David Paulides and the Missing 411 Phenomenon

I wanted to talk about something most people haven’t heard of

And that is the Missing 411 Phenomenon. And why it’s important for all of us, no matter what we believe in, to check it out. This story takes place years ago when Mr. Paulides was still a Cop in California. I believe it was back in 2010, he had been successful working everything you can imagine and eventually going into Vice. But one day a group of Forrest officials approached him.

And it changed everything for him. They worked at National Parks and told him that people were vanishing at insane rates. And that worse than that, their superiors were actively hiding it. This had a profound effect on Paulides who began looking into it. He started investigating the Paranormal.

Specifically he started investigating what has come to be known as the Missing 411 Phenomenon. Strange disappearances or deaths that cant be explained through science or other conventional methods. Police investigations have also yielded no results or findings in these deaths. In most cases, when people are found alive, they usually can’t remember anything that happened to them or how they disappeared. He’s written a lot of books with strange cases going back 100’s of years.

And of course he has faced criticism. As well outright slander campaigns even on websites like Wikipedia. Who have tried to paint him as some kind of zany conspiracy theorist. Except there’s a big problem with that. Namely, that he has never created any conspiracy theories.

All of these are also real cases and he only mentions facts. And he has no idea why or how these people are disappearing or dying in strange ways in the first place. He has no clue as to how it’s happening either. His books are all about actual cases, history, as well as facts and statistics. And strange patterns.

Odd things that forensic investigators did find. Like large quantities of a chemical found in some bodies. A chemical that the body naturally produces. And yet there is no puncture mark or anything else indicative as to how such a chemical was introduced into those bodies in the first place.

A hiker finds a strange missing person’s shrine in the middle of the woods in Long Island in 2016. From this article

He also discovered that the places where people were vanishing, and also dying have bizarre histories. Places with strange names like “devils peak” or “death mountain” etc.. to which he believes the older generations must have known something we didn’t about those places. The only thing he is certain about is that he doubts a human presence or animal predation is responsible. He ruled out animal predation or suicide first. And only selected cases in which conventional science and investigation failed to turn up a reason for the deaths or vanishings.

He found patterns which eventually turned up zones or “cloisters” of missing people. People who all had similar things in common. And who vanished in the same way or place. Some of these people even had the same appearance or surnames. And some seemed to belong to a specific nationality or ethnic group.

He ruled out serial killers, because by now some law enforcement agency would have caught wind of it. It would have to be the greatest criminal conspiracy ever to exist. Which would be crazier and more far fetched than what he is suggesting. Not to mention that most serial murders occur in big cities. Not that it’s impossible, but it just isn’t plausible.

And this would have to be a large conspiracy that would go back hundreds of years. Which again is unlikely. He believes an “intelligence” of some sort is at work here. But he doesn’t know what it is. Only that unlike humans, it doesn’t make mistakes.

It doesn’t get caught. And whenever it does leave evidence behind it does so on purpose. His work is impressive. And he has given many good interviews as to what is going on right now. The scary thing is that the vanishings started out happening in the wilderness.

But now he’s been able to identify strange deaths and disappearances in urban settings as well. Things that even have the police unsettled. The strangest thing he has come up with so far are the cloisters. As he explains, as a Police officer he would often put up a board and come up with whatever murder victims had in common. Or he would pin the locations of violent crimes.

Eventually he found patterns and from there motives. He also discovered something peculiar about the locations and that they died in strange ways near bodies of water or granite boulders. He also found that in most cases their bodies were found hundreds of miles away from where they had vanished. And with no explanation as to how they could have traveled that distance. The same applies to ages and health, or intellect.

In some cases, older or disabled people vanished or died strangely. In other cases younger and intellectual people died or vanished in strange ways. And always in places that again bare ominous names, and usually have bodies of water or granite boulders around. As if something was hunting specific people for specific reasons. The most unsettling are the child deaths and vanishings.

It’s because this is something I feel is necessary to talk about that I am writing about this. This is important and a matter of life or death. You never know when this could effect your life. Too many people want to bury this and to discredit Mr. Paulides. Now personally I disagree with Mr. Paulides on politics.

He’s way too conservative for me. And he looks at politics through a police officer’s lens which I guess I should have expected. But in matters of the Paranormal, I can at least put my differences aside to be able to uncover hidden truths. Every time Mr. Paulides has any kind of social media like Twitter, it seems these websites go out of their way to censor him. I have seen that happen with left wing activists on Twitter and social media.

Especially when controversial topics are being discussed. There’s even an odd bot account on YouTube that went out of its way to make a video to try and paint him, again, as a conspiracy theorist. But he’s not a conspiracy theorist. When people ask him what he thinks is going on, he says he doesn’t know. Because he genuinely doesn’t know.

My own personal point of view on the subject is that the M.O. of the murders and disappearances varies, because the predator is different in each case. Some may be spirits. Others spirits with physical bodies (like the Skinwalker). Some may be Cryptids or Hominds. Some of the cases he has mentioned make me think of UFO’s.

That’s why it’s different. Because different creatures or “intelligences” are responsible for the vanishings. Some may even be creatures that have either been lost to time.

And others things we never considered could exist. Either way, something is out there. And we should all be worried. And all invest time into discovering what it could be. Final thoughts, if Paulides is the typical conspiracy nut, then why are so many different people invested in seeing him fail? No one gives a shit about QAnon.

No one is actively trying to discredit them. Sabotage their profiles on social media. Or even create these insane bot accounts to disprove them. We can’t say the same thing about Mr. Paulides.

His radio interview with Art Bell (YouTube)

I consider the above interview to be the primer for anyone who is new to this and knows very little if anything about it.

David Paulides YouTube channel (The Missing Persons’s Canadian-American Channel)

The Canam Website where you can also order his books

Ridiculous number of Missing Kids in Oregon (News clip, YouTube)

His first Documentary Missing 411 (Free with Ads)

I don’t like the first documentary too much. But it’s still good. I don’t know about the boy who went camping with his family in the woods. But Jaryd Atadero the other little boy? That one really messes with my head. It’s clear his death was not natural.

At the very least it was murder of some sort. So why was it ruled “death by animal predation?”. For fucks sake they claimed a Mountain Lion killed this kid. And yet somehow years after he vanished, part of his skull is found in an area they already searched. His jeans were inside out and folded. And his shoes were there in pristine condition.

No animal does that. Plus what animal takes a skull? This is just one of the many strange cases, and bullshit explanations that law enforcement have used to bury odd deaths and vanishings.

Missing Children (Article on Missing 411. Talking about the weirdest cases of Missing Children who did survive in some cases and recalled strange things).

Missing 411 : The Hunted (Free with Ads)

Now this sequel documents is vastly superior to the first one. Directed by his now deceased son Ben Paulides, this documentary uncovers the strangest deaths and vanishings. Not to mention audio of an animalistic yell that a group of survivalists recorded. And a strange picture taken by an old phone camera that is “impossible and can’t exist” according to the phone company and experts. The image is of something that the person who captured it, said was invisible.

It appears as a weird transparent silhouette. It’s not special effects or a hoax image. Also this documentary is specifically about a recent trend in the Missing 411 phenomenon. Mainly that now Hunters are being targeted. Even weapons don’t seem to be a match for whatever is out there anymore.

The Tokoloshe Will Kill You In Your Sleep | South African Lore

At some point in your life, you’ve been envious of someone’s success. You’ve also felt jealousy. These feelings, although uncomfortable to some, can …

The Tokoloshe Will Kill You In Your Sleep | South African Lore

It’s September yay! So I am celebrating Halloween since now. I’m tired of Christmas Commercials happening too early. If that’s how it’s going to be then I am starting Halloween since September. Technically since Hungry Ghost month (which ends next Monday the 6th). So here I bring you this one from Generation Exorcist’s Blog about an African Goblin.

Sweet Dreams! 👹

Moonspell – Full Moon of August 2021: Sturgeon Moon

Moonspell – Full Moon of August 2021: Sturgeon Moon

Ghost Month 2021 : What are Dark Souls?

A Flame Mouth is a Hungry Ghost who cannot eat food because it will turn into fiery coal in their hands. From Best Price Travel’s article

I decided to take advantage of this festival to write about a little talked of subject : Los Muertos Oscuros. The Dark Dead. This is something that is universal amongst all traditions, both old and new. Even Reiki practitioners have talked to me about the use of Reiki to help or aid the dead. Especially those lost in the darkness.

But first, what is this festival about?

Today at Sunset, the Hungry Ghost Festival begins. For those who don’t know, this is when the dark or toxic spirits of the dead are released. Specifically those who died and went to Hell for their sins. Hell isn’t entirely a Christian concept. Many faiths have their own version of Hell under different names.

Or states of hell. Sometimes referred to as “reincarnating into the lower realms.” Although lower realms isn’t always hell. Sometimes it’s limbo or even reincarnation as an animal. Though I personally don’t believe reincarnating as an animal is “lower” at all.

It’s being a part of nature. Humans after all, are animals. Typically, Hungry Ghosts are classified into three groups : Needle Mouths, Flame Mouths, and Corpse Mouths. A Needle Mouth is when a hungry ghost has a throat that is so tiny, it’s like a needle. Which is why they cannot eat food.

Flame Mouths are people that cannot eat food because it will burn up or transform into coal. And Corpse Mouths are the very worst. Those are people who were so evil in life, that they become decomposing corpses. They can’t eat because their mouths rotted away. This is a testament to their very literal rotten character.

For many generations there was very little that could be done for such people. It wasn’t until the Buddha’s two disciples, Maudgalyāyana and Sariputta had to face the fires of hell to save their mothers. Both of them had selfish and greedy mothers, who when they died, went to Hell and became Hungry Ghosts. If you want to read the whole story, go to my 2018 Article on the origins of the Festival. This also covers the rituals needed to appease them and ease their sufferings.

In addition to Buddhism, the same entity exists in Hinduism, known as a Preta. Which becomes a flesh eating undead revenant.

A depiction of a Corpse Mouth

In addition to not being able to eat because of their mouths, Hungry Ghosts have large distended bellies. This is for them to eternally starve to death without starving. Now, most religions also have what I call Dark Ghosts. Toxic spirits of the dead. They aren’t necessarily people who went to Hell.

Not everyone believes in Hell. But various religions have something akin to limbo or purgatory. And in this place a spirit with no light as we Santeros say, or divine energy, just keeps getting darker. And then more violent and nasty. Until they become something far removed from who they once were in life.

A soul that was put into a blender and so messed up that it’s unrecognizable as who it once was. In Santería we call this an Eggun Buruku. Literally the dark dead. In fact I believe the Shadow People mentioned in modern paranormal accounts are these types of spirits. Not demons but really dark souls.

Although at least some of them, do become demons according to certain folkloric beliefs. In Catholicism they are called Anima Solas or “lonely souls” that live in purgatory. In Ancient Roman beliefs they were called Lemures or Larvae. The root word meaning “mask”. Because their visage was so horrible that they were masks of fear to those who beheld them.

And of course we have the Jewish Dybbuk. The soul of a sinner who, unable to become one with God, is hunted and beaten by Angels for sport. So they must come down to our realms in order to escape. They are called Dybbuks because the root word in Hebrew is the word for “attachment”. They attach themselves to the living or outright possess them.

Whether they be animals or humans makes no difference to them. Symptoms of Dybbuk possession include speaking with someone else’s voice (dead person’s voice). Having any ailments or pains they had in life like back pain or anything else they had. Or total personality changes. In certain spiritual circles the belief of a deceased soul doing all of this to a possessed person is identical.

Dark, but not always Evil

Not all of these dark souls are evil or even punished by God through the Angels however. Some Dybbuks are just dark because of how they died. Such as suicides. And they stay in a state of constant purification until they are ready to become one with God, like the Anima Solas in Purgatory. A Rabbi once told me that such a spirit will be attracted to someone who acts like them.

So if a Dybbuk committed suicide, they will go to someone thinking of it. If a Dybbuk was a murderer, they will go to someone thinking of it. Once there, they possess and oppress the person. The person starts getting visions of this dead soul in life. And they relive all the things the deceased went through.

The person in theory, understands that killing themselves or someone else won’t give them peace. So they change their ways and live out their lives. The Dybbuk departs from the human. And they having fulfilled their duty, are fully purified. Thus allowed to enter Heaven.

This is just one of many ways that the dark dead are able to be purified. It’s not always about sin but more often than not, miasma. Negative energy from some event holding them back. And by being unable to release this bad energy, they stop themselves from going forward. Usually, what happens is that a descendant doesn’t remember their ancestors.

There’s this modern belief that the dead are automatically fine. That when they die, they go to God and that’s it. Some go to Heaven, others go to Hell, done. But it doesn’t work like that. Even in Purgatory, there are many different forms and dimensions.

Same with reincarnation. Not all reincarnation is the same either. But I digress. When people forget their ancestors, that’s a nail in their spiritual coffin. When they don’t give them offerings of food and money or drink or incense and candles etc.. the soul becomes like a homeless person.

Alone. Trapped. Always hungry and thirsting. Always cold or hot because they have no home to protect them. Always alone or in the company of spirits that make you feel alone.

This is why on Hungry Ghost Month Hades Money or Hell Money is burned. It’s a kind of fake currency that is charged with prayers or belief. Once it’s burned in honor of a specific person, that person has the spiritual version of it with them. And to them, it’s a real currency.

Here we back our currencies with gold or natural resources. Their, faith, belief, power, energy is what backs such a currency and makes it real for them. I knew one woman, who would burn the paper using a holy candle. The holiness of the blessed candle would be permanently infused into that money. So that the money would appear to the dead person she offered it to as a talisman.

It wouldn’t run out.


In many traditions we have some kind of altar or idol for the nameless and forgotten dead. In Yoruba practice, we have statues of Babalu Aye and Oro who are Orishas that have power over the nameless and forgotten dead. They are placed outside the house. And offerings are given to them to make sure these spirits are pacified and won’t harm the living. Special idols for Hekate are placed outside of household doors to ensure bad spirits stay away.

Or just plain using sea salt barriers to block anything or anyone from coming in. While everyone is in danger of being effected by them, the sick, the elderly, children, and pregnant women are most at risk. Animals should avoid being outdoors at night as well. If you keep them outdoors, you need to ward your front and backyards. As well as ward their places of sleep.

Bless their food and drink and ask the Gods to fill them with protective grace to ward off enemy spirits. By enemy I mean anything that could harm you, even if unintentionally. Do extra protections. These are some links with information with good advice on what to do during this month.

Staying safe through Hungry Ghost Month

While Vietnam had their own Hungry Ghost Festival on July 15, this is still good advice and applicable to this festival.

Ghosts and other Myths : How Vietnam celebrates the 7th Lunar Month

Hungry Ghost Month & the Star of Yin Gate (More Good Advice for this month)

Finally, if you do decide to give offerings this month you need to be very careful. The Hungry Ghosts congregate all around people giving offerings. You need to charge your food and drink for libations but ask the Gods to put a timer on when the energy can be released. So that once you put it outside, it won’t release the energy until you have left and are safe. And wait until you are outside and far from home.

Pray to the Gods and ask them to charge the food and water. And that even if it is devoured right away in the physical world, it may endlessly replicate into the spiritual world until morning. That way many souls will be free. Or alternatively for the blessings on the food and water to be a gigantic bomb that will liberate an entire night’s worth of spirits when eaten. Cleanse the whole home.

Hungry Ghosts, like most spirits will possess an animal to eat on their behalf. The Hungry Ghost eats the energy inside the food, and the animal eats the physical food. Give your home an extra strength blessing. Do it for your Cars in case you need to be out late. Wear a protective charm with you.

And anoint yourself with oil. Or holy water. Bless any food or drink you have before you eat it and pray for protection. That way you will be given divine grace to protect yourself. Don’t offer the food to them when inside your home.

Because that will be an open invitation to them. And next thing you know, you will have legions over running your house. So when you do this outside, first have protection. Cast a circle, or wear a protection around your neck, have a charm bag etc.. even a salt circle around your car will do. Make it large enough to walk inside of.

Choose a place far from your home. Then what you need to do is pray to the Gods to charge the offerings. Either to ascend or elevate whoever will eat them. And that in exchange for them being crossed, for more good spirits to enter our home instead. That’s my advice.

Also, for this month it is very good to offer incense to your Gods and spirits for good Karma. Have a good Ghost Month everybody.

– M

A play based on Hungry Ghosts I found this very interesting

Strange Synchronicities : The Case of Wanda and James Wold, the couple who died the same day, hours apart

The Ox is a faithful and determined animal

I wanted to write about something strange. Something that caught my attention the other day. The same day as my last post actually. But I waited to post it because I find it annoying when bloggers post so much almost every day. I can’t catch up.

I waited till today to post this. For me, Friday’s symbolize the marriage of Haphaestus the Black Smith of the Greek Gods, and his wife the Goddess Aphrodite. A day for love. I thought this post was perfect for today.

Eros and Psyche

I think it goes without saying that I believe in the paranormal. But I’m often skeptical of people who let it take over their lives. People who won’t date you based on the astrological date of your birth. I see this a lot with Americans who check star charts. On tv, I remember watching a movie called “Holiday in Goa”.

And in this movie, one character is having a breakdown. His future wife won’t marry him unless it’s on a specific day. A day her astrologer says is auspicious for her and her groom to be based on their charts. I don’t know if that’s true. I’ve never stopped a practitioner of the Hindu faith and asked “hey is that true?” Because I find it to be rude.

I don’t want to be that stereotypical asshole who asks a specific ethnic group if a stereotype is true. Instead I like to observe and have conservations with people. And from there I learn. But I do know that for many people of varying cultures it is true. The stars, certain dates, and even the atmosphere and season determines things.

I must admit even I have fallen into that sometime. When my cousin got married on Mercury Retrograde I flat out refused to go. Everyone I knew said that he was doomed. Well his marriage turned out pretty well so far. So even if one day it didn’t work out, I doubt Mercury Retrograde would have played any part in it.

I try not to fall into religious fanaticism. I admit the supernatural is real. But not everything that goes wrong in your life is due to a curse. Or a demon. Or whatever the fuck.

Though I do believe karma can be a cause and effect kind of mechanism. And that someone else’s actions far, far away can effect someone else unknowingly. But I have never entirely believed in fate. Even though, I have seen strange things that I know only predestination can account for.

And this is one of them. I saw this story and it captured my attention. About a couple who died just hours apart. The headline had my attention because the son said, “God was up to something,”. I noticed they posted the birthdates of the couple in the article.

And I figured, “Let me look up their guardian spirits and astrology,” so I did. One born on March 24th, 1925 (Wanda Wold, age 96). The other on June 1, 1927 (James Wold) 94. I looked at both of their birthdays. This is Wanda’s small bit of information, her sign was in Aries.

And she was born on a Tuesday. Now James, was born years later the day after the week Wanda was born. On a Wednesday. So far nothing out of the ordinary. But I get the sense that she was the one who was in charge of the relationship.

At least based on the information. She was the leader per say. He was born in the sign of Gemini and in the year of the Rabbit. I looked up their comparability and they had as many pros as well as cons. Basically, as long as they worked hard at their relationship it would be well.

If not their differences would drive them apart. That sounds like every relationship. But let me tell you that’s not true at all. Some relationships are easier or harder than others. To have a relationship that works as long as you work at it is actually very rare.

And for there’s to have lasted as long as it did is also rare. Of both their charts, she was the one that fascinated me the most. She was born and also died in the year of the Ox. And she was born and died on a Tuesday. The husband departing just hours later.

Year of the Metal Ox

He followed her to the other side soon after. Maybe there is such a thing as a soul mate. They were born right next to each other in the week. Which also makes me think he was born to follow her to this world as well. So what do I think? In Yoruba religion, we’re taught that the Orishas (Gods) pact with us before incarnation.

That we come down to Earth with our destiny already mapped out. But it’s not like the predestination of the West. Olofi (GOD) doesn’t control our lives like in predestination. There are many Gods. And each of them have special missions for us before we come down to Earth.

But those missions are specially attuned to who we are as people. If you are a fighter, they might ask you to come down and become a military leader for something. If you are a healer, you might become a modern doctor or a folk healer. No one reincarnates without a mission. Even if you think you are useless and don’t have a special reason for being, that’s not true.

Often times, people are like that if they have been ignoring the pact they made in Orun (spirit world, heaven). But for those who go to their charges head on with a smile, life can be good. And eventful. Clearly it was for these two.

Random Links of the Day : Atlas Obscura Edition

One of my favorite podcasts

So here we are! A new Random Links of the Day. I figured you would all find these new links of interest. Plus I have been so busy doing other things including readings. I just did a big one this Monday for St. Mark’s Eve as well as Whit Monday. I figure we could use a new Random Links.

Now most of this is taken from one of their e letters than they send out when you subscribe to their website here :

Atlas Obscura

If I could just share an online HTML version of the site I would. What I did is I took a few of their choice articles and shared it here. Also I added a few articles not in Atlas Obscura which I thought you would all like. Including one of my favorite podcasts. Let’s hope you like these as much as I do.

The Saloon is in White Oaks, New Mexico. In a largely deserted ghost town, a little brick building recalls its history as a gold rush hub and haven for outlaws.


The Beast of Bray Road, A Strange Hellhound that has Haunted a road in Elkhorn, Wisconsin for years. No one really knows what this being is,


For anyone who is interested in a little old fashioned Americana, Folklore and Legends of the US


Podcast: Mafra Palace Library Bats (Not just bookworms but actual bats)


26 of the most beautiful Abandoned Resorts in the world


The War Time Spies who used Knitting as an Espionage Tool


Frank Lloyd Wright‘s House


Lucy Lo and her Time Capsules in the Sacred Buddhist Caves


Wonders in your own Backyard


Bolton Strid in Yorkshire, England. A beautiful Death Trap


13 Restaurants in Route 66

Idaho is going to Murder more Wolves, Save them!

The Strange Case of Caroline Cutter’s Headstone

Ancient Egyptian Egg Ovens are still used today

Last Sunday on Batwoman, we had an episode about people turning into Zombies after having been exposed to a bad batch of a drug called Snake bite. Now so was getting deja Vu watching this episode because something similar had happened in Miami in 2012. This guy went crazy and tried to tear the face off of a homeless man. The police shot and tasered but it took a while for him to go down. His name was Rudy Eugene, but today he’s better known as the Miami Cannibal.

You can read all about this here :

Miami Cannibal Attack

They all claimed it was a case of him sniffing bath salts. But even the experts called BS on that. Plus we have people sniffing bath salts here for years. Nothing like this had ever happened before or sense. There were a few other people who also became that violent and exhibited the same behavior during this time.

I just thought I would share that with everyone here. And finally, last but not least, the Podcast Two Girls One Ghost . Trust me, you’ll love this Podcast. Some amazing information on here. And that does it for our Atlas Obscura edition of Random Links of the day. I hope you love it.

– M

How Disney’s Frozen Led to a Breakthrough in Russia’s Dyatlov Pass Mystery

The Dyatlov Pass incident has evaded explanation since it occurred more than 60 years ago. But in early 2021, a study suggested the most compelling …

How Disney’s Frozen Led to a Breakthrough in Russia’s Dyatlov Pass Mystery

Unknown Creature Resembling Chupacabra ‘takes A Walk’ In Bolivian City

Residents of Bolivia became witness to what local media termed as an “unusual UFO sighting” recently. The incident happened in the city of Santa Cruz…

Unknown Creature Resembling Chupacabra ‘takes A Walk’ In Bolivian City

Florida Security Cam Captures Weird Dinosaur-Like Creature

A Florida resident (go figure) reported to Fox 35 Orlando that her home security camera picked up a strange nocturnal visitor at 3:40 am – a creature…

Florida Security Cam Captures Weird Dinosaur-Like Creature

A time of violence

Herakles killing the Nimeon Lion

I’m going to start this by saying that I have no idea what’s going on. Not by any measure I know of. In the past week, people I know have had car accidents and nasty arguments. A witch I know received death omens and has since seen that the omens were true. And I lost someone very special to me.

My friend dreamed of the dead. And since then many people at her job died off. I lost my dog Shelby just two days ago. He died the most painful death ever. This is not a normal time.

This is a time of violence.

Something else is at play here. I’ve decided that in addition to my usual mourning rituals, I’m also going to work with Chiron the Wounded Healer. He’s the legendary Centaur healer and scholar. The trainer of heroes. He gave up his immortality to save the Titan Prometheus.

Chiron the Centaur, foster son of Apollon, trainer of heroes. And the best of all Centaurs.

I am also going to work with all Gods of the dead. Specifically I will meditate with Terrestrial Hermès, the aspect of Hermès who rules the dead. Also with Eshu Kaminalowá the camino or avatar of Elegua that works with the dead and with Babalu Aye. And finally I will be working with the dead. My one and only suspicion is that Mercury Retrograde which is coming in May is so strong, that it’s generating an aura that is effecting many people now.

I can’t back this up because I am not an astrologer. This is just a suspicion. Maybe something else is going on. But if you find this post in your email today, do yourself a favor. Treat this like a really nasty retrograde.

Cleanse yourself and your families and homes. And ward yourselves well.