuba and the world (Irete Suka) English Translation

22) Qual orixá vai reger 2024?

23) Flying Stars Chart of 2024

24) Paht Chee Forecast for 2024 – Year of the Wood Dragon

25) The 24 Mountains Stars of 2024

The Spirits & Monsters of Christmas

Yule Goats for Thor

Many Americans who watched that Downtown Abbey Christmas episode, where confused as hell. You see they were telling Ghost Stories at Christmas time. Many people in the US and the modern world, don’t know that for many, Winter is the time of the dead. Now I’m not talking about the Celts. The Celts didn’t celebrate Yule.

Viking Ghost” by the Artist Andrew Howat

The Norse did. Yule was added to the Wiccan calendar. Which took elements of various European traditions. And sort of merged them together. And other versions of Wicca are even more eclectic.

But Yule was the time when the Norse believed their dead returned to Midgard (Earth).

A sentiment shared by many cultures. Who also viewed winter or “the dark time of the year” as the time ruled by the dead. Or even dark nature spirits. Or dark spirits in general. Let’s take a deeper look.

The Dead on Christmas

Wraiths of the dead returned to Earth 

There was once a fascinating tradition in England. Since at least the Victorian era, where people tell Ghost Stories in Christmas time. A tradition I continue because I love a little Halloween in my Christmas. I believe the dead return in Winter time also.

Here’s a great article by Cryptoville on that called The Ghosts of Christmas Past. What’s interesting here, is that in modern times the Celtic Samhain is seen as a feast of the dead. And many people who practice Brythonic traditions have incorporated that belief into theirs. Maybe that’s also from Nordic influence.

Now there is a subset of the dead that we should talk about.

The Dísir

The Dísir, collective of female spirits of the Norse Pantheon. They were honored on December 25th. Which we now call Christmas Eve. But back then the Mothers were honored on that night. It’s dedicated to the Dísir.

It’s basically a word for all female spirits. Female faeries and ghosts. But also your female ancestors and Goddesses. Much even today remains unknown about the Dísir. And points of view of them vary by regions.

German scholars think they are linked to a West German Cult dedicated to female spirits. While others think they’re older. At mother’s night several sacrifices in the feast dedicated to them were performed, called dísablót. An important thing to note here is that Blót or “sacrifice” does not always mean blood sacrifices. A blot could be pouring a libation of mead to a spirit or God.

Or giving cooked food to a spirit or God. There are many types of Blót out there. Although it is believed animal sacrifices were offered during this time. But there is no right or wrong way to do this.

“The Gods and Goddesses, landwights, and honored dead have always received physical offerings of various sorts. These ranged from simple pots of food left in bogs or graves, to golden vessels and great hoards of amber, to the spectacular sacrifices of an entire defeated army along with all its animals and gear, a practice confirmed by archeological discoveries at sites such as HjortspringNydam, and Illerup (see Our Troth vol. 1, chapter 4). In the sagas, a devout worshipper of the gods is called blótmaðr mikill, ‘a great sacrifice-person.

Even after the coming of Christianity, people continued to leave offerings at holy springs and trees and fields, and in some areas continued to do so into the modern age. People also continued leaving out offerings to the spirits who guarded their homes and farms,” – Offerings for Norse Paganism | The Troth

In this respect, I see a lot in common with Norse and Celtic views on offerings. My Druid Master even told me that you could offer up swords in ponds or lakes to the Gods. Some were offerings and others were for magic. How badass would it be to offer an entire defeated army to your Gods and spirits? That’s some powerful magic right there. But back to the Dísir,

“Generally, a Dís (singular of Disir) was seen as a powerful supernatural being that took a keen interest in families and estates. Their strength could vary greatly. Sometimes, they were described as mere guardian ancestor spirits, but their power could also inflate to that of minor local gods. The Disir would usually use their power for good—they acted as guardians to families and family farms, and sometimes even lent their protection to individual people. Yet, they did not love unconditionally and were known to take revenge against families or people who had not given proper sacrifice, or had otherwise angered their respective Dís,” – The Mysterious Disir Of Norse Religion

In many ways this sounds a lot like the Agathos Daimon and the cult of the heroes in Greece. Note I am not saying that any of this is the same thing. I’m just pointing out interesting similarities. It seems at least some of the Dísir were probably Demi Goddesses, local spirits, or ancient heroines who offered protection and blessings. The national encyclopedia from Sweden makes that even more obvious.

“In Norse mythology, a dís (Old Norse: [ˈdiːs], ‘lady’, plural dísir [ˈdiːsez̠]) is a female Deity, ghost, or spirit associated with Fate who can be either benevolent or antagonistic toward mortals. Dísir may act as protective spirits of Norse clans. It is possible that their original function was that of fertility Goddesses who were the object of both private and official worship called dísablót,”

– Nationalencyklopedin (National Encyclopedia from Sweden)

But they all agree on the same thing. They were a collective of Goddesses, heroines, and regular female entities. And they were so powerful that apparently like the Nourns, they could manipulate fate. Which makes sense if you realize that this is a massive faction of spirits including Goddesses. Just with the Goddesses alone there is more than enough power to manipulate fate itself. 

Now imagine every woman who has ever existed in every race. Both human and non human alike. No wonder even the male Gods and spirits feared them. There is no defending against such power. So Mōdraniht is a very special night.

And Modranicht especially holds a special place in my heart. I have always felt a pull towards it though I don’t know why. It feels like home to me. Later I will explain how this holiday is special to me in other ways. But now I have more or less defined who the Dísir are.

The Demons of Christmas

Krampus Vs. St. Nicholas, notice Nicholas here looks like a Wizard with a magical staff. Similar to depictions of Odin

There’s actually a lot of Christian Christmas traditions where the Devil is a prominent figure. So Christians demonize Halloween and Samhain as being “devil worship”. But their own Christmas traditions feature demons like Krampus and Black Peter. Who are either servants of the Devil, or even Satan himself. And stories of how the Devil losses all his power during New Year’s Eve.

And how a Saint (usually St. Nicholas of Bari/Myra) defeats them. By binding them using some kind of Christian magic. In effect making these demons, familiar spirits controlled by the Saint. Which sounds an awful lot like Solomonic Magic. The demons are frequently seen as being in chains.

From : Atlas Obscura

Symbolizing their slavery to St. Nicholas. The the coal, contrary to popular belief, comes from Krampus, not Santa. Krampus takes children away to Hell. In a sack. Then he leaves behind coal from hell behind.

To torment the family with the knowledge that a demon has taken their child away to Hell. Never to be seen again. And in case that lovely image wasn’t yet engraved in your mind, we have here some Post Cards so you don’t forget. Remember, St. Nicholas isn’t the one who keeps track of whose bad, that’s the Demon’s job.

Looks like they were both on their way to a series of hot dates. Good thing they got modernized. I can’t imagine traveling the world by foot is comfortable or practical.
Krampus Christmas card

Now Zwarte Piet or Black Peter, is a controversial figure. Because even though he’s supposed to be a Demon, he’s shown as a Moor. A North African Muslim. The Moors were an advanced African civilization. In fact, when they ruled Spain, they took the Spaniards out of the dark ages.

Only for Queen Isabella and King Fernando to bring them right back to the assbackwards society they were before. Replacing Science and a Culturally Plural society, into a racist society. One with only one culture. And which forced Catholicism upon the people. Even going as far as creating the Spanish Inquisition.

Which forced Jewish people to convert to Christianity, or die. The Inquisition (called the Host back then) destroyed all the sciences and artistry of the Moors of Spain. And replaced it with ignorance, superstition, and prejudice. Even the medical practices of the Moors were abolished. Which means people went back to dying of diseases that could easily have been treated before.

What does this have to do with Black Peter? A lot. Moors were seen as savages. An “ignorant”, barbarian group. Who had no morals or character. The racist European tropes concerning Moors and black people in general, resulted in the creation of the “Blackamoor“.

A racist image of an African Muslim person. And usually the depiction of the Blackamoor was with a white person in black face. Which made it worse. So Black Peter was no longer black because he was a demon. Now he was literally black.

And a Muslim. The perfect demon for a racist society. So in modern times, his image was changed. Instead of a white person in black face, it was whoever was playing Black Pete. With their natural skin color.

And some dirt or soot on their face to lightly blacken it. And the name was changed to Sooty Peter instead. I have seen Black Peter’s image as a white man in nobleman’s clothing. That was years ago. The idea of his name meaning he’s actually a Black person confused me.

And while we are talking demons, we should discuss a subset of undead creature that is neither full ghost or full devil.

The Draugr

The Wild Hunt

Not everything during Yule is merry. As mentioned before, winter is a time of the dead and of the Fae. According to A Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek, this was the time when all manner of spirits were said to be loosed upon the world. This unfortunately also means evil spirits are out and about. Jólnir and his forces would hunt them down in what is popularly known as the Wild Hunt.

And drive them back into the other world. But at least these were just spirits being driven away. The worst supernatural creatures, were the ones who had physical bodies. It was said that during this time, several physical revenants returned as well. And the worst of them was the Draugr


Meaning “again walker.” These entities are members of the dark dead. They can be aggressive if they aren’t resting well. It was said if a person died on certain days like Yule, they would not rest well in the grave. But other reasons a person became a Draugr was if they were murdered or committed suicide. 

Or were not given a proper burial. Such as not being buried on holy ground. The worst of them were evil witches and wizards in life. Evil magic users normally come back as something worse in death. And they would arise as these corporeal revenants. 

Basically, these are Norse zombies. That’s an over simplification but it’s the easiest way to explain it. They are one of the most powerful revenants though. They are all said to be sorcerers who can control the weather. These are just some of their powers. 

They can do a great many things. And they have the power to curse. But despite this, not all Draugr are the same. Not all Draugr are the people who died. Sometimes they’re evil spirits possessing the corpses of the dead. 

Other times they really are the person who passed away. But are angry for some reason, leading to their aggression.

Now, the first legends I heard claimed that the Draugr could not be killed by weapons formed by men. That only a hero who was strong enough could wrestle them to the ground and kill them. However, the video above mentions plenty of times when weapons did kill them. When heroes killed them by decapitating them with swords. Then burned the body to ashes. 

And separated the ashes into different bodies of water. So either they can be killed by weapons. Or the hero’s can make weapons kill the Draugr. These were the creatures said to be out tonight. And Jólnir was hunting them. 

So tonight while you’re out feasting, raise a toast to the All Father and the Norse Gods. And remember to leave offerings for Oski and his Tomte. And ask for many blessings in this new year. And who are the Tomte? Let’s find out.

The Tomte : Santa’s Elves

Oski, the God who grants wishes and gives gifts, an incarnation of Odin, in the form of an Elf or Tomte

The most well known of the Yule Spirits are the Swedish Tomte or “homestead man”. Also called the Nisse in Norway. These are Elves associated with the winter time. Nisse is believed to come from the name of St. Nicholas. But others say it comes from the word niðsi (“dear little relative”). 

And these creatures are the reason Santa Klaus looks the way he does. The way he is portrayed in blue, red, or green clothing as well as the cap he wears, is due to Oski’s appearance as an Elf. The Homestead Man or Dear Little Relative is akin to a house elf. Only these faeries only live on farms. Like all household fae, they protect and bless the home owners.

They range from half the size of a man to the size of a child. They have super strength surpassed only by other supernatural creatures. If a farmer treated the Tomte living in their home well, they would be blessed for life. And anyone fool enough to harass or injure a farmer who had a guardian Tomte or Nisse, was in for a surprise. The homestead fae would stop a thief with their superior strength. 

Or perhaps hex a nasty neighbor. Or go over to that neigboor’s house and start a haunting. 

Don’t fuck with Faeries

The Tomte could become a powerful spirit guide. Even talisman to the person who knew how to work with them. You had to give them proper offerings of porridge with butter, milk, cream, or honey. Or any sweet and sugary substance you could find. And then make your request of them. 

They would often sleep with the farm animals to protect them. 

But also out of love for them. They would assist the farmer in the chores. And make the crops abundant. Some of the Tomte may be the dead reincarnated as nature entities. This seems to be a trend in a lot of cultures. 

Jólnir in the form of a Tomte. This Tomte doll even has one eye just like the All Father himself. From Grimfrost

Eventually, the Tomte were paired with the Yule Goat. This may even have been an animal that was sacrificed in ancient times. But overtime, the Yule Goat became a goat idol made of straw that was ritually burned at Yule. The origin is that Thor had a chariot pulled by Goats. And Thor is also one of the origins of Santa Klaus.

But we’re focusing on just one origin at a time every year. Later the Tomte became Santa’s helpers. In fact, some traditions have them going from house to house with the Yule Goat. Giving gifts to children instead of Santa himself.

Santa’s helpers

There are also stories of Odin riding his eight legged horse Sleipnir to watch over his people. 

The many faces of Odin. Of course we also have Krampus up there

Turoń, the Christmas Bull of Poland

Now, nobody knows for sure where he comes from. The popular theory, is that he’s a remnant of the Slavic Polytheist faith. Possibly connected to a Deity of the Sun. If this is true, it could be that he’s connected to Dažbog. The God of the sun.

And yes that’s a swastika behind his head. No, it doesn’t belong to the Nazis. The Nazis stole the swastika from Asian cultures. And Hitler renamed it the Hakenkreuz (hooked cross) in his letters. Now remember that “Asian” isn’t just people you associate with nations such as China or India, some Europeans fall under that category as well.

Russia and Eastern Europe are also a part of Asia.

So the swastika was actually a common symbol used among Asian civilizations. Even to this day. It’s used everywhere from temple of the God Ganesha in India. To the Temples of the Korean Gods in South Korea. All the way to the Norse and Slavic Gods.

Even some of the people of the United Kingdom had swastikas.

This is the National symbol of the Isle of Man, the Three Legs of Man. First used in the 14th century. Sorry but I am tired of hearing people say it’s a racist symbol when it isn’t.

It’s a variation of the Ancient Sun Wheel.

Supposedly, he was connected to Dažbog. And he was venerated as a type of folk spirit on a holiday called Turzyce. Or at least that’s what the Polish ethnographer and folklorist Oskar Kolberg. He claims a German told him this. So it’s dubious as to whether or not any of this is true.

I have found no real evidence or mention of this holiday online. I would have to talk to Slavic worshippers on this. Or consult a few books to see if this has any evidence. It should be noted though that this comes from Polish tradition. Kolberg would have known his own culture well.

But it doesn’t look like he looked too deeply into this. I couldn’t find anything on Dažbog, the God of the Sun, being connected to a bull. So I consulted the list of Slavic Deities. I was amazed at what I found. I don’t think Turoń is connected to Dažbog at all.

The Kolęda walkers alongside Turoń

I think he’s connected to Volos, also known as Veles. This God is connected to animals and nature. But also is the Lord of the Dead. And that actually makes a lot more sense. I mean look at this guy.

Is anyone really going to tell me he doesn’t look like some creepy underworld entity? Apparently Volos took on the form of several animals. And among them was the bull. Supposedly he was disguised as a bull in Christian times to continue worship of him. When the church discovered that, they began to disguise him as two Saints. First Vlasiy (Blaise).

Then Saint Nicholas. So who would have thought that we have a Slavic Santa Klaus. And in the form of Volos. And then later instead of St. Nicholas, Volos came to body Satan. Being part of the story of St. Nicholas and the Devil.

So unless someone comes to correct me, it is now my personal belief that Turoń is actually Volos or Veles himself. And that he’s got nothing to do with the sun. He doesn’t even look like an entity that would be connected to the sun. Turoń is connected to fertility. Something that Volos, as a nature God is definitely in charge of.

And Volos constantly changes shape between a bull, an ox, and a plethora of other animals. The only connection we have with Turoń being connected to the Sun God is what he is. An auroch, an extinct species of cattle. That back in the day was considered symbolic of the sun. But that’s pretty flimsy evidence to base on him being connected to Dažbog.

And as stated before, Volos was once worshipped as a Bull in Christianity. At least until the church found out. So there’s actually stronger evidence for my hypothesis than what Oskar Kolberg asserts. Which is basically second hand information from a German man. Not a Polish national.

I am not a trained member of Rodnovery, the reconstructed Slavic faith. But I don’t understand why Kolberg did such a flimsy job on explaining the genuine origins of such a beloved Christmas character. Perhaps it’s just the lazy research of non believers. Christians or secular people who aren’t passionate about these things. Because they don’t believe in it.

I think that’s enough for this year.

– M

The Last Random Links Of The Year

Offerings to the Ancestors

Welcome to this year’s last random links of the day.

Winter Pagan traditions

Time for change…

Winter’s Wisdom: The Cailleach and Solstice Insights by Judith Shaw

A caricature of Paganisms

The Basic Principles of Feng Shui by Anjie Cho

The Drowned Church of Potosi Uribante, Venezuela

The Real Winnie the Pooh & Pals

Meet Spring-Heeled Jack, the Leaping Devil That Terrorized Victorian England

How a White Lie Gave Japan KFC for Christmas

The Kallikantzaroi : The dreaded Christmas Goblins of Greece Play Devious Tricks All the Way Till January

Santa Claus House North Pole, Alaska

(A trading post in the North Pole where children send letters)

Elfin Forest Escondido, California

(This dark, quiet forest on the outskirts of San Diego is dense with rumor and lore. What’s interesting is that “escondido” in Spanish means “hidden”. I wonder why the Spaniards chose to call it that)

Solstice Comes But Once A Year Now Is Here

Towering Robots & Strange Christmas

Asteroid Collisions, Wandering Spacecraft, and Eggnog

The Real Women Behind ‘Christmas in Connecticut’

Mari Lwyd

How the Holidays Became Haunted

Tales of a Tiny Tyrant: My Silly, Suspicious, and Snuggly Curmudgeon of a Dog

Episode 237 – Yuletide Cheer! 2023

Are these Pyramids Hidden Deep in the Jungle of Central America?

Meet the Companies Profiting From Israel’s War on Gaza

Midwinter for Druids (from another amazing Druid and Writer on here!)


How to Play a Fiery Victorian Christmas Game and Not Get Burned

The Danish Christmas Porridge That Appeased a Vengeful ‘House Elf’

Holiday Nostalgia Train

Spooky Yuletide Gifts 2023!

Scientists Finally Find Mysterious Mesospheric Ghosts

Reindeer Can Sleep and Chew (Their Cud) at the Same Time

In Sweden, There Is No Christmas Without Donald Duck

The Ruins of St. Dunstan-in-the-East

Podcast: Nightwalking with Bianca Giaever

Podcast: Old City Hall Station

Podcast: A Return to Recipe Graves

Frau Perchta, Another Christmas Witch (from the white rose of Avalon herself)

A Completed Series and Christmas at the Castle

Ice Castles

⬆️ Woodstock, New Hampshire These towering spires and glowing walls are carefully crafted from hundreds of thousands of icicles

How Ginger, Cinnamon, and Nutmeg Became Winter Spices

Via dei Presepi Naples, Italy

Every day is like Christmas on this street where the traditional Neapolitan nativity scene comes to life

How the Pope Stole Christmas (Hilarious Poem about how Christmas is Actually Norse not Christian)

Midwinter Night’s Eve: Yule c. 2013

Happy Yalda Celebrations!

The Dark Half: Reflections on the Winter Solstice By Xochitl Alvizo

Solstice Night Feast: A Poem

The Monsters of Christmas

What Time Does the Winter Solstice Start?

Perchta – the winter witch of Alpine Christmas folklore and Perchtenlauf explained (video)

WINTER SOLSTICE | Stair na hÉireann | History of Ireland

Italy’s Christmas Snake Cake

The Monsters of Christmas

I await the new year and what it brings. And hope that may it brings positive change. Maybe not good change, but positive. So without further adieu here we go.

Embracing the Magic: Winter Solstice Celebration on #WitchyWednesday

Winter Solstice Newsletter – Paradise Lost

It Always Is Christmas Eve, in a Ghost Story: 1891

Yule & How to Celebrate it: A Pagan History of Christmas

How Did Vikings Celebrate Yule?

Ghosts in Judeo-Christian religion

The Winter Solstice (Tonight at Midnight)

The Case for a Celtic Santa Claus

The 200 year old feast of Réveillon every December in New Orleans

Meet Turoń, Poland’s Dancing Bull-Beast of Winter

⬆️ (The ancient tradition of Turoń bestowing blessings has faded but, like the creature itself, it may be resurrected)

Branwen the Goddess of Grief

The Rouse Simmons the ‘Christmas Tree Boat’ Shipwreck That Devastated 1912 Chicagoans

UK Murder Mysteries as a Holiday Tradition

#Omens&Symbols . . . Long before the advent of Christianity (by Purple Rays a most excellent WordPress blogger)

We Are Our Deeds by JOANNA VAN DER HOEVEN of Down the Forrest Path

Wheel of the Year

Winter Solstice Rituals for Witches: Honor the Darkness and Embrace the Light – Article by Patti Negri, the “Good Witch”

The Shamanic Origins of Christmas

A New Moon in Capricorn

Modhera Sun Temple in India

The Catacombs of Washington, D.C.

⬆️ (Franciscan monks created a facsimile of the Holy Land for North Americans who couldn’t afford the trip overseas).

Museum Obscurum (The Dark Museum )

⬆️ From Nykøbing Falster, Denmark :

This secret collection of the strange and occult was rediscovered in a forgotten room of an old house


Where did the idea of Santa Claus come from?

Celebrate the Winter Solstice with Sacred Foods and Feasting 

Winter Solstice: 5 Rituals and Customs for an Auspicious Year

The Holly King and the Oak King 

Personal Gods of December 

Reflections on Yule

Contemplating Darkness on the Winter Solstice


Yule/Winter Solstice : The True New Year

The Story of Yule – How Vikings Did Christmas

Witch of the Week : Rhiannon and the Winter Solstice

“Tales and Wassails” episode for the midwinter nights

New Moon in Pisces

Cuspy early PISCES New Moon w. Saturn finish of AQ (Feb 19 / 20) – Past Management: Unity & Coherence

Welcome Pisces New Moon!

The New Moon in Pisces in February 

Feralia, February’s Roman Equivalent of Irish Samhain

Folklore Fairy Queen: Goddesses and the Fairy Queen Archetype

Moon brewing… a Kombucha tale

Learning to Love Astrology: A Poem

Belief in Gods?

The Daffodil Beast

A Dictionary of Northern Mythology by Rudolf Simek,

Wild Hunt.


Airing Out the Mystery of the Mad Gasser of Mattoon

⬆️ (What a strange spate of “gas attacks” tells us about what was really lurking in mid-century America)

From “A Complete Guide To Attending Up Hella Aa in Shetland”

The story of Yule

Santa’s helpers

Ghost Stories in Christmas time

The Ghosts of Christmas Past

The Yule Lads

The First Gates

Ancient Yule Decorations and what they mean

Clear Astrological Skies for the Winter Solstice

Winter Solstice – 2023

Spiritual Readings for the New Year by Cherokee Billie

Mistletoe, Mythology and Folklore

Yule: Spiritual Secrets Found in Darkness

Yule Goat Magic

Making a Traditional Yule Log: Easy Steps for 2023

Krampus Legend Exposed

Decking the Halls: Yule Decorations

Yule and Winter Solstice Playlist

DIY Yule Crafts Galore: A Video Tutorial

Winter Solstice Rituals for Witches: Honor the Darkness and Embrace the Light – Article by Guest Author Shariq

Druidry and Christianity

Embracing Yule: A Pagan Celebration Rooted in Tradition

Winter Solstice 2023

Naughty or Nisse

Winter Solstice: Celebration of the Powers of Fire by Sara Wright

GODS of the Month: Frigga, her Handmaids, and the Disr

Babylonia Month: December/January

Tonight is Krampusnacht

St. Nicholas Day, sinterklaas cookies, brightest Quarter Moon!

oman Gods of the Month: December


Was Horus born on December 25th?

Introducing the Bard, Ovate, and Druid paths of the Druid Tradition

The Kerry Christmas Carol | Sigerson Clifford

Winter Solstice | The Holly King vs The Oak King

Take care everyone, soon I will be preparing the New Year’s Report as every year,

– M

Stupid people should NOT be practicing Magic

Recently someone reached out to me on my blog. I said I do not do readings anymore. I’m tired of dealing with people’s BS. Especially for free. He kept harassing me a million times.

So finally I said,

“Okay so when Bush was president, phone psychics were charging $300 an hour for a reading. Counting inflation, that would be at least $600 now. So hire me for a one hour reading and we can negotiate,”

That was about a month ago if I am not mistaken. Maybe two months. As expected, the dumb ass stopped bothering me. Because I knew. I just knew he would be one of those idiots who messed around with magic.

And expected me to undo his fuck up. And I am not having it anymore……..or so I thought. Two weeks ago, I received this email from a totally different person.

“Please Mr. Magus we need your help,”

(I kind of laughed at the idea of someone calling me Mr. Magus. It made me feel like a high school librarian. No, not just any librarian. I’m Giles from Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

“My cousin is (name of the idiot) he cast a love spell on my best friend. And she and I are getting sick every single day. We went to the local pastor for help but he says he has no idea how to undo what my cousin did. His prayers have more or less worked. But not the way we need.

It always comes back after a few days. And my friend is losing her mind too. And to make it worse, my cousin used some of her hair that was mixed with my hair (🤦‍♂️) and I feel my own life draining away. I need help. She needs help.

We don’t have $600 or even $100 to pay for your services. But I can send you $50 after a few weeks please help us,”

Mother Fucker. Why do the Gods always send these people my way? Why can’t I have a rich client who thinks their cat is the reincarnation of Salvador Dali? I’ve heard of two mediums who were charging thousands of dollars. To cleanse a property every year. They are making a killing. Getting rid of the “bad luck” for their rich clients.

Meanwhile I get the lunatics binding their own COUSINS and killing people with witchcraft. And they’re broke as hell too! And to make it worse he knew how bad the situation was. He knew his own cousin and this other girl were in and out of hospitals. And he still didn’t tell me. Because he didn’t like the price I gave him.

If he had told me that someone was fucking dying, I would have focused on saving them. ASAP. And even if I hadn’t, he should have said “no price is too high to save my cuz and this girl,”. But this penny pinching prick had thought saving his money was more important than saving lives. I’m not surprised that someone capable of binding a human being would do this.

Binding people to be with you is the spiritual version of rape. Love spells that take away someone else’s free will are rape. Plain and simple. It’s magical roofies. So of course a disgusting abomination like that, wouldn’t care that his spell was killing someone else.

Even if one of those people was his own flesh and blood. I asked myself if it was possible that I was being played. Just because someone randomly emails you and says something doesn’t make it true. Maybe I was being played so I could help them without pay. Or at least a lower price.

But before I could even finish that sentence in my mind, one of my spirit guides spoke. It was true. I emailed her back and said,

“I will not directly get involved in this mess. But I can help you uncast it yourself,”

Religious War

So I taught her how to create a special Judeo-Christian talisman. In fact it also had some Islamic influences as well. It’s based on some of the Western Magic. As well as some mystical Muslim enchantments from the Middle Ages. Essentially it was a “soul box” I helped her make.

It contained the essence and energies of all three people. Then I told her they all needed to make a bonfire. She wasn’t happy. She then explained to me that they didn’t tell their parents. That the Pastor was told someone else was casting the spell.

And wanted to keep it a secret from their parents.

“How old are you people?”

Ages both girls 18 and the idiot is 19 was the reply.

” Time to act like adults and fess up,”

To say shit did not go well is an understatement. For the first week, their parents didn’t even want them to talk to me. And they went to church every single day to grovel to God for help. Didn’t work any better than before. Finally, the cousin put down her foot and told them it was either me or death.

They didn’t approve of me. And made snide comments every time I was on the phone. But they (almost) didn’t interfere anymore. We had already wasted a shit ton of time. So back to the bonfire.

The Fire of Bones

Samhain bonfire

A traditional bonfire is made of bones of sacrificed animals. Sacred woods indigenous to the land. And any holy herbs in your land. I had to consult my Hoodoo and Native herbal indexes to see which would be best suited to a bonfire. Also, anything that they might have that is holy, but falling apart.

Broken cross on the leaves by Tim Harper

Like an old wooden cross that is broken. Or Bible pages that fell out. Something that can add holiness to the fire. They didn’t have anything like that because it never occurred to them to save holy objects for spiritual work. Since she doesn’t come from Florida, I had to check with each First Nation in her state.

Then see what was sacred to them. And even then I had to use my indexes and spirits to choose the correct herbs. No they aren’t Native American, they are white but this whole continent is Native Land. Last Friday night it finally showed up. So then I told them to make the bonfire.

Fire by friction

I asked them to try their best to make a friction fire. Where they have to use the friction between two sticks or two stones to start the fire. They couldn’t do shit. So instead I told them to make a few clicks with the lighter to start up the fire with at least that as friction. It’s weak, but at least it’s something.

After the fire was finally set at sunset, I had them toss the ingredients into the fire. The animal bodies they found after picking up road kill. One of them was complaining about the stench to which I stated,

“It’s either the rotting corpse on the road, or your body rotting like it’s a corpse. Choose,”

Shut her up fast. They used old brown sacks to harvest the bodies. From raccoons to dead lizards. And even a rat and a garden snake. I told them they had to place the bodies in the shed and set up a shrine to the Earth Goddess to pray for them.

The families said out of the question. That’s Paganism, and necromancy, and animal worship Blah blah blah blah. So I told them to appeal to the Christian Holy Spirit. The feminine side of God. Parents got angry that I was insinuating the Holy Spirit is female like a Goddess.

To which I corrected them the Holy Spirit is actually two Goddesses : God the Mother and God the daughter. I told them about how Judaism was originally a Polytheistic religion from Canaan. And that the Canaanite religion actually comes from Sumerian Polytheistic religion. I had to tell them what Polytheist means. Which made them angry when they realized it meant Pagan.

I told them,

” You can waste time while your girls are dying because your bastard son and nephew was busy using black magic to spiritually rape one of the girls. I would think that would be more important than all this squabble over religion,”

They tried to scream at me until my ear drum nearly burst. From a loud yell over all of them that suddenly made them quiet. At first I hadn’t recognized her.


I have to say……it was surprisingly cathartic. Listening to this 18 year child scream at a bunch of 40 and 50 year old people. Like they were spoiled children in Kmart 😆. I had the largest shit eating grin on my face you could imagine.

” How long do we pray to the Holy Spirit? “

I could hear someone breathing deeply and tensely. I think it was her.

“Until you’re ready to make the bonfire,”

They had an old cast iron pot in the shed. And I told them to place the bodies in there. And to seal it shut to prevent predators from getting at the dead meat. Food offerings and candles were left near the pot. The food offerings were fruit placed in a large plastic zip lock bag.

I had them do a Mass in honor of the Holy Spirit. They prayed to the Hebrew Goddesses to give light to the animal spirits to move on. They asked for the animal spirits to aid them in the work ahead. The mass lasted a week. And by the time it had ended, the animals turned their bodies into talismans.

Using dead animals as talismans is nothing new. With their bodies added last to the fire, they had now become a true bone fire or bonfire. The last part was for them to pass the soul box between themselves. Each time, placing both their hands on the box and saying,

” Souls intwined now unbind, energies merged no longer converge, be now returned to the flame of life, the flame burns filth away, but it’s light restores my force of life,”

They each felt a “tug” when they uttered the final word. That was a good sign. It meant their energies were preparing to return to each of them. They were re-tethering to their collective souls. We also used the power of the full moon to increase the ritual’s effectiveness.

We waited.


I waited until I could hear the voices of the dead animals. I waited till I saw them in my minds eye inside the fires. They were ready.

” All of you place your hands on the box. One hand each, the dominant hand. And toss it into the fire, “

They threw the box into the bonfire. And the herbs and other things inside caught fire slowly. I expected it to go up like kindle wood. But it took its slow ass time to catch fire and finally burn. They had varied reactions. One of the girls said she felt nauseous.

The second girl (the cousin) said she felt goosebumps and hot sweat. And the idiot himself was so dizzy that he had to sit down. Their relatives, tried to say that none of this was real. And that this was a kind of hysteria. All in their heads.

They began to interrupt and tell them to stop pretending. While their kids were visibly sick in front of them. And one of them (some random guy) accused me of hurting them. I cut them short over the phone. And told them politely to be quiet.

Because their church couldn’t do Jack shit. And I was their only option because no other spiritual person will sign up for this level of crazy. So it was in their best interest to let me do my work. Unless they wanted some random demon to come to them from their son’s binding. Bullshit, there was no “demon” or any spirit involved in the binding.

It was just random, uncontrolled, energy shooting in all directions. But the idea of a “devil” coming to haunt them if I didn’t finish made them quiet. Sometimes you have to talk to children in a language they’ll understand. After about a half hour the reactions stopped. They said they felt half way back to normal.

And I advised them to continue praying for all bad energy to be burned in the holy fire. I warned the families that the bonfire may take a while to finish. But curiously, the bonfire didn’t finish all of the way. I began asking what the hell was going on and the spirits said that they couldn’t take out all of what had to be removed. So it hit me.

“Hey (dumbass) how exactly did you do that spell?”

The idiot not only put some of his DNA into coffee she drank. No that wasn’t enough. He ingested her DNA too (don’t ask because you don’t want to know). As a way to affix the binding. I don’t know where he learned this shit from.

But only an idiot casts a binding spell on themselves. I wanted to scream. Suddenly I needed more catharsis. Maybe I just need to travel there and beat him silly I thought.

“Well, now you need to eat (secret ingredient) from a restaurant,”


Both women were not happy. It looks like they were scared of this particular animal. Lucky that now a days people eat them in restaurants. Well the legs anyways. But the Romani healing spell I know, says that animal’s legs have to be swallowed like a pill.

And downed with a bottle of beer. Then they have to recite a spell. Calling on the spirit of the animal to “fight” inside the stomach of the bewitched person. Normally this is done also for diseases of the stomach. I have had success with this particular spell in the past.

These animal spirits have forced things out of peoples stomachs you wouldn’t believe. One client I had actually crapped a ball of black hair once. Others have vomited other strange things. Including blood that (I suspect) wasn’t their own. But I digress.

I gave them the English translation of the words in Calo. There was no way they (or I) were going to be able to pronounce that. The three of them ate the animal’s legs. But curiously only the guy and the cousin’s friend were effected. The cousin seemed to be immune.

Probably because even though she was bound to them, that part of the magic only effected the two people who drank the spell. It was the young girl first. Her womb started to hurt. Which shouldn’t have happened. Again, this is an animal that is eaten in restaurants.

And they told me Saturday that this one was cooked to a crisp. To make it as much like chicken as possible. They all had bad gag reflexes except the guy. So they had to chew the meat. But the animal spirits said that was fine so I didn’t say shit.

But the point is there was nothing in that meat that should have hurt her womb. And if something was wrong with that meat, it should only have effected her stomach. Not her womb. But then I remembered. Love spells are a perversion of fertility spells.

The idiot meanwhile complained that his insides were on fire. They had to leave the phone. After about an hour and a half I was called back. Moron was still in the bathroom. Shitting himself dry.

But the girl’s cramps stopped. She said it felt as if the biggest period of her life was going to start. But that didn’t happen. I sensed a lot of negativity in her. And it was going to take some time to heal the after effects.

Grandfather Tobacco

Not an actual image of this totem spirit. But I use it because often in speaking to him he feels like he looks like this.

I told her to work with the spirit of Abuelo Tabaco (Grandfather Tobacco).

I told her to get a red pouch with long red string. One long enough to wear around her waist. And place tobacco leaves inside of it. And pray to the Totem Spirit of Tobacco. The tobacco leaves will soak up the negative energy.

And heal her over time. It’s a practice I learned from Wiccans in Peru. Who merged their religion with traditional indigenous religion. After a while, the bag will fall off on it’s own. And when that happens, she needs to make a campfire.

Which will be a lot simpler. And burn it. To send the bad energy and disease away into the spirit world. All while praying to Grandfather Tobacco’s spirit. I asked the cousin to do the same just in case.

He would heal them both.

It would probably be a good time for them to work together. To pray together for the rest of it to go. The dumbass on the other hand I did not want to help. If he received spiritual damage or not was not my concern I said. He’s a wanna be rapist.

And I hoped the side effects end his pathetic existence. Are you offended by that? I don’t care. This world has too many people like him in it. People that have no remorse. That don’t care about the people they victimize.

Let him deal with the fallout by himself, I said. Eventually the bad energy will dissipate. But then I had to stop that line of thinking. Not because I care or want to be a better person. Simply because I soon realized that if the remnants of that love spell stay on him, he could accidentally infect another woman.

And that person would be harmed due to something he did. Not her. Too many witches don’t think about the consequences of not getting involved. Or not doing anything. Even if the person deserves what they get.

It might unintentionally cause pain to a greater circle of people down the line. And you could have stopped it. Apathy was not the way to go. So instead I helped him. Sort of 😉.

I told him to bathe in apple juice. And pray to the Goddess Nemesis.

Goddess of Divine Justice, Right hand of Lord Zeus, Bringer of pain to Assholes

My wonderful Goddess, Nemesis. Ah what can I say about her? I love this Goddess so much. I have called upon her to exorcise demons. To break curses. And to go after enemies.

She is my sweet Goddess. I love her very much. Most people are scared shitless of her. But I pray to her all of the time. My Sweet Goddess and Queen.

Now “technically” I did help him out. The acidity in foods like apples have in them the power to burn away curses. Apples just also happen to be the sacred food of Nemesis. I also told him to tell Nemesis EVERYTHING he did when he cast the spell. And the reasons for it.

Because he needs to be specific to remove the curse. And to expect a lot of bad karma and bad luck when he does this. This is the curse dying away.

And that he also needs to make amends to his victims. Oh! And that the bad luck will be directly proportional to whatever he has done. So yeah, the curse will be removed. Slowly. And painfully.

What? I did give him a simple curse remover. I just decided that he needed some help to stay on the straight and narrow path Christians are always talking about. And boy is that ever going to be his case. The cleansing bath was a ritual dedication to Nemesis. That from now on, whenever he engages in evil, she will be the one to punish him.

That he must do what is good in her eyes. Jesus loves you. But Nemesis takes no shit.

The original Time’s Up

That was Saturday. Today the girls have said they are both feeling better everyday. But she asked me if I hexed her cousin. I told her no (did I lie? No). But she says that her cousin has had a streak of bad luck getting worse since Saturday night when he did the cleansing with the Apple juice.

And other things. I asked her what the “other things” were. But she wouldn’t tell me. I explained to her the curse on his end was dying. And that it was going to be a long journey for him. But that he needed to do some soul searching.

And understand the full magnitude of what he was doing. That he needs to truly, from the bottom of his soul repent. Haven’t heard back from her. And that’s okay. I did my job well.

And while I am not going to be paid (the family forbade them from paying an Agent of “satan”) I am alright with that. Two lives saved. And one rapist wanna be offered up to my Lady. To ensure he never does something like that again. It was a win, win in the end.

Unfortunately I don’t know if I will be able to make rent this coming month. I’m $200 short. The $50 wouldn’t have made a difference. At most it would have been mere pocket change. But at least it would have been half of $100 and I would have had a $50 head start.

Oh well, the Gods will provide. Now, technically any of them could be reading this blog post right now. I honestly couldn’t give a lesser fuck than I do right now. Helping this dysfunctional fucking family was mentally and spiritually taxing. Writing this was mentally and spiritually taxing. If they want to get angry because I aired dirty laundry, or messed up their asshole nephew/son to heal away his curse, I also don’t care.

What the fuck will they do? Sue me? And if they could sue me, they would have to admit that they were using Pagan magic to undo a curse their own son/nephew cast in order to force a girl to be with him. It’s a lose lose for them. So if you are reading this, Fuck you very much. I have zero tolerance for bastards and stupid people.

– M

St. Jirjis (George) of Palestine, Pray for Us!

On this day, one of many feast days of Saint Jirjis (George) of Palestine, I pray to him. I pray for the people of Palestine. And support them in their intifada (struggle). Against the Nakba (genocide) imposed on them by the false state of “israel”. And I pray for their liberation.

That one day, they will have their country back. That one day, they will have their homes back. That one day, they won’t be arrested for saving rain water to drink (because Israel makes that illegal). I pray for them to be able to plant their trees and agriculture in peace. So they can feed their children and elders.

I pray for justice. As well as peace. And with that so end this post. If you want to read on George’s history. And of him as a mystic.

And also I pray that people do not lose their jobs simply for speaking the truth about the Nakba and being falsely labeled “antisemitic”. That those Rabbis who defend Palestine do not get harassed by their fellow Jews. Simply for defending a people from genocide being done in “their name”.

St. Jirjis (George) of Palestine, Pray for Us!

– M